Holed Net

Holed Net


Holed Net

Adam Warner


We are fast approaching another release ( soon™ ), and we’ve been very busy since the last one. There are a number of smaller changes, but we thought it would be nice to share some of the bigger/more important changes ahead of time, so that they are not missed in amongst the release notes.
We already posted about this on discourse recently, however it is worth repeating that the next release of Pi-hole FTL will have a hard incompatibility with Stretch/Stretch-based operating systems. To quote the discourse post:
By this update, the minimum required operating system is changed from Debian Stretch (9) to Buster (10) . Debian 9 was initially released on 2017-06-17. It was superseded by Debian Buster on 2019-07-06. Stretch received Long-Term-Support since 2020-07-06 but only until 2022-06-30. It cannot be considered safe to continue running Stretch and, hence, Pi-hole dropped Stretch support – now also for the pre-compiled binaries.
Update 2022-09-01: Further to this, the same applies to CentOS7
Update 2022-09-02: Further still… Same for 18.04
There are several motivations behind this, namely:
That all said, the 404-handling aspect of the page is retained, e.g auto redirect from http://pi.hole to http://pi.hole/admin .
If a user now has blocking mode set to IP, and given the example of blockedpage.com being on their block list, this is what they will now see when visiting http://blockedpage.com
Users can still create their own 404 handler (to include “blockpage” functionality if they so wish, though per the notes above – why would you?) by creating a file named custom.php in /var/www/html/pihole and designing it to their tastes. (if they really wanted, they could just copy paste the code from the old index.php into custom.php , but they would be responsible for making it work if anything broke 😉 )
It was a nice page when it was first invented, but the time has finally come to say goodbye to an old friend, and put it out of it’s misery.
This change will be the most immediately obvious to those that have their web interface behind a password.
Unauthenticated requests are now presented with a login page, and the previously seen data is now suppressed until a user is logged in.
When we first introduced group management years ago, we felt it necessary to keep these links separate to ease the transition (though they were actually the same page). With the next release the dedicated Black/Whitelist pages are removed, and instead the functionality can be found on the “Domains” heading of the side bar.
In addition to the above, we have also made some more subtle layout tweaks that we think improve the overall UX

Table of contents

Group management

Effect of group management


In-depth manual

Any blocklist or domain on the white-/black-/regex-lists can be managed through groups. This allows not only grouping them to highlight their relationship, but also enabling/disabling them together if one, for instance, wants to visit a specific service only temporarily.
Group Default ( group_id 0 ) is special as it is automatically assigned to domains and clients not being a member of other groups. Each newly added client or domain gets assigned to group zero when being added.
The great flexibility to manage domains in zero, one, or multiple groups may result in unexpected behavior when, e.g., the domains are enabled in some but disabled in other groups.

The UK Original Knotless Slow-Feed Haynets

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If you were like me, looking to use a small holed haynet to prolong eating time AND use it safely on the floor for your unshod/unbooted horses and ponies or to use hung up in a regular way with a knotless soft and strong mesh then you have landed in the right place. 

That’s what I wanted but there wasn’t a haynet available that has been specifically designed with trials to be used safely at low level or on the floor...

Nibbleze were the first knotless meshed slow-feed hay nets in the UK and we have been going strong ever since. Our soft nets won't hurt your horse's mouths and are comfortable for them to tuck into!

We have a unique closure system on our nets that allows you to tie up the nets without the common 'loop' that is often a result of more traditional hay nets. The nets can also be completely closed with no hole for hooves to get stuck in, ensuring your horses safety.

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