Homemade Anal Lube

Homemade Anal Lube


Homemade Anal Lube

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Best Household Anal Lube For Condoms
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Anal sex is great, but it’s also one of the most inconvenient and unspontaneous forms of sex. Despite what they might depict in the movies (we’re looking at you Brokeback Mountain), anal sex usually requires douching, cleaning, putting a towel down, and copious amounts of anal lubricant . Sadly, it’s not like penis-vagina sex, where a little bit of foreplay is usually enough to get the whole thing going in no time.
No, great anal sex requires a good anal lube – and lots of it. And although there are many different types of lube which could do the job, they can be expensive and hard to come by, especially if they’re of high quality. Ideally, anal sex requires a longlasting silicone-based lube like Gun Oil , which can be pricey and hard to find. Some people also have problems with conventional lubes, especially water-based lubes which often have long ingredients lists and can cause allergic reactions if you’re unfortunate enough to be sensitive to one of the ingredients. Furthermore, there’s also the issue of unexpected anal sex, especially if you’re a gay man who gets lucky unexpectedly. What if you don’t have any anal lube around? What are you going to do? There are many reasons that you might be interested in DIY anal lube or makeshift lube items around the house, so let’s take a look at the crème de la crème of cheap anal lube substitutes.
First things first, let’s get the easiest ones out of the way. The following products are household items which are cheap, readily available, and can be easily used as an anal lubricant. You don’t have to mix them with anything or change them – they’re just ready to go when you are!
Coconut oil Along with avocados and kale, coconut oil has been thrust into popularity in recent years thanks to its status as a superfood, boasting a cornucopia of health benefits for your skin, hair, heart, and more . However, coconut oil can be used incredibly effectively as a lube, especially for anal sex. It lasts much longer than water-based lube, which dries out quickly, and it’s a 100% natural anal lube, so you’re unlikely to experience an allergic reaction unless you have allergies to coconut itself.
The only downside is that it destroys condoms because it’s an oil-based lube, and that’s sadly what all oil-based lubes do. The other downside is that it takes a long time to leave your body, but it’s not doing anything particularly harmful while it’s inside you. If you’re feeling particularly kinky, it’s also totally edible, so feel free to use your imagination there!
The great thing about coconut oil lube is that it smells amazing and it’s cheap to buy, so you can have plenty of bareback anal sex without racking up a huge lubricant bill.
Olive oil As long as you make sure that it's 100% pure , decent quality, and not past its expiration date, then you can totally use olive oil as natural anal lube. Because olive oil is a lighter plant-based oil, it’s more ideal for vaginal and anal sex when compared to some of its plant-based oil brethren. Similarly to coconut oil, you need to bear in mind that the oil will destroy latex/polyisoprene condoms and take a while to leave your body.
While I do like the taste/smell of olives personally, I’m not sure that I’d call it “sexy” per se.
Aloe Vera gel Aloe Vera gel is naturally a water-based lube which means that it can be used with condoms! This makes it ideal as a general-purpose go-to household lube for both vaginal and anal sex, with or without condoms involved. It’s cheaper than most water-based lubes, which is great, but it can become a little bit sticky as it dries, which some people find uncomfortable… so watch out for that. Also bear in mind that most Aloe Vera gels are only 99% or 99.5% Aloe Vera gel, containing some preservatives and additives, so make sure that you’re not allergic to any of the ingredients. Still, if you use the gel on your skin regularly and don’t experience any adverse reactions, then you’re unlikely to experience problems using it as a makeshift lube.
If you’re feeling crafty and want to cook up (not literally) some DIY anal lube recipes at home, then we’ve got a couple of recipes for you to try out below. We’ve cherry-picked the more simple and straightforward recipes we could find – no one wants to spend 4 hours slaving over a hot stove just to make a little booty lube.
Coconut oil with essential oils Yep, coconut oil is back, and this time it brought its health store neighbor – essential oils. You’ve probably heard a lot of buzz around these guys in the health and beauty community, and for good reason. Here’s a very simple recipe which combines the two. Recipe
And that’s it! Lavender is known for its floral scent and calming properties, while YlangYlang is touted as an aphrodisiac to help increase sexual arousal. The peppermint oil is designed to make you tingle a little, but some people don’t find the sensation to be pleasurable, so feel free to remove the peppermint oil if tingling isn’t your jam. As we mentioned earlier, coconut oil is a brilliant base for an anal lube, either on its own or with these extra added ingredients. It can be used safely for anal lubrication, but bear in mind that it is not condom-safe, so it can only be used for anal barebacking. Also, do keep in mind that many types of coconut oil are solid at room temperature, so you might need to gently heat the coconut oil up a few degrees (nothing major) in order to turn it into a liquid. However, if you’re living in a relatively warm climate, the oil might already be liquid at room temperature anyway.
Aloe Vera with Flaxseed Oil This is essentially a hybrid lube which uses aloe vera gel (water-based) and flaxseed oil (oil-based) to create a unique natural anal lube formula which is uniquely scented and stirs up erotic sensations within the body. Because it’s an unusual water-oil hybrid, you get to enjoy a consistency which is not typical of most anal lubes. Recipe Shake these ingredients together in a jar, ensuring they are mixed well:
Of course, you can always adjust the ratios and amounts of these ingredients according to your preferences, especially if you prefer the aroma of one essential oil over the other. No one wants to put an anal lube inside them which they don’t like the smell of! “Sensations” essential oil is a mixture of different oils, such as ylangylang, jasmine, coriander, bergamot, and geranium . These “sensations” oils are designed to produce romantic, aromatic scents which are great for a romantic massage, as well as for anal lube. Just bear in mind that because this recipe contains flax seed oil (i.e. a plant-based oil), it is not suitable for use with most condoms and sex barriers.
If you’re trying to save money or you simply need to have protected anal sex at short notice, then Aloe Vera Gel is without a doubt the best anal lube for condoms. This is because Aloe Vera is naturally water-based, so it doesn’t react with the latex or polyisoprene to destroy it as oil-based lubes do. The best overall anal lube for condoms is silicone-based lubricants, but you’re unlikely to find a makeshift version of silicone-based lube any time soon!
Aloe Vera gel is mostly natural, but do bear in mind that it usually contains some additives and preservatives, so always check that you’re not allergic to the ingredients and that there are none of the ingredients that you want to avoid in lube included. With that said, you’ll most likely be fine, and the thick consistency of this water-based natural lube makes it ideal for anal, giving you more slipperiness to work with.
When you’re growing up as a hormone-filled horny teenager, there are lots of things that you might use as makeshift lube or sex toys because you simply don’t have access to the real thing (or can’t afford it!) However, we should not make these same mistakes as adults, and there is lots of misinformation around certain household items which needs to be cleared up.
While some makeshift lubes in this section could potentially be used for vaginal sex, I would personally not recommend any of them for anal sex unless you want to understand what true pain really is.
Vaseline First and foremost, Vaseline is made from petroleum oils, which makes it an oil-based lube. This means that it destroys most condoms, so it’s not safe for any kind of protected sex you plan on having. In addition to this, it’s also a breeding ground for bacteria and can lead to infections . In fact, women who use Vaseline for lube are 220% more likely to develop Bacterial Vaginosis than women who don’t use Vaseline for lube. The other thing to bear in mind is that Vaseline is really stubborn (it’s designed to be) so it often takes a long time to leave your body, especially if it’s deep inside your anus. Furthermore, it’s messy and greasy, ruining your clothes and bed sheets if you’re not careful. The greasy nature of Vaseline lube is not exactly a massive turn-on. Saliva Granted, it seems like saliva as a lubricant should be a no brainer… it’s water-based, it’s readily available, and it’s naturally produced by our bodies. Although it’s not ideal, saliva may work well enough for oral sex and possibly vaginal sex between longtime partners, although there is the possibility of transmitting infections (via the saliva) to take into consideration. However, saliva is not slippery or longlasting enough to facilitate comfortable anal sex for any prolonged period of time. Believe me, if you try to take a dick of any reasonable size up your ass via nothing but a mouthful of saliva, you’re going to have a really bad time and possibly even damage your anal tract.
“While saliva from oral sex can seem more sensual, your spittle can leave the skin feeling dry. It also only provides a thin barrier, so could lead to painful sex as there is inadequate lubrication.” Megan Barnett, Sex Expert
Liquid Soap Some people naturally make the assumption that because liquid soap is cleansing, it must be okay to use as an anal lubricant. While there is some logic to that, it doesn’t hold up in reality. In fact, soap can cause burning sensations for the genitals, especially the penis and vagina, so it’s not a great idea to risk it for anal. Most soaps also have a pH balance of 7-9 , making them slightly alkaline, while your anus has a pH balance of 6-7, making it slightly acidic. This mismatch of pH balances can lead to further problems and irritation.
If you’re looking for a reliable go-to household anal lube, I would recommend Aloe Vera gel for all kinds of anal sex, in addition to coconut oil for anal sex without a condom. I hope this guide has helped you to understand what to use as lube for backdoor sex, whether you’re trying something new or looking to spice up your already-exciting sex life. Have fun!
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Anal sex is no longer a taboo in society, and millions of couples around the world are enjoying it just like foreplay, oral sex, and vaginal sex.
However, the region surrounding the anus does not lubricate naturally like the vagina, and it can be a painful experience for many people if they try to do it without lube.
Although there are many different types of personal lubes on the market, and we would certainly recommend those above anything else, there are times when people run out of supply, and they are in a place where there is no lube around.
During such times, people look for safe, smooth, and easily accessible products. Fortunately, there are lots of items commonly found in homes to substitute for personal lubes. The unfortunate part is that many of them are not compatible with latex condoms, so let’s take a look at what’s out there and the risks involved.
Do you know what to choose in the heat of the moment?
Although they can hardly be described as the best anal lube, nevertheless they allow couples to enjoy anal sex. It is not uncommon to run out of a lube when you and your partner have a sudden desire to have sex. Typically, couples start to frantically search for something to assist in tight anal sex.
If you discover that nothing is left behind in the lube you bought last month, it’s time to look for a suitable homemade lube.
Here are the top household lube items:
Keep reading below for more info about each one!
There are many things that can make the anus slick and slippery so that you do not feel irritation when enjoying anal sex with your partner.
There are many things to use as lube and they will do the job somehow, but you have to keep their pros and cons in mind as it is, after all, a matter of your health and safety.
People generally choose things that can make sex smooth and reduce irritation, without wondering if they are risking their health and compromising with their own safety.
Often, they will use just about anything they can lay their hands upon inside the kitchen or elsewhere in the household.The first things that may come to mind as homemade lubes are the different body oils and lotions that you normally use on body parts.
Others include the omnipresent petroleum jelly called Vaseline, the very popular olive oil, and baby oil or butter.
There are pros and cons associated with every one of the so-called best anal lubes and it pays to have a clear understanding of these pros and cons before settling on one of them.
Coconut oil has been a popular household product for quite some time. It has been used as a natural oil for better health of our skin and hair.
We use it on skin whenever we feel that it is becoming dry. We also apply it on hair when we find that our hair has become dull and listless.
As it is considered healthy for use, many men and women do not think twice before putting it down there to get a moist and slippery feeling.
However, c oconut oil is a very good homemade lube for anal sex.
The fact that coconut oil has been applied in and around the anus of the pregnant women for stretching their tissues to prepare them for childbirth is proof that you can use coconut oil safely in that area.
One thing that makes coconut oil a good lubricant for anal sex is that it is antifungal in nature. This means you can expect it to help avoid yeast infections. Coconut oil is good as a homemade lube because it lasts very long when compared to water-based lubes. It is also preferred by many as a lube for anal sex because it is natural, pure, and healthy.
Just remember that coconut oil is usually a wax-type consistency, so you might be forced to melt it to be used as a lube. This can be done by simply warming it in your hands
The downside to coconut oil is that it is NOT compatible with latex condoms. Any type of oil will break down the latex and cause it to tear. If you are using coconut oil as a lube, make sure you have Polyurethane condoms on hand.
If you’ve been using Coconut oil as a lubricant and want to try something that feels similar but is condom safe, we recommend Coconu Water Based Natural Personal Lubricant which contains coconut water instead of oil but still has amazing moisturizing qualities.
All plant based oils prove to be great lubricants for anal sex. They are generally safe for use, provided you have high-quality products at home.
Make sure that the plant based oil that you are using down there does not contain flavoring agents, as it can cause irritation and even bacterial infection. Grapeseed and olive oils are not only beneficial for health but being lighter, they provide more comfort to the skin than heavier oils like avocado and sesame.
Just keep in mind that plant-based oils turn rancid after their expiration date and you must remember this date before using any of these oils on your genitals.
Again, as with Coconut oil, any plant based oils are NOT compatible with latex condoms. They will eat away at the structure of latex and break it. This goes for any other form of latex based safer sex items like dental dams.
We did an entire article to answer the question, ‘ Can You Use Canola Oil As Lube? ‘ – be sure to check it out if you would like to learn more about this specific style of household lubricant.
We also have an overview regarding, ‘ Olive Oil as Anal lube ‘.
Baby oil is usually found in most households whether there is a small baby in the home or not. It is used on the delicate skin of the babies which leads to the common misconception that it is safe for use as anal lube.
Basically, baby oil is an extremely gentle mineral oil.
This oil is meant for absorption into the sensitive skin of the baby to make it soft and moisturized.
Keep in mind that your genitals are perhaps even more sensitive and it is not advisable to apply baby oil over your genitals.
Although baby oil is soft and gentle, it is not very slippery and it often contains artificial fragrance or even artificial colors. It does help in reducing friction but it is not considered safe when used as a lube with condoms. Baby oil can alter the pH of your vagina as it is not natural oil. Also, it proves difficult to be washed away from your genitals. This means it is possible to develop bacterial infections if this oil remains inside your vagina or anus.
It is also not a good choice as one of the things to use as lube at home as it can break the latex condom used by your partner during sex.
People have so much of trust and confidence on the efficacy and safety of petroleum jelly that they use it on their skin whenever it is chafed or dry.
In this case, it is the brand becoming bigger than the product. People keep it handy and apply it to their genitals without blinking their eyes.They think they are safe because they are applying Vaseline (a brand rather than petroleum jelly a product).
Even though Vaseline makes you feel soft and slippery down there, it is not good for use as a lube.
It stays there and does not wash out easily, as it is not a water-based lubricant. It is also not good for use with a latex based condom and will completely break down the material. The same goes for any latex dental dams or diaphragms it comes into contact with. If that thick texture appeals to you, next time you’re lube shopping pick up some Sensuva Ultra Thick Hybrid Water/Silicone Personal Lubricant . It has a thick, creamy texture but it’s still latex condom safe.
Butter looks and smells good and it is also good for your health, but it is certainly not one of the best anal lubes found inside a household.
Derived from milk, it is full of casein proteins that have a tendency to turn rancid pretty quickly. This means you run the risk of developing a bacterial infection inside your vagina or anus. Most North American butter is also salted which would be incredibly irritating to your skin and genitals.
You should keep proteins derived from animal sources away from your genitals as a general rule of thumb.
Aloe Vera is a wonder product derived from a plant.
It is a gel that has been used by mankind for centuries because of its health benefits, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
It is a water-based gel that works decently as a lube due to its thick and sticky viscosity. The issue with aloe is that it becomes tacky once dried out.
However, among all other homemade lubes, it is certainly the best and safest for use. You can
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