Homemade Amateur Videos

Homemade Amateur Videos


Adult Clip Sites: Sell Homemade / Amateur Porn
Adult Clip Sites: Sell Homemade / Amateur Porn
Producing and selling your own homemade porn has never been easier. The rise of the clip sites have made it where anyone (18+) Can sign up and upload their own videos and photo galleries. The sites take care of all the sales and money is automatically added to your account. Use our site comparison table below to see what type of clip sites are available and which ones are the highest paying.
Here’s a list of “clip sites”, the general term used for sites dedicated to selling adult content. We indicate which sites support clips / videos, and which sites support photos (either single photos or galleries). We also indicate whether or not the site also supports custom content requests.
New to the industry? Check out our guide to getting started producing and selling adult content. It  goes over everything required in great detail and provides links to additional information on specific topics. If you’ve got any additional questions on how to get started, get a hold of us and we’d love to help you out.
The one advantage of selling content sets over camming is the fact that your content will be working for you all the time. With camming, you’re only really going to be making money when you’re in chat and performing. By selling amateur content sets, you’ll be making money, even when you sleep.
Successful camgirls usually keep a full and consistent schedule. The consistency helps with regulars, which know what time the model generally performs. Although this usually isn’t a problem for most models, it might be a a few. If that’s the case, selling amateur content sets might be the smarter choice.
You chose what price your content sells for. Either sell it at a lower rate to increase the number of raw sales, or raise the rate to get the maximum amount of money from your content. Experiment with different pricing options and figure out the most effective pricing strategy for you and your content.
By registering to all these networks under your adult alias, you’ll be gaining name recognition. Content sets can be watermarked with your website address to drive additional traffic. Many of these networks have profile pages that allow you to link to your website and other networks. This can make these networks a valuable marketing channel, as well as another network to monetize.
Yes, both male and female models are accepted. In fact, there’s networks that welcome and support couples as well. There’s a network for everyone out there. If you are a male model and would like to only see the networks that accept males, check out our list of adult websites hiring male models. It goes over which networks support male models, straight couples and gay couples.
Models don’t have to remain exclusive to any single network. Selling your adult content across many networks can be a great way to stretch each video or photo set for it’s maximum potential. Being on multiple networks will also help build up better name recognition as an adult entertainer and could build awareness to other content or services offered.
There is no “best” network for selling your amateur and homemade content. As you can see from the chart above, many networks have different features and cater to different niches. What network will work best for you will depend on you. Check out the features of all the different networks and see which one is the best fit.
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