Homemade Dildo

Homemade Dildo


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17 Best Homemade Dildo & Makeshift Dildo Ideas
Dainis Graveris
Updated: March 31, 2021
Good quality dildos can be expensive…and not discreet at all. So, whether because you’re a broke college student or you have a privacy issue, you might be looking for the best homemade dildo option.
It can give you more flexibility with the size and the shape of your dildo, and it will cost you almost nothing. 
You would be surprised how many household items you can use as a homemade dildo, and today you’ll learn all about it. 
Now, before we go any further with this topic, I have to warn you about the safety of homemade dildos. 
While it’s all fun and games, using household items as sex toys, there are a lot of dangers you might not be aware of.
Here are three safety things you should keep in mind: 
#1: Not All Materials Are Safe For Internal Use
If you’re not careful and choose to use an item that was not made for internal use, you can get infections, rashes, and all the other uncomfortable side effects. 
Here is a great article that explains the main things you need to know about safe and unsafe sex toy materials.
You can avoid having issues with the material of your homemade dildo by using a condom every single time you use it. 
Starting from getting an infection because you didn’t sanitize your toy properly and ending with the toy getting stuck inside you or breaking.
There are a lot of dangers that come with using items that were never meant to be inserted inside you, so always make sure you’re choosing the safest option. 
You can read about the safety of homemade dildos more here.
Always choose an item that is not easily breakable and won’t carry infections. And your safest bet is always to use a condom, no matter which household item you choose. 
It’s always best to lube it up generously before using your homemade toy. 
This will ensure that you’re comfortable, and the whole experience is pleasurable for you. 
You always need more lube when playing with a sex toy and not a real penis, so don’t be shy about it!
Sometimes the shape and the size of a homemade dildo can be rough, and you don’t want to have bad memories of using it now, do you? 
Now that we have all the safety precautions out of the way and you know how not to use your homemade dildo let’s dive into five homemade ideas!
The most fun way of making a homemade dildo and the most effective one is by crafting a silicone dildo from scratch. 
Yes, I know that it might sound intimidating, but hear me out:
It’s a very fun process that allows you to create your own very perfect dildo!
Now, if you’re interested to hear how you can DIY a silicone dildo at home, keep reading:
First of all, we need to discuss the shopping list you’ll need for this project. 
Once you have all the tools and materials, it’s time to get crafting:
First of all, you’ll want to take the clay and create a shape of a dildo you’ll want. 
Here you can get as creative as you want, and the sky’s the limit. 
Once you have the shape you like, follow the instructions of the clay and bake it in the oven until it’s done. 
After it’s baked and cooled off, cover it with Mod Podge. 
Step 2: Make Your Perfect Dildo Mold
In this step, you’ll want to work fast, so have your workstation ready. 
First, you’ll need to get your clay dick and grease it up before putting it inside the mold. 
Then, get your container and place your clay dick inside it. Try to keep it in the center and standing. 
Also, make sure that your container is large enough and that it’s leakproof as you don’t want your mold getting everywhere. 
Take your molding medium and mix it according to the instructions on the packet. Once it’s ready, pour it over your clay dick inside the container. 
Make sure that everything is covered!
Leave it until it’s hard and then cut it in half once it’s hard. 
Now that you have the mold ready, it’s time to actually make the silicone dildo. 
First, take your mold and spray it with Mann Ease Release. 
Then, mix your silicone according to instructions and pour it inside the mold. 
Leave it to sit for however long it tells you inside the instructions. Then, take it out once it’s done. 
And here you have it, your very own perfect silicone dildo!
But wait, there is one more option!
If you’re not interested in getting your hands dirty, I have an alternative for you:
This kit is very popular and a great way to create your own dildo. And it’s very cheap as well!
Now, inside the kit, you get everything you need to create a silicone dildo:
So, you can use this kit and shape your dildo according to your partner’s dick, and you even have an option to add vibrations and make it into an even better dildo!
What’s also amazing is that you can choose from different materials. You can have any color you want and even a dildo that glows in the dark!
The process of making this homemade dildo is pretty easy:
Step 1: Get Your Partner Hard And Prepare The Mold Container
So, take the mold container and measure it for your partner’s dick. Then, cut off the exec and tape of the ends. 
Get your partner’s dick hard, as they will need it for the next step. 
Step 2: Mix The Molding And Stick Your Partner’s Dick Inside
Now, it’s time to mix that molding mixture with water until it’s smooth. There can be a few clumps, but that’s OK. 
Once it’s done, pour it inside the mold and stick your partner’s dick inside for 2 minutes. You might need to help your partner out here, so they don’t lose the election. 
Now, it’s time to let the mold get hard, so leave it be for a couple of hours.
Step 4: Prepare Your Silicone And Clone Your Willy
Once the mold is set, mix the silicone mixture, and then it’s time to pour inside your mold. 
Leave it for 24 hours, so it sets fully before you remove it. 
And once you take it out and it’s fully set, you’ll have a copy of your favorite dick!
The DIY silicone dildo is your best option here, and it will feel the best when using it. 
Even though it requires a bit more work, I think it’s totally worth the time investment. 
Especially with Clone A Willy kit that allows you to shape a homemade dildo after your partner or just someone you know, that has a nice dick.
Another very easy option for a homemade dildo is to use tampons and a condom. 
If you’re a woman, you have tampons lying around your house already, and if you don’t, they don’t cost too much at your local supermarket. 
You’ll need about 6-7 tampons, but it really depends on the size of the dildo that you want. So adjust as needed. 
The trick here is to take the condom and fill it up with tampons, then secure it, lube it up and go to town!
It really is that simple yet very effective. 
If you’re not into the idea of using tampons or just don’t have access to them, there is another option for you. 
I bet your household does have toilet paper, right?
You’ll want to take a bunch of toilet paper and wet it. 
Then, stuff it inside the condom, tie it up, and done!
You have a makeshift dildo perfect for you. 
Don’t forget to lube it up, and it’s time to play!
Another way of making a homemade dildo is to get creative with your kitchen utensils. 
You’ll need four things for this one:
Take the kitchen towel and wrap the spatula with it. Secure the towel with some rubber ties. 
Now, take the homemade dildo and cover it with a condom. 
And that’s it! Lube it up and enjoy it. 
If you’re a huge fan of the technology and you’re extra with everything you do in life, you might want to try 3D printing your dildo. 
Yes, it’s a crazy amount of work, and it probably won’t be cheaper, but it’s a helluva fun experience!
You can either design the dildo yourself if you have the skills, or you can simply use tools online. Here is one for you.
Then, if you have the 3D printer, you can print it out yourself, or if you don’t, just find one locally, and they’ll do the job for you. 
Of course, it might be awkward to ask someone to print you a huge dildo, but you can pretend that you’re one of those trendy hipsters, and it’s a part of your gallery art…
Either way, if you’re bored and want something extra, 3D printing will definitely make it a special homemade dildo!
Here is a great read on Vice about making a 3D dildo; I recommend you check it out.
Now, if you want a dildo that’s safe to use and has many different shapes to it, Dodil is the perfect option for you. 
Now, technically it’s not a homemade dildo as the toy itself is made by the brand, but you do shape it yourself into any shape you want. 
It’s a truly amazing little toy to have!
You buy it once, and you can have multiple different dildos depending on your mood!
It’s made out of safe and high-quality material, so you don’t have to worry about safety, and it doesn’t look like a dildo, so if someone finds it, you can just say that it’s your stress ball…
Now, if you’re not feeling adventurous and you just want something quick and easy to handle, I have a list of household items you can use instead of a dildo:
Veggies are great not only because they’re nutritious, but also because they can serve as a great dildo alternative!
I recommend using a condom with your veggies to avoid unpleasant surprises, and there are so many options to choose from: 
The most popular household item that’s perfect as a dildo is your hairbrush handle. 
Simply wrap it in a condom and go to town!
Try to take out all the hair before you put it inside you, or it can get pretty messy real quick…
Another great item to use as a dildo. 
A lot of shampoo bottles are long and shaped kinda like a penis, so just put a condom on it and enjoy it. 
If a shampoo bottle seems too extreme for you size-wise, it might be a good idea to start small. 
A toothbrush handle is small, yet it can be effective in pleasuring yourself. 
Put a condom on it and see what happens!
Now, if you’re into makeup and have some brushes lying around, use them as a homemade dildo!
Don’t use the bristled side, of course, but the handle with a condom. 
Makeup brushes are not the only makeup item you can use to pleasure yourself. 
Whatever tool doesn’t have sharp edges and can fit inside, you can be a dildo!
Handles of tools like hammers and screwdrivers can serve the purpose of the dildo just fine. 
Just be careful not to hurt yourself!
Just put it inside the condom if you still want it to work after you’re done pleasing yourself…
Candles are great as dildo alternatives. 
You can find different shapes, sizes, and lengths. 
Also, you can buy a bigger one and carve it with a knife into a shape that you like.
Just break the net part off, put a condom on it, and that’s it!
There are plenty of different sized and shapes of popsicles, choose the one you like and see what feels best!
If you’re a fan of taking a walk in the forest, next time you go, you might want to look for nice branches. 
It can serve the purpose of a dildo quite well, but you do need to be careful not to hurt yourself even when using it with a condom…
There are a lot of people on the internet sharing their recipes for the best homemade dildos. Here are a few of the best suggestions I’ve found so far:
“When I first started to get interested in prostate play I used a old wooden drumstick I had laying around. I used one that had the non striking end rounded.”
“I used to buy a big candle, carve it until it had the desired shape and then smoothed out the edges with a lighter. Then wrap a condom around it and presto!”
“Aww man. I was a weird teenager. I used deodorant spray bottles, the end of my hairbrush, a toy lightsaber, a spoon (not nice, obviously). Anything that would fit in my vagina went in my vagina.”
“Filled up a condom with like 5 or 6 tampons, tied off the end and viola!

I have never repeated that info until this very moment lol”
And here you have it – every dildo alternative for every taste!
You really don’t need to buy expensive toys if you don’t want, there are plenty of ways to DIY, and sometimes, you don’t even have to DIY anything. 
Always remember to be safe and smart about using objects that are not designed to go inside you. 
But do not be shy to experiment and see what works the best for you!
With over 2 year experience working in a local adult toy store Dainis has gathered quite a bit of experience about helping people find the best for their needs. He's also a top writer on Quora (7M views, 2.3K followers) and has written over 70+ guides on SexualAlpha. Read More
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