


Get a homeboy mug for your boyfriend Georges.
when you got that sauce that's lookin extra fire.
Ayo my homie scott got real nice drip with his louis vuitton bruh.
Damn homie his fit is fire as fuck.
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A close friend.

Originally used among transplanted African-Americans with Southern roots to refer to and aid in the assimilation of someone who might have directly migrated from a common Southern home town or is otherwise well known to the person using the term.

Used to establish a mutual relationship between the invidividual using the term, the person described by it, and a third person.
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The epitome of a friend. Somebody you kick it with. A person who always has your back. You can't go through life without a homeboy. It's hard to have more than one, because they're one in a million.
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A good freind or a person from ur gang
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A turm that came From American Gi's In world war two To Idenity other soliders for their home towns,cities & states. It is more commonly used now as a turm To mean a friend from the neighborhood or a gang member
- That kid joe is Ok he's a home boy from st louie
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