Homemade Throat

Homemade Throat


Homemade Throat
Home | Bath and Beauty | Home Essentials | Homemade Soothing Throat Drops

Yield: 35 drops
Soothing Throat Drops


1 tbsp loose leaf red raspberry leaf tea

1 tbsp loose leaf peppermint tea

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/4 tsp ginger

3/4 cup water

3/4 cup honey

4-8 drops essential oil, optional

Bring the water to a boil and add teas, cinnamon, and ginger. Remove saucepan from the heat and let it steep for about 10 minutes. Strain off the water, and pour the liquid into a saucepan. Add honey and bring to a boil. Boil until liquid reaches 300º; use a candy/meat thermometer to check the temperature. Let mixture cool slightly to allow it to thicken. If using essential oils, add them into the mixture now. (See my favorite blends below.) Roll out a piece of parchment paper and drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto the paper. Allow the soothing throat drops to cool and harden Sprinkle with vitamin C powder to prevent them from sticking together and to add extra immune support. Store in an airtight container.
Essential Oil Education, DIY recipes, natural remedies, natural home, roller bottle blends, diffuser blends
These homemade soothing throat drops are made with all-natural ingredients that work extremely well. They soothe scratchy throats and boost the immune system.
Typically, one of the first signs of an environmental threat is throat discomfort. That is because your tonsils are the first line of defense when you catch something, and when they are doing their job, you get discomfort in the throat.
It is a good idea to start boosting your immune system at the first sign of any environmental threat. That extra boost will help your body to get better faster! 
While your tonsils are doing their job, you can take these throat drops to ease the discomfort and boost your immune system.
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Adding essential oils is optional, but they can add a lot of benefits for you! Several essential oils are great for boosting the immune system and soothing a scratchy throat.
Peppermint essential oil has a nice cooling effect that can feel good on the throat. The chemical make-up of peppermint essential oil makes it very effective for: relieving respiratory issues and promoting clear open airways.
Peppermint is commonly used for digestive discomfort because it can be very soothing to the stomach and help with nausea.
Citrus essential oils have purifying and cleansing properties, making them powerful immune-boosting essential oils. Adding a few drops of wild orange or lemon essential oil to your drop will add a delicious flavor and benefit your body.
Citrus oils allow the body to detox gently and help with respiratory issues. Lemon and wild orange can help break up and clear sinuses.
On guard is DoTERRA’s protective blend; it is a blend of essential oils that work together to boost the immune system. It is comprised of cinnamon, clove, rosemary, wild orange, and eucalyptus.
This essential oil blend is one of the first ones I run to when someone in my family isn’t feeling their best. Adding this to your soothing throat drop will add powerful immune-boosting properties and can support your body naturally.
Similar to the peppermint essential oil, peppermint tea will add soothing benefits to the throat, flavor to the drop, and digestive/respiratory support.
Red raspberry leaf team is amazing for the immune system and can help with cold and flu symptoms. It has been used for medicinal purposes for a long time, mainly for soothing the throat and easing the digestive system. Red raspberry leaf has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties. It has been said that just inhaling the steam of the tea can relieve symptoms of a cold.
Cinnamon is a common kitchen spice that could possibly be the healthiest thing in your pantry. This delicious spice has immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory properties.
Similar to cinnamon, ginger also adds an immune-boosting component to this recipe. Ginger is great for soothing the stomach and protecting you against environmental threats.
NOTE: You can substitute the spices for cinnamon and ginger essential oil. Use one drop of each in replace of the spice. If using, add the essential oils after removing the liquid from the heat.
If you have watched any of my cooking videos on youtube, you know that we buy honey by the gallon. We live close to an Amish community, and they sell raw honey. Honey is very soothing for the throat and can give relief from coughing as it coats the throat.
High-quality honey is a good source of Antioxidants. It is loaded with minerals, such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.
Have you ever heard of eating an orange when you have a cold? That is because citrus fruits are high in vitamin C and support a healthy immune system.
The vitamin C powder is needed, so the drops don’t stick together while they are being stored, but it also has adds benefits as well.
As mentioned above, essential oils can be used in this recipe to add immune-boosting properties, antioxidants, soothe the throat, ease nausea, and promote healthy breathing.
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Thank you for sharing this recipe.
I’m going to give it a try as it seems very simple to make and you have several great suggestions for the essential oils to add to the cough drops
You’re welcome! Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
This is a very good tips especially to those new to blogosphere, brief and accurate information… Thanks for sharing this one. A must read article.
I think I need these right now! Do you know if they’re okay during pregnancy?
I am cautions with taking essential oils during my first trimester but I would personally feel safe taking these during my 2nd and 3rd.
This is another great home remedy to keep on hand. It’s nice to know exactly what is in what you put in your body.
They really come in handy this time of year!
These are so soothing to my throat! Thank you!!!
Hi, thanks for the recipe. What else could I use instead of vitamin c powder to sprinkle over the drops?
A little arrowroot powder will coat it so they don’t stick.
How long does it take for the drops to harden?
May I ask why we are boiling honey to 300°? I usually never get honey up over boiling so that it maintains its healing qualities. Is there a significant reason that requires the high temperature?
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Home » Wellness » 12 Natural Sore Throat Remedies You Can Make At Home
De-Stress With This Relaxing Herbal CBD Tincture
Kick sore throats in the bud with these 3 natural sore throat remedies that will have you feeling better in no time.
Echinacea Throat Spray 1 tablespoon each dried echinacea , ginger, thyme, and mint 1/4 cup boiling water Food-grade alcohol like vodka or rum Pint-size mason jar with lid Glass spray bottle
Lemon Baking Soda Tea 1 cup hot water 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 lemon juiced
Hot Toddy 1 tablespoon honey 1 herbal tea bag 8 ounces hot water 1/4 lemon juiced 1 tablespoon bourbon or whiskey
Combine the echinacea, ginger, thyme, and mint in a mason jar.
Add ¼ cup boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes.
Fill the rest of the jar with a food grade alcohol and let sit for at least two weeks to achieve maximum potency.
Transfer the mixture to a glass spray bottle and spray the tincture directly on the back of your throat regularly for as long as you have a sore throat.
For a speedier option: combine the herbs in a mason jar and add enough boiling water to cover the herbs. Let steep for 20 minutes, then strain out the herbs and mix the tea with an equal amount of food-grade alcohol. Transfer to a glass spray bottle and spray as needed.
Combine all the ingredients in a mug and stir until baking soda is dissolved.
Pour hot water into a mug and steep tea for 2 minutes.
Add honey, lemon juice, and bourbon.
Stir until honey is completely dissolved.
Immune-boosting sore throat remedies help soothe inflamed mucous membranes and stop coughing ( source ) and its potency for killing bacteria is increased when it is combined with honey ( source ). But as always, if your sore throat persists, it's best to consult your doctor.

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by Stephanie Pollard · Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Gina Maria Jansheski, M.D., FAAP , 106 · January 12, 2020 · Updated July 15, 2021 · Post may contain affiliate links.
I don’t know about you, but to me, sore throats and coughs are probably the worst cold symptoms—worse than all the others combined! When I get a sore throat in the winter months, it’s a surefire sign I’m about to be feeling like crap for a few days, and the pain can be unbearable. (When you can’t even swallow because it hurts—ugh.)
Of course, the first line of defense against sore throats is to keep your immune system working properly by eating the right foods , getting plenty of rest, and managing your stress level.
But, at some point or another this fall or winter, you’re bound to feel it coming on—a dry, scratchy feeling in the throat that signifies the onset of a cold. When the inevitable sore throat or cough strikes, here are 12 inexpensive and effective ways to kick it to the curb:
Instead of buying an over-the-counter throat spray that’s loaded with chemicals, try making an herbal spray to soothe your sore throat instantly and decrease inflammation. 
Echinacea has been shown to reduce symptoms and shorten the duration of the common cold , thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties . It’s also helpful in healing wounds and soothing raw skin when applied topically. When combined with ginger, thyme, and mint, all powerful anti-inflammatory herbs, it makes for an effective throat-soothing spray.
Note: this is a good recipe to start a couple of weeks before the onset of the cold and flu season since it takes two weeks for the long version to steep. There is also a 20-minute version, however, in case you need it now!
A sore throat, whether caused by dry air or illness, is a result of the mucous membranes lining the throat becoming swollen and inflamed. Because salt naturally draws water out of cells, it can help to decrease the swelling and ease the pain when used as a gargle. Salt water also helps to loosen mucus and flush out bad bacteria, further helping to clear the illness from the body.
I always opt for this easy saltwater gargle as soon as I feel the first tickle in my throat. Combine 1 cup warm water with ½ – 1 teaspoon table salt and stir until the salt is dissolved.
Gargle as long as you can possibly stand. (Don’t eat or drink anything for a few minutes afterward.) Repeat every three hours if your symptoms return.
Baking soda is great for sore throats because it has a slightly alkaline pH that soothes irritated skin and calms inflammation. When combined with lemon, which is chock full of vitamin C and anti-bacterial properties, it’s a bug-killing elixir that will reduce throat pain and shorten the duration of the illness . Scroll down for the recipe.
Because apple cider vinegar is a potent antibacterial and antiviral, it helps to contain the infection-causing bacteria taking up residence in your throat. When combined with raw honey, another natural antibacterial agent , it further helps to bring the infection under control and decreases the associated pain and swelling.
Honey has even been shown in studies to improve throat pain in children after tonsillectomy , so imagine what it can do for your sore throat. Your body will take care of the rest.
Mix 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar with 2 teaspoons raw honey in 8 ounces of water. Drink every two hours throughout the day until symptoms disappear.
Steam is especially helpful for sore throats caused by cold, dry weather. It works by warming the respiratory tract, relaxing throat muscles, and clearing away excess mucus in the lungs and throat.
Add a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus essential oils to further kill bacteria and soothe inflamed throat tissue. And as an added bonus, it doubles as a skin-clearing facial, so you can look radiant, even if you don’t exactly feel radiant.
Pour 6 cups boiling water in a large bowl and add 2 drops eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil . Lean over the bowl with your face several inches from the top.
Place a large bath towel over your head and shoulders to help trap in the steam. Breathe through your nose and mouth for 10 minutes. Repeat as necessary to ease the discomfort and reduce swelling.
Lucky for you, your grandma may have been right about this one! Studies show that a hot toddy (adults only, and sipped in moderation, of course) can help shorten the duration of a cold and ease sore throat pain.
Raw, organic honey is a cough suppressant (although you shouldn’t give raw honey to kids under 1 year of age) that will soothe your throat and help you stop coughing. Just like over-the-counter cold medicine, the alcohol in a hot toddy eases congestion and helps us fall asleep so we can heal a little more quickly. Scroll down for the recipe.
Among herb enthusiasts, licorice root is known most commonly as a demulcent—a soothing herb used mainly to protect and heal damaged and inflamed tissue . Not only is it effective in healing a sore throat, but it can also help prevent a sore throat from occurring in the first place if sipped at the first sign of dryness, coughing, or irritation.
You can either buy pre-made licorice root tea bags or make your own tea by boiling ¼ cup dry, chopped licorice root in 1 quart water for 10 minutes. Pour the tea through a mesh strainer before serving and sip throughout the day.
A friend introduced me to this trick years ago, and it works! When you first feel a tickle in the back of your throat, eat a raw garlic clove and make sure to chew it thoroughly, so all the allicin (a powerful antibacterial compound that is released for a short time when raw garlic is crushed) flows right into your system.
The allicin helps kill the bacteria that causes a sore throat. Know that this method is not for the faint of heart. The garlic is hot, and if I do it on an empty stomach, I usually end up nauseous. Mix it into some honey if you need to, and repeat every 4 hours or so if needed.
If you can’t handle garlic straight up, there are many different ways to benefit from garlic, whether in the form of a tea, tincture, or by simply adding a few extra cloves to your dinner.
It never fails. The day after Halloween, the day after Thanksgiving, the day after my mom’s annual holiday cookie-baking day and the day after Christmas, I wake up exhausted with an awful sore throat and the sniffles.
You might not have the same reaction, but for me, sugar is often the culprit when I get a cold—probably because taking in too much simple sugar in the form of alcohol and sweets (especially if you’re not consuming it a lot normally) depresses the immune system.
If I avoid sugar— sticking to veggies and soup for a day or so—without fail, it goes away much more quickly than if I kept gorging on Mom’s sugar cookies. It disappears even faster if I stay off dairy and alcohol, too.
You can also make homemade honey-thyme cough syrup if you’re not a fan of choking down (and being knocked out cold by) over-the-counter cough suppressants. Boil 2 cups of water in a pan. Remove from heat and add 3 tablespoons of fresh thyme.
Let steep for at least 10 minutes, or until cool. Stir in the honey. Continue stirring until dissolved. Strain out the thyme, if desired, and transfer to a glass jar.
Immune-boosting DIY elderberry syrup also helps soothe inflamed mucous membranes and stop coughing ( source ) and its potency for killing bacteria is increased when it is combined with honey ( source ). It can be made for a fraction of the cost of store-bought.
It’s easy to feel like you’re living on cough drops when you have a cough or tickly throat, and the sugar hangover from the store-bought kind is not very pleasant. Good news, though: With a few pantry ingredients you probably already have on hand, you can make soothing lemon-ginger homemade cough drops that won’t put you in a cherry lozenge sugar coma.
Mom might have given you OJ when you felt a little under the weather, but the sugar in OJ may offset any vitamin C benefits. Instead, make a fresh juice with immune-boosting and cold-fighting ingredients like lemon, turmeric, ginger, beets, and greens. Here are 3 cold-busting recipes to get you started.
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Gina Jansheski, a licensed, board-certified physician who has been practicing for more than 20 years. Learn more about Hello Glow’s medical review board here . As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.
Also helpful…a ‘tea’ made of hot water, smashed garlic cloves lemon, grated ginger, powdered tumeric and honey.
The best home remedy I have found is to gargle with a small amount of Apple Cider Vinegar in half a cup of water a few times a day. I know it sounds awful but it really helps if you can get through it.
A wonderful (though gross sounding) cure is a “tea” made with lemon juice, minced fresh garlic, and plenty of honey! It seems like the garlic would be disgusting, but if you use enough honey, it’s perfectly masked. Plus, it sure gets the job done! You shouldn’t be bothered by your soar throat for several hours!
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20 At-Home Remedies for a Sore Throat
Copyright © 2021 GoHealth Urgent Care. All Rights Reserved. Not affiliated with Norvax, LLC, GoHealth, LLC or GoHealth Insurance.
Sore throats are a pain. No one wants to cringe every time they swallow.
A common sore throat is caused by a viral infection and goes away eventually – but while you’re waiting, there are things you can do to relieve the pain.
The remedy is more than stocking your medicine cabinet with over-the-counter remedies that temporarily soothe the pain. There are other easy, affordable at-home remedies that people of all ages can use to relieve a sore throat using ingredients you likely already have in your pantry.
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