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There are few things more empowering than owning your sexual pleasure, and the humble dildo is an excellent way to start. Dildos can be expensive, though. And when we are on a budget, the need calls for some ingenuity. Luckily, a homemade dildo is excellent for trying out sex toys on a budget. Not only are they cheap, but they also offer additional benefits that you can’t get from commercial sex toys.
Let’s start by looking at how to make homemade dildos with household items, then how you can make a copy of your partner’s penis using a molding kit, then top it off by talking about safety and risk.
But why trust me? Well, I’ve been reviewing sex toys since 2016, and I bought my first dildo way back in 2010. Besides, I am a former healthcare professional with many years of experience helping couples and singles improve their sex life.
But enough with the intro. Let’s dive in!
There are many items available in every home that can be repurposed, and with a bit of creativity, you can create a dildo that’s good enough to get you through the night. Or at least until the husband gets home.
Making a dildo is as simple as taking something with a phallic shape and making it safe to put inside the body. So, let’s have a closer look at some of the best household dildos I stuffed up my vagina and butt over the years!
Hairbrushes are made of plastics with a remarkably phallic-looking brush handle. They are sturdy, inexpensive, and readily available. All this makes them perfect for a DIY dildo!
Some important points before starting using this household item as a homemade dildo (Since safety is our number one priority):
Pro tip: If you want to start small, use a toothbrush handle or makeup brush instead.
This one’s not beginner-friendly if that wasn’t obvious enough. First, put some water inside a condom and seal it shut with a good knot. Then place the water-filled condom in a freezer until it becomes ice. Voila, you now have your very own ice dildo!
However, because it’s ice, it can get a little messy when it starts melting. Have a towel underneath you for easy cleanup.
This homemade sex toy is perfect for temperature play. However, if you haven’t tried it yet, you shouldn’t start with an ice dildo. You can seriously injure yourself if you aren’t careful!
Pro tip: If you have a popsicle mold, you can use it to make a DIY sex toy with a convenient handle.
An electric toothbrush is good if you want to add clitoral stimulation instead of only penetrative action. Of course, you can insert the toothbrush, too, but it’s better as a stand-in for a Hitachi vibrator than a regular dildo.
Just be careful when using your electric toothbrush this way. It’s not designed to be used as a homemade vibrator, so it can be damaged if you overdo it.
Also, hygiene and condom use is vital for this one. You know where you use your electric toothbrush, and you probably shouldn’t brush with it anymore if you didn’t clean it properly!
Did you know shower heads can also be used as vagina toys? With decent water pressure, a shower head will be a great DIY vibrator. Just make sure you use lukewarm water. Never use hot water!
Other household items that can be used as sex toys include a shampoo bottle, TV remote control, drumstick, or a deodorant bottle.
Here’s our video in case you prefer to watch it instead of reading:
Bananas top the list because the curve makes them capable of stimulating the G-spot. And if you prepare them correctly, the banana shouldn’t break inside you. Most importantly, try to pick a banana that’s a few days before ripening. They are significantly firmer compared to older bananas.
After you pick your banana, wash it well with some soap and water, put a condom on, and masturbate away!
Note that the banana tip can be a little uncomfortable, and there’s also a slight chance it can rupture the condom. Therefore I recommend filing it a little before putting the condom on.
Even though the banana dildo is relatively firm, they tend to go soft soon after being used like this. However, it should be good enough to get an orgasm or two out of it, though. The curve is also surprisingly effective at hitting the right spots!
A cucumber should be a familiar choice for most women interested in fruit dildos. Cucumbers have the right balance between squishiness and firmness, and they come in a broad range of sizes. Plus they aren’t expensive at all!
A good wash and a condom are good enough to transform the humble cucumber into an instrument of pleasure. The size of the tip might call for some lube, but it’s all up to you.
Cucumbers are great because they don’t go soft quickly. A single cucumber session can last a long time.
A common alternative to the cucumber is the zucchini dildo. A zucchini practically work the same way and demand the same processes to prepare. Instead of repeating myself, I’ll tell you my favorite way of using this improvised dildo.
Slice off a few inches off one end of the zucchini. Hollow out the inside enough to fit in a slim vibrator. Put the entire thing in a condom. You can thank me later.
Following the pattern of phallic food is the eggplant. It’s smooth, long, and has the right amount of flexibility. The gentle curve and size variation also allows you to choose your own experience.
Preparation and application are the same here. If you feel the need for a little more out of your eggplant, you can carve out the stem end to fit a small vibrator.
Other fruits and vegetables suitable as homemade dildos include carrots and corn on the cob.
Now, let’s jump to something completely different. You see, there are several dildo molding kits available in sex toy stores like Lovehoney. These kits allow you to mold a dildo of the exact shape and size of your partner’s penis. And to be honest, this is the best DIY dildo on this list because it’s a custom-made dildo!
I bought the Clone-A-Willy kit from an online sex toy store a while back, and Tim helped me mold his erect penis with it. The result was fantastic! Now I never have to use a cucumber or the hairbrush handle whenever I do a little hand play. This replica of my husband’s cock is more than enough.
I still remember the first time I used it. Tim was on a business trip, and we were on a Skype video call. I could see him naked inside his hotel room, and I felt so aroused looking at his body that I started playing with my nipples underneath my nightgown.
Tim noticed what I was doing and started playing with his cock until it was rock hard. I took off my nightgown and took out my dildo from the drawer, and began to run it up and down my vagina.
Now I was holding the phone with one hand while the other slowly slipped the dildo inside my pussy. It felt just like Tim’s!
I spread my legs wider and pushed and pulled the dildo inside me while at the same time watching Tim on the phone masturbating. We were both moaning and groaning. I saw him jerked off at the same time I felt my muscles contracted as I climaxed.
It was unbelievable, and the fact that the dildo didn’t even change its shape (the way Tim’s cock does after he cums) sent a lot of sensations through my body as I pulled it out of my pussy.
A dildo molding kit will generally have 1 or 2 bags of impression material to mold your partner’s penis with, some silicone rubber to make the dildo, and a casting sleeve. Some kits also include a small vibrator that you can stuff inside your homemade sex toys.
The silicone rubber should be completely body-safe, non-allergenic, tasteless, and odorless, much like most of the other DIY dildos in the market. Most kits will promise this, but it’s still good to do your research.
Making your own dildo is a couple’s project. And your first job is to get him as big and erect as you can. You know what turns him on, so do all your tricks on him. While you’re turning him on, he mixes the mold and lets it set. This process should take around 2-3 minutes. Ideally, he should be rock hard throughout the setting process.
Once the mold has been set, he can remove his penis and wash it up. Add in the silicone and let it harden. If you did it correctly, the result should be a firm but flexible silicone dildo copy of your partner’s erect penis.
Doing this with Tim was a lot of fun. There’s enough impression material in the kit for us to make two copies, so there’s some room for mistakes if you’re molding for the first time.
It’s a little messy, but the result is worth it. And there’s a variety of colors to choose from. Some vendors even offer glow in the dark options of different colors.
The whole thing is simple enough to do, and the result is easily worth the price!
A dildo is effectively just a glorified thick stick, and your pleasure is mainly dependent on what you do with it. It just can’t give you any pleasure only by itself. Hence, choosing the right dildo is an essential step in the right direction. If it’s too big or too small, it won’t work no matter how hard you try.
Pick a color, shape, and size that doesn’t turn you off. Consider the other things that you’ve put in you to help you decide on your next dildo. If you haven’t had penetration sex yet and you’re planning on using a dildo to see how it feels, you probably want to start with your fingers or a smaller toy.
Sex toys, homemade or not, will need lubricant before penetration. And today, there are several varieties available in the market. If you’re unsure about which one to pick, water-based lubricants are generally safe choices. For latex condoms, avoid using oil-based lubricants like coconut oil or olive oil.
Sex toy lubricants are thicker, so they stick to the toy or condom longer. So, with your homemade anal toys, you will need to reapply the lube often to stay safe.
Dildo materials can cause allergic reactions in some people. Hence, unless it’s a body-safe material (ABS plastic, silicone, borosilicate glass, or stainless steel), always use a condom, even for homemade sex toys.
Furthermore, suppose you’re planning on using a homemade sex toy for anal and vaginal use in the same session. In that case, it’s essential to change the condom to prevent the dildo from transmitting the bacteria from the rectum into the vagina.
If you have a yeast infection or any other sexually transmitted infection (STI), use a condom at all times. You probably already knew that, but it’s still important to say just in case.
Most DIY sex toys are ok for vaginal penetration, but they’re unsafe for anal penetration. Homemade anal sex toys need a flared base to make them safe for anal use. A flared base prevents them from getting stuck in the rectum.
The above makeshift dildos do not have flared bases, so don’t stick them in your anus. A hairbrush has a flared base but don’t start with that, unless you’ve trained your anus to stretch. Even so, you probably shouldn’t use a hairbrush as a homemade anal dildo anyway.
Take some time to do a final check on your homemade sex toy before using it. If it has sharp areas, don’t use it. Make sure it’s nice and clean, and the condom sufficiently covers it. If it looks like it won’t fit, don’t force it in. There are many shapes and sizes to choose from, so don’t be discouraged by imperfections or mismatches.
It’s generally a good idea to do the things that turn you on before using your homemade sex toy. Being turned on should make penetration easier. If you’re not turned on enough, forcing a dildo on yourself can cause injury!
Going through the motions of testing out a new dildo has always been exciting for me, and every DIY dildo I use goes through the same process.
First, I move the dildo around the vulva and the labia. This teasing always turns me on and works as a final check to make sure that everything is safe for entry. It makes the penetration part so much better and safer at the same time.
Because homemade dildos won’t always be as rigid as a conventional dildo, you must be careful with how you use them. I’m not saying that you should use it at a snail’s pace so that it won’t break. I’m saying that you should test out the speed and rhythm that works and have a feel for it.
When something feels like it’s breaking, please don’t push it!
Instead, remember how fast you were going and pace yourself next time. Nothing is stopping you from getting five bananas ready for a long session, either.
Homemade sex toys, especially the vegetable kind, can be great tools for testing out deep penetration. You can get cucumbers or zucchinis of different lengths to try out to see what feels the best for you. The pleasure spots for deep penetration are different for everybody.
Experiment with different depths and angles to find the right spots for you. The sex position you’re in can also change how good deep penetration feels. The usual pain point for deep penetration is when the dildo hits the cervix. When this happens, immediately stop what you’re doing. You can start slow again after the pain has subsided.
We all know that clitoral stimulation feels fantastic, especially when combined with penetration and vibration. Fortunately, you can upgrade your humble vegetable dildo for clitoral stimulation!
Add small vegetables like baby carrots or leafy vegetables like kale onto your homemade vegetable vibrator to give it the extra oomph. It takes a little more effort and a lot of experimentation, but the results are gratifying. Take it from me.
I have a personal collection of sex toys in different sizes. Sometimes, one size isn’t big enough after a couple of minutes. At this point, I would be switching dildos and going back at it. If you’re like me, knowing how to play with sex toys means you can have many in different sizes to play with.
You can swap around with different sizes, shapes, colors, and materials easily without spending a lot of money on expensive sex toys.
Homemade dildos can be risky if you don’t prepare them properly. If you don’t wash them well, they can carry bacteria and debris inside your vagina, causing an infection.
Hairbrushes made from wood can have splinters that can puncture the condom and damage the sensitive inner lining of your vagina, so always check for imperfections. Also, choose something that won’t easily break. Therefore, a glass bottle or something made from wood is not recommended.
In general, homemade dildos are safe if you clean them properly and use a condom before you start. Lubricate them properly is also essential. You don’t want to be in an emergency room explaining to your doctor that you inserted a banana into your vagina. A condom and some common sense are more than enough to keep you in ecstasy and out of the emergency room.
When building dildos from household items, your imagination is the limit. We all have our preferences for sex toys, but molding a cock is the way to go if you want something that looks like a real penis. But don’t forget to experiment, too. Try to build a dildo using different items around your house but be careful.
Not everything is safe to put “down there.” There are risks involved, so make sure to know your limits. You don’t want to be the next viral victim of a makeshift anal dildo!
PS: After reading our article, we recommend that you look around our site, filled with exciting sex stories!
Sandra is originally from Chicago but is now living in Cheyenne, Wyoming, with her husband Tim, their two children, and two dogs. Named one of the world’s top 50 sexologists, she founded My Sex Toy Guide in 2016, where she and a team of experts give relationship advice, write about LGBTQ topics and other topics concerning sexuality and health.
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