Homemade Real Incest

Homemade Real Incest


Homemade Real Incest

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A Tennessee mother has been arrested on charges of incest.
Barbara Jo Tipton, 33, and her husband, Bobby Gene Tipton, 44, were arrested at their home on June 7 by local sheriffs who were executing a search warrant on the house, the Daily Mail reported.
Barbara, who is a mother-of-two according to her Facebook account, was arrested on charges of incest, statutory rape and soliciting sex from a minor. She has been booked into county jail on a $150,000 bond.
Her husband, Bobby, was also arrested and charged with criminal responsibility for an act of incest. This means he either assisted in the crime or didn't do enough to prevent it from happening. Bobby, who is being held on a $100,000 bond, is also facing charges of facilitating statutory rape and domestic violence.
Both suspects will appear in court again in mid-June. Details on what led to the arrest of the couple have not been revealed at this time.
Barbara posted on Facebook that she "met someone" in March 2006, and listed that she had moved to Tennessee five months later.
"He just couldn't get that girl with the hat on, out of his mind...lol!" Barbara wrote in the post.
It is not clear how the couple met, although public records show that she has been living at the home where she was arrested since she moved to Tennessee. She reportedly got married to Bobby three months after moving.
Barbara also listed the birth of her two sons on Facebook. Her first son was born in April 2000, two years after she started high school. That child reportedly has a different last name than her and is now 17 years old.
She listed the birth of another son four years after moving to Tennessee. That child has the Tipton last name and is reportedly 6 years old.
The social media posts indicate that Bobby has children from a previous relationship -- however, it is unclear how many.
Barbara graduated from high school in August 2002, five years after she started. She posted about starting accounting courses at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College in the same months she graduated.
When she moved to Tennessee, Barbara began studying to become a licensed practical nurse at a Tennessee college. She reportedly graduated in August 2015.
The punishment for incest varies from state to state. Penalties include separation of family members, the child being placed into foster care or other care, and prison time ranging from several months to several years, according to Nolo.

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