Homemade Masterbating Toys

Homemade Masterbating Toys


Homemade Masterbating Toys

Home Made Sex Toys for Men to Enjoy

MLA Style Citation:

Dugan, John "Home Made Sex Toys for Men to Enjoy."
Home Made Sex Toys for Men to Enjoy .
18 Mar. 2015 EzineArticles.com.
24 Jul. 2022 < http://ezinearticles.com/?Home-­Made-­Sex-­Toys-­for-­Men-­to-­Enjoy&id=8964188 >.

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Dugan, J. (2015, March 18). Home Made Sex Toys for Men to Enjoy .
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Chicago Style Citation:

Dugan, John "Home Made Sex Toys for Men to Enjoy." Home Made Sex Toys for Men to Enjoy
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John Dugan  |  

Submitted On March 18, 2015

When it comes to masturbation, some guys never get bored. Whether it's because they just love how their hand feels or because they practice different grip and rhythm techniques, more power to them. But, for some men, the same old hand can be a bit lackluster after a while. Since regular use and frequent ejaculations are beneficial to penile health, it's important for men to find ways to revel in self-gratification. The following fun DIY tips will teach men how to give the hand a rest by creating their own sex toys with items found around the house.
1) Toilet paper/Paper towel tube: For many men, the cardboard tubes that provide structural integrity to toilet paper and paper towel rolls can also provide a tight but accommodating fit for an eager penis. The cardboard itself is too rough for the penis, so men should use their favorite condoms with this method. Simply insert the condom into the tube, fold the open end over the edge of the tube and tape it in place on the tube's exterior. Put some lube in the condom and go to town. Men can derive extra enjoyment by pulling on the condom's tip while masturbating; this creates a suction feel, replicating oral play.
2) Cup and sponge: A guy can also look for a cup in his kitchen that is long enough to house his member. He can then take two sponges, large enough to each fill half the cup's inner wall, wet them in warm water and then fit them snuggly within the cup. Guys should be sure to use the softest of sponges for this one. Place lube in the crevices between the sponges and have at it.
3) Bubble wrap bottle: This one is similar to, but more complex and plush than, the cup and sponge method above. Guys can evenly cut off the top of a plastic soda bottle; then, they can take two large sponges, place them next to one another on a large sheet of bubble wrap and wrap them up. There should be extra bubble wrap that can be used to stretch over the edge of the bottle. Place the wrapped sponges inside the bottle; they should cover most of the bottle's interior walls and leave a hole in the middle of the bottle just big enough to thrust the penis into. Fold the extra bubble wrap over the top edge of the bottle and tape it to the outside. Lube up the inside and enjoy the sensation of the bubbles on the penis.
4) Old-fashioned sock: Most guys have seen the American Pie film and at least considered emptying into a sock. The trick here is to place a surgical glove inside the sock with some lube, as the material of the sock may chafe the penis. Roll the top of the sock to create a tight doughnut, place the glove inside and fold the opening over the sock top. Then it's ready to go.
5) Couch cushion baggie: Guys should take caution with this one, since a heavy couch cushion could place too much pressure on the member. If one's furniture is deemed suitable, a man can simply fill a plastic baggie with lube (taking time to cut off the zip strip should the baggie have one), place it between couch cushions and enjoy the replicated vagina.
Even when a man takes precautions to ensure he's playing with his new toys safely - using plenty of lube and condoms or glove liners, for example - frequent masturbation and the friction it brings can leave the member feeling chafed and dry. To help the skin heal and remain resilient, men can use a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with Shea butter and vitamin E after their shower; these natural moisturizers will keep skin smooth, supple and ready for the next session.
Visit www.menshealthfirst.com for more information about treating common penis health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of penis sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.
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DIY Fleshlight - How to Make a Homemade Pocket Pussy

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How to Create a Homemade Fleshlight on Your Own at Home


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The sensation of penetrative sex — sliding your erection in and out of a warm, lubricated opening — is hard to beat.
That’s the principle behind the popularity of Fleshlights, at least. Sure, a portable, customizable, reusable hole for guys to penetrate to their hearts’ content was a stroke of genius, but a brand-name Fleshlight isn’t the only way to achieve a similar sensation (and you don’t even need to buy one from a competitor).
As guys have been discovering for a long time, you can approximate the feeling of wet and warm penetrative pleasure on your own with some handy products you probably have at home already.
Sound shady? Well, making a DIY male sex toy in the form of a fake vagina (or anus) from household items isn’t the most braggable exploit, but if you’re dead-set on solo pleasure without breaking the bank, these options are guaranteed to make the tried-and-true hand-and-lotion method seem positively pedestrian by comparison.
If your curiosity is piqued and you want to know more about the domains of pleasure to be discovered with homemade Fleshlight alternatives, keep on reading.
A pocket pussy — also known as a Fleshlight or a DIY (do-it-yourself) Fleshlight, an artificial vagina, a fifi (a term used in prison), a stroker and a male masturbator, among others — is the rather unfortunate name given to any sex toy meant to be penetrated by a penis.
Whether it’s made by Fleshlight, another company or by you at home, it’s always an object that is made specifically for sexual purposes. It’s generally not much bigger than the penis that’ll be going into it (hence the word “pocket” in the phrase “pocket pussy” — it could literally fit in your pocket).
Now, there are all kinds of models designed to appeal to all kinds of people, and if you have the budget for it and are curious, you’re sure to find something you wouldn’t mind ejaculating into.
But if you don’t have the budget for it — most Fleshlights range from $60 to $100 — or you’re curious about what a homemade pocket pussy feels like, there are options in that department, too. If you’re willing to bring some arts and crafts skills to the table, untold worlds of DIY Fleshlight pleasure await.
How simple or complicated your DIY pocket pussy gets is up to you. The basic principles you need are a container (something that can withstand you thrusting your erection into it repeatedly), a soft material (something that’ll feel good when you put your erection up against it/inside it), and potentially some lubricant, depending on how slippery your soft material is. With that being said, let’s take a look at your of your options.
If you’ve heard of a cornstarch Fleshlight, it’s is a pretty clever idea — unfortunately, it doesn’t actually work. Instructions for making one appeared online at some point in the past few years and encouraged people to pour cornstarch in a glass of water, microwave it, dig out a penis-shaped hole, then microwave it again. However, the final product, while cool in appearance, is neither sturdy nor comfortable.
The sock Fleshlight looks way less cool, but it’s much more likely to be functional. You’ll need three pairs of socks, two rubber bands and a latex glove. Place the glove between two folded-up pairs of socks, then wrap the third around the whole contraption. Next, secure the third pair of socks with a rubber band, and place the second one around the top of the glove. Squirt some lube into the glove and you should be good to go.
Don’t have socks on hand? (Or… on foot?) Surprising as it may sound, the bouncy texture of sponges can go a long way towards mimicking the sensation of penetration. Stuff some sponges into a Pringles can or similar oblong object and wrap a condom or latex glove around the top. After that, fill that with some lube, wrap some rubber bands around the condom or glove to secure it to the can, and go to town. Make sure to buy big, pillowy sponges, though — thin or worn-out ones won’t do the trick.
In a rush and don’t have time for lengthy arts and crafts projects? Throw a towel in the dryer for a few minutes to get it warm, run it under hot water to get it wet after, then put on a condom and wrap the towel around your erection. The condom will give you some lubrication (and a place for your ejaculate to go without making a mess), and the warm and wet towel will simulate the feel of real penetration. You can add some lube inside the condom for a bit more intense of a sensation, too.
Sex is technically a flesh-on-flesh experience, so it makes sense to try to re-create that with, uh, actual flesh. Though this might be too out-there for some people, using room temperature or slightly warmed pieces of meat — such as wrapping liver or chicken skin around your penis, or stuffing something like a Pringles can or empty milk carton with pieces of raw meat — can help deliver a sensation you just won’t get from synthetic materials. Pro tip, though? Thoroughly wash your penis off before doing anything else, as raw meat can carry genuinely nasty bacteria.
In theory, this should be pretty straightforward, but if there’s anything you’re not clear about, here are some pointers.
First, you’ll want to make sure your DIY stroker is ready to go. Ideally, test it out with a finger to see if there are any sharp points (and to see how easy it is to put something in and out of it). If you feel anything painful or uncomfortable with your finger, you should probably not stick your erection in until you’ve sorted that out.
Next, lubricate the hole in your DIY pocket pussy with something safe like a sexual lubricant, which is designed for this very purpose, or a skin lotion. Don’t use soap or shampoo, as these can sometimes be painful on sensitive skin. You can also spread some of your lubricating agent on your penis for good measure as this can be a great way to achieve an erection prior to penetration.
If you haven’t already, get yourself at least somewhat hard before penetrating your homemade stroker. Thrust into it, moving the stroker and your penis back and forth to achieve a pleasurable sensation. If it feels good, keep doing it! Ideally, you’ll be able to bring yourself to climax this way. If you can’t, don’t feel too bad — homemade male masturbators aren’t for everyone.
Finally, if you do ejaculate, pull your erection out, clean it off, and either dispose of your homemade Fleshlight, or clean it out.
Reading all about those home hacks make you hanker for the real thing? Or you’ve just decided you’ll never figure out how to make your own Fleshlight at home? No fear! Real Fleshlights still exist. Check out these picks and see if any of them sounds like your ideal stroker of choice:
Fleshlight picks and descriptions by Lindsay Tigar
For: Decreasing sensitivity
With three different fits for the head, lubricant, a shower mount and a sex toy cleanser, this $105 buy will take your masturbation game from zero to all-star. The nice thing about having variety is that it help guide your next purchase and ultimately, help you discover the right kind of plastic for your bod. $109.95 at AdamEve.com
Best For: A cooling sensation
Like ice cube play in the bedroom? Or enjoy a cold shower after sex? This sex toy might be your best bet then, since it offers a cooling effect when you use it. And hey, maybe it’ll even build up your endurance for the next time you have intercourse, if you can master an erection, even with the lower temperature. $74.99 at Lovehoney.com
Best For: Vibrations
More movement means more intense orgasms, and this Fleshlight offers it all. While you’re jerking off, spines along the sleeve will pulse at your directed speed, giving you a whole other meaning to riding dirty. $119.95 at Fleshlight.com
Best For: Oral sex
For the nights when your girlfriend isn’t in the mood to go to town, or when you’re single and you really miss getting regular BJs, then consider this new buy as a good idea. It’s meant to recreate the feeling of oral sex, complete with suction. Add in some lube to make it extra slippery. $69.95 at Fleshlight.com
Best For: Customization
OK, so maybe this is technically DIY, but a little more advanced. Here, you can choose what matters the most to you, from how big and how fast to the lips and the special effects, and, depending on your budget, you can truly go to town creating an at-home vagina that’s just about as perfect as the real thing. And hey, if she’s into it, maybe your girlfriend will help you recreate her own, making sure that no matter what, she’s always on your mind (and in your pants). Find out more at Fleshlight.com
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Zachary Zane
Zachary Zane is a Brooklyn-based writer, speaker, and activist whose work focuses on lifestyle, sexuality, and culture. He was formerly the digital associate editor at OUT Magazine and currently has a queer cannabis column, Puff Puff YASS, at Civilized.

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We asked experts and users about the must-have male sex toys on the market.
It's a brave new world out there in the male masturbator market.
For years, people with a vulva have had their pick of the latest and greatest sex toys . You can get them bejeweled, bedazzled, with various speeds, settings, and attachments. Penis owners, on the other hand, have been treated as a one-size-fits-all situation. If you have your Lubriderm and box of Kleenex, you’re good to go, right?
Um, hardly. First, not all dicks are created equal, and second, why can’t people with a penis get a little creative, as well?
Unfortunately, society has give male masturbators (and the people who use them) an unfairly bad rap. There's this notion that only sad singletons who live in their mom's basement use sex toys. It's unclear exactly where that connection came from, but we can tell you that it's 100% wrong. Using male masturbators and other sex toys can vastly improve your sex life, both in terms of solo sessions and when you're hooking up with a partner. Why wouldn't you want to have more pleasurable sex?
According to the Tenga 2019 Global Self-Pleasure Report , 91% of men in the United States masturbate. Nowadays, there are hundreds (yes, hundreds) of male masturbator sex toys to choose from, and the options are getting more creative than ever . So which ones are the best? We’ve scoured the shelves to bring you the best sex toys for male masturbation. Here are our favorite 20. Enjoy, my dudes!
Using its patented blow job action, the Turbo has three distinct parts that replicate lips, tongue, and throat. While it doesn't feel as good as a real blowjob, it gets pretty close, and there a few cool things that make it different from other Fleshlights. For one, when you pull out quickly, the “lips” will linger on your shaft before moving. The “throat” is also little narrower than typical Fleshlights, since it’s supposed to replicate a throat and not a vagina.
Similar to the Fleshlight, this stroker is made to look and feel like a vagina. This one in particular is modeled after the vagina of former porn star Sasha Grey. 
“The inside is made of life-like ULTRASKYN and has different textures for tactile sensation,” says sexologist Megan Stubbs. “The sides compress so the user can decide how tight he wants it to be, plus it fully disassembles for easy cleaning.”
Ask anyone about the best male sex toys on the market, and the first thing they'll name will be the Fleshlight . Named for the flesh-like material of its inner sleeve, the Fleshlight is one of the OG male sex toys. The Stamina Training Unit was created to help guys increase sexual endurance by practicing delaying orgasm, helping them develop stronger erections and more orgasm control. Plus, most guys say it feels really good. 
TENGA offers something for everyone, and in an area where one size doesn't fit all, that's saying something. 
"The Tenga toys are some of our best-selling products,” says Jessica Gordon, managing partner of LUVOQA , an online boutique that sells high-end sex toys. “Each masturbation sleeve has a unique interior that offers different sensations of varying intensities."
While TENGA offers a wide range of products, the EGG Series is a collection of egg-shaped disposable sleeves with internal details that provide different patterns and sensations. They're "single-use, disposable items that offer a quick and easy cleanup," says Gordon. 
The Tenga Flip has the most wild insides of any masturbating sleeve out there. The insists consist of what Tenga calls a solid end orb, cross rampart, geared edge, and dynamic flick orb. In layman's terms, we can just say that there are four unique textures, all different shapes, which make for distinct pressures and sensations.  
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