Homemade Spanked

Homemade Spanked


Homemade Spanked

©2022 A Spanked Husband

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Last night, as my wife and I sat on the couch watching tv, she turned to me and out of the blue told me my spankings would be getting more severe. She then reminded me that my goal date was coming up to have lost 50 lbs. The unfortunate thing is that I have only…
I have noticed an interesting dichotomy of feelings regarding this Female Led Domestic Discipline relationship my wife and I have adopted in our marriage. At the moment I am being led to the bedroom to be spanked or paddled by my wife, I am dreading it but now that it has been quite a few…
Now that my wife has spanked and/or paddled me a few times in our Female Led Domestic Discipline lifestyle, I have begun to think about other forms of discipline that I have read about. I have read a lot of blogs and stories written by others who engage in Domestic Discipline and have noticed a…
I have been thinking a lot about my relationship with my wife for the last few weeks since she has agreed to spank and paddle me. We set a few rules and goals for which she would hold me accountable for be discipline, spanking and paddling. We each wrote down our ideas for rules and…
I have been away from my wife on a trip with some friends, and for some reason, I have been craving a spanking for the last couple of days. I wish I understood what it is about me that dreads being spanked and paddled when I get in trouble with my wife but then when…

Well, I must admit I am pleased that it’s almost been two weeks and until today, I haven’t witnessed my wife break a rule. She has been on her best behaviour.
Tonight, there was a mishap that I still felt had to be addressed if my word is to mean anything. While I was watching the inauguration, my wife was preparing dinner, and I heard a loud bang followed a very loud, FUCK! Not once, not twice but I think five times.
I went into the kitchen to see a huge salad spilt all over the floor.
Not to toot my own horn, but I was very calm and asked her if she said what I thought she said, and she looked like she saw a ghost. I calmly told her to stand in the corner, the corner I showed which is the designated punishment corner.
She apologized and said she should never speak that way. I told her I appreciated her apology, but she needed to stand in the corner immediately. I lightly took her by the arm, and brought her to the corner, positioned her and told her to think about the language she used and not to turn around.
 Whew! The first step accomplished, and I had some time to prepare for the spanking. I decided to have her spend 20 minutes in the corner. I decided since it was her first spanking that I would use mostly my hand and then maybe 10 with the paddle.
After 20 minutes, I insisted she strip and stand in front of me.
I told her I was going to give her a spanking and I asked her why. She answered because I swore.
I put her over my knee and spanked her for about five minutes with my hand. She was quiet, but her behind turned pink.
I then grabbed my paddle, which I had next to the chair and gave her 10 fairly hard spanks. She was no longer quiet and begged me to stop. It was very hard for me, but I carried on and told her this would happen every time she swears. She started crying, and finally, I could tell by her sobbing, and the very red colour of her behind I had spanked her sufficiently. I sent her back to the corner and told her to think about her behaviour. She was crying still.
I made her stand in the corner for another 20 minutes. At the 15 minute mark, I made her turn to me, and I put a bar of soap in her mouth and told her to spend 5 minutes with it in her mouth.
She gagged a little and then I turned her back to face the corner.
I spent these five minutes lecturing her on how inappropriate it is for a lady of her beauty and intelligence to use such words. It will not be tolerated, and I hope that your behind will remind you not to. I could tell she wanted to speak but couldn’t because of the soap. When her corner time was finished, I let her spit out the soap and had her watch me put in a sealable bag reminding her that it’s her for future use.
I had her hang my paddle back up and put the soap in the medicine cabinet.
I then hugged her and told her she handled her punishment well. I told her to continue cleaning up and make dinner but to remain nude. And that is what she is doing now. I think I will let her put her clothes on after dinner and cleanup.
Well, for the first spanking, I think it went well. I remained calm, was very firm and gave her a good spanking. She was pretty submissive and very embarrassed. I think nude corner time with soap made her feel humiliated, which I feel was deserved.
I can’t deny that it was challenging to really spank her, but I am determined to steer her right and improve my marriage.
Domestic Discipline Lifestyle For Consenting Adults


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Having just joined hipforums and putting my first posts out there,as yet there has not been a reply to them or indeed if not to my posts but any in regards to the subject matter of the forum. Is this usual,does it always take time for people to reply? I am always keen to discuss spanking,all about it really, so if anyone has got any input then it would be great to hear about it. Female to female,male to male(my favourite topic),female to male or male to female. I find them all very erotic so anyone out there got any thoughts,ideas or questions? I have finally gained access to a forum after attempting loads of times before without success and now I have,I cant wait to exchange views etc. SEBOY.


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I have been spanked a good few times by other guys. I am bi but have only ever wanted guys to spank me(preferably older than me,or similar age) and not women.I think that an elderly guy fits the scenario and I am instantly wanting to be spanked and thrashed when I meet them. One is the feeling of doing as I am told(within reason) due to feeling dominated by a man and would not feel the same way if it was a woman. Old school values I reckon! There isn't really an infraction but if I told to confess about how naughty I have been then I always seem to blurt out something or other to give them a reason to spank me! The first time was by a guy who runs a spanking mag for men only. I answered an ad in the mag not knowing that he was the editor of the mag. Anyway,it started with a flat hand spanking over my jeans,then with jeans down and then with pants down. The slipper followed,then a wooden spoon,a belt,a tawse and finally a cane. It did hurt but I loved it. After a few more sessions with him ad a few others my tolerance became better and better and eventually I could and still can take a damn good hard spanking/thrashing. To say it does not hurt is not true,it does but the feeling is absolutely wonderful and the pleasure of a very uncomfortable drive or train ride home sitting down,only adds to the sensation of it all and I fid it very arousig!This usually passes after a couple of days but the mars seem to hang around a day or two longer,which again I find arouses me again. So although I do not court the spanking sessions,I do get the need approx every three months and thats when I start to try and arrange onewith either an existing spanker I have used or start hunting for a new one,which is always more exhilarating because of the new face,new surroundings and the way the spanker differs from the previous ones. I am to see a new guy Thursday afternoon in Wembley and quite frankly,I am just so looking forward to it,I can hardly contain myself!!!!! I hope that answers your questions and apologies for the lengthy input but I just got carried away! Good luck with your quest to get your b/f to spank you harder and believe me......you will love it if he does. Cheers.

Do you like it when he pauses to reach around and stroke your belly before moving down to make a fist round your boner, gradually tightening and starting to pump - perhaps playing with your balls a little - weighing them, bouncing them, jiggling them, squeezing them gently - and then stopping to resume the spanking - then repeating those caresses several times until your spunk spurts all over the place ???


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Have you ever been spanked as an adult (by a non relative)?

What was the infraction?
caught having sex with his best friend

Who spanked you?

What Implement was used?
his hand with me over his knees

Did it hurt/ what was your reaction?
i cried, apologized and promised to be faithful in future


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Have you ever been spanked as an adult (by a non relative)?

What was the infraction?
caught having sex with his best friend

Who spanked you?

What Implement was used?
his hand with me over his knees

Did it hurt/ what was your reaction?
i cried, apologized and promised to be faithful in future


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Sounds Like A Classic Case Of Assault To Me, And As Such

I Would React Accordingly...

Cheers Glen.
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Discussion in ' Spanking ' started by aries44 , Feb 21, 2014 .

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