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At 42, Elin Nordegren Looks Nothing Like We Can Remember
Here's What Nicole Kidman Looks Like Without Makeup
35 Foods That Should Never Be Placed in the Refrigerator


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At 42, Elin Nordegren Looks Nothing Like We Can Remember
Here's What Nicole Kidman Looks Like Without Makeup
35 Foods That Should Never Be Placed in the Refrigerator


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Have An Enlarged Prostate? Urologist Reveals: Do This Immediately (Watch)
At 42, Elin Nordegren Looks Nothing Like We Can Remember
Here's What Nicole Kidman Looks Like Without Makeup


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At 42, Elin Nordegren Looks Nothing Like We Can Remember
Here's What Nicole Kidman Looks Like Without Makeup
35 Foods That Should Never Be Placed in the Refrigerator


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At 42, Elin Nordegren Looks Nothing Like We Can Remember
Here's What Nicole Kidman Looks Like Without Makeup
35 Foods That Should Never Be Placed in the Refrigerator


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At 42, Elin Nordegren Looks Nothing Like We Can Remember
Here's What Nicole Kidman Looks Like Without Makeup
35 Foods That Should Never Be Placed in the Refrigerator


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Nine Kinds of Ancestors You Could Find on Your Family Tree
Is Paperwork Taking over Your Life? Organize It Easily.
Get Dog Food Designed for Your Dog's Health & Happiness
The Close Relationship Between Stress and Sleep


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Standing with the People of Ukraine
The Close Relationship Between Stress and Sleep
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Is Paperwork Taking over Your Life? Organize It Easily.


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The Close Relationship Between Stress and Sleep
Online Therapists and Psychologists: Are They for Real?
The Close Relationship Between Stress and Sleep
Five Reasons Your Car Insurance Rate Changes


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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
Not only has this girl been cheating on her poor unaware boyfriend for a year with someone at work! She is using the boy from work to manipulate and get her way. She is a true home wreaker! She is destroying her boyfriend, her secret side piece, and destroying the lifes of several innocent people she has worked with or for by lying and manipulating upper management to make others look bad to get a higher position. I would not put it past her to go as far as sexual manipulation to her superior management to get ahead. She is the lowest of low, dirty, nasty, skanky scum of the earth
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
She’s a 35 year old women with two teens she barley attends to because she is at the bar or gym. She has a few OWIs and not a very good role model. She preys on men at the gym who are married and will plaster her pet names for them all over Facebook. She will even befriend the wife! She seems innocent but very manipulative. Women and married men beware.
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
My husband is 19 years older than this woman who was 36 at the time the affair started. What does someone want in someone that much older – financial security, am I right? They work at the same place, in different departments. They struck up conversation and she identified him as someone financially stable who could provide financially for her self and 8 year old son. So she pushed. My husband told her twice that he was married. Yes, he gave in, after she acquired his cell number through another coworker and started sexting him. She knew what she was doing and how to tempt and he gave in. I found out on his phone 3 months later. I found out that much of the relationship was blow jobs in the car at various park and rides, Target parking lot near work. She was at our house twice. Needless to say I have new living room furniture because I wasn’t going to sit on her stank. After I caught my husband, it was rough. Really rough. You think you will kick them out until the time comes and you understand the temptation she put in front of him, how she used her body and fake kindness. I say fake kindness because in truth, she never asked much about him or his 3 adult children. She only asked things to find out what he could provide for her in the long run. She kept throwing her young kid in his face – he has since told me he NEVER wanted to be any kind of father figure to him. Of course he didn’t tell her that – he wanted to keep his side piece but stay married too. Since finding out about this almost 3 years ago, she has sent me text messages through the Text Now service. She doesn’t hide that it is her sending them. Oh, and did I mention she is married. A year after I found out about her and my husband, she was married to a guy who is even OLDER! Why would a 37 year old woman want to marry a 62 year old man. For financial security only I’m sure. Or she has daddy issues. She sings in a church praise band (horribly too – she cannot harmonize at all). She stands on that stage as if she’s the soul performer – note to cunt – no one is at church to watch YOU perform. They are there to listen to the music. Anyways, the first guy she USED was her ex husband to get over to the United States from Jamaica. They had a kid. Relationship was volatile and not just on his part. She’s a hot head and has a record. So that’s the gossip. She moves on with her life as if she didn’t hurt a soul. As if she is the victim. How her current husband can trust her, I have no idea. Obviously the fact that my husband was married didn’t matter to her. (Yes, it didn’t matter to him either, but we are dealing with that. I can understand how this went down and the temptation she put in front of him. No, she is not just to blame, I get all of that. But he DID resist at first by telling her twice he is married – if she had any morals or was truly the Christian she claims to be, she would have let him settle things one way or the other at home first). She got her front teeth fixed at least. Didn’t help. She is not naturally pretty – needs lots of fake hair and makeup. Anyways, she continues to hurt me by sending me messages through TextNow. So feel free to message her on FB: Profile is [REDACTED]
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
She pretends to be Christian whilst pursuing married men at church. She is a narcissist who loves the attention she gets from singing, having illegitimate children and failed engagements. She plays the “poor single Mom who needs help” act to lure people in.
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
She sleeps with married men on job sites. She will throw rocks and hide her hands. Claims to be Christian. Hides her infidelity from her daughter and son. She had multiple affairs with married men. She prefers married men. She lives to be a side chick, even at her ripe old age. She is definitely the town’s bicycle.
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
This skank fatty goes after married men. Not her first rodeo in cheating. Meth addict low life will suck your d1ck or kootch to get off. This hussys criminal record is pretty extensive for how young she is and uses a fake name. Cant get friends her own age so goes after old men whose egos are shot. Aborted a baby and tryn for another! Probably needs the money and a house to crash at since she lives out of her garbage filled car. Mental issues and manic. Stalks people she preys on. Slorishly dirty with DRDs. Super soaker in the sack and pisses herself cuz she thinks its hot. She goes everywhere in Wisconsin (GB, Allouez, DePERE, TwoRivers, Appleton) looking for her next target. Check her on facebook and tell her what you think of her trash ways. [REDACTED]
Although every report is reviewed, reporting does not gaurantee a post will be removed.
It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
Nina Cox (formerly Nina Sutyak) will sleep with literally anyone. She cheated on her husband with over 50+ men. She had an abortion during her marriage, which her mom Katina Cox of Menomonie, WI paid for because she didn’t know who the father was. She drank to the point of being blackout drunk constantly during her youngest child’s pregnancy and caused him lifelong brain damage and he was officially diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. She tells people she’s a firefighter but in reality she works at [REDACTED], she just likes to sleep with firefighters and lie to pretend she’s something she’s not. She’s a mom of 3 and has been investigated for child abuse. Her mom Katina is currently being charged with child abuse. Keep your men and children FAR AWAY from this piece of lying, cheating trash. She lives in
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