Home Remedies To Treat Back Pain

Home Remedies To Treat Back Pain


Back pain is one of the common days to day problems that people face. It can interrupt your plans. According to a study by experts, there’s an 84 percent chance that you will suffer from lower back pain in your lifetime.

Undeniably, back pain is very common and can treat over a period of time, but sometimes you should not ignore this or wait for its to solve by own. There can be several reasons for back pain including muscle or ligament strain, bulging or ruptured disks, arthritis, and many more. So, if you are experiencing back pain for a long time then it’s better to consult a doctor.

AOSM has the best chiropractors in Delhi that provide treatment to improve spinal motion and your body's physical function. There are several home remedies to treat back pain at home. From herbs to massages, there’s so much in these remedies.

Following are some home remedies that can help you to ease your back pain:

Try Oils And Ointments 

There are several ointments and pain rubs that help you to treat back pain by blocking the sensation. These creams desensitize the pain channels and give you relief. Make sure that your ointment or cream must have ibuprofen (Nurofen or Dolgit), lidocaine (Lidoderm), ketoprofen (Diractin), diclofenac (Voltaren), Brazilian arnica, comfrey, and cayenne. Ointments, oils, or creams with these ingredients are very effective.

You can also try Tiger Balm and Icy Hot. However, the effectiveness and side effects of such brands vary from person to person. Thus, if you experience some kind of irritation on your skin then don’t use that.

Massage Can Help Sore Or Tense Muscle

Massage is a great way to release tension from your muscles. So, gently massage your sore muscle and loosen it up. In fact, massaging is one of the most effective traditional therapies. Massage improves back faction, reduces back pain, minimizes the use of anti-inflammatory medications, and lessens your days in bed. You should try this once.

Stretches To Improve Your Symptoms

Exercise plays a major role in our daily life. Exercise not only makes you fit physically but also improves your mental state. Daily exercise boosts your mood and makes you energetic. If you are a beginner then you can start with low - impact workouts like walking, cycling, swimming, and more. Also, don’t forget to include stretching in your daily routine.

As this helps you stretch your muscles and protect them from and injuries and pain. Some of the effective exercises for back pain are walking, standing backbends, pressups, Cobra pose & more. Certainly, stretching is good, but if you feel pain doing any specific exercise, then it’s better to stop. In fact, you can indulge yourself in a 30-minute yoga routine.

Yoga is an effective physical therapy for back pain. But, don’t be hard on yourself. Start with simple yoga poses and increase the intensity slowly. So, if you want to keep yourself healthy then do exercise daily.  

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