Holed Coin

Holed Coin


Holed Coin

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All images courtesy of Heritage Auctions.
Among the varied problems on coins, those with holes and plugs are among the most discounted in the marketplace.
Numismatic Guaranty Corp. uses the term “Plugged” to describe a coin that was holed and then subsequently repaired writing, “Plugged coins are ones that were previously holed, typically for suspension as jewelry, and have had their holes filled in to conceal the damage. As the affected area usually includes design features, these will show evidence of re-engraving.”
Some plugged coins are very nicely repaired, with little visual evidence remaining of the damage. Others, like this 1801 Capped Bust gold $10 eagle with a hearty lump by L in LIBERTY on the obverse, have cruder repairs. Graded Very Fine Details, Plugged by NGC, Heritage observes, “some details of the fletchings are re-engraved, and two bright thin marks are on obverse star 7 and the top of Liberty’s cap,” adding, “The almond-gold surfaces are otherwise attractive.”
It sold for $4,320, making it one of the least-expensive examples of the type offered at auction in recent memory and providing an entry-level point for a buyer.

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RARE O-109a 1813 SINGLE LEAF VARIETY Capped Bust Half Dollar VF Details Holed
Ставок: 9 · Осталось времени Осталось 1 дн. 15 ч. (сб, 18:37)
Holed 1831 Capped Bust Half Dollar .892 Silver 50c USA Coin
Ставок: 7 · Осталось времени Осталось 3 дн. 9 ч. (пн, 12:31)
Holed 1861 Seated Liberty Half Dollar 90% Silver 50c USA Coin
Ставок: 14 · Осталось времени Осталось 3 дн. 9 ч. (пн, 12:37)
Ставок: 16 · Осталось времени Осталось 2 дн. 14 ч. (вс, 17:41)
1863 US Indian Head Penny 1 Cent Copper-Nickel Coin - Chopped & Partially Holed
Ставок: 0 · Осталось времени Осталось 3 дн. 10 ч. (пн, 13:38)
Новое объявление 4 Seated Liberty Half Dollar 50c Cull or Holed 4 US Silver Coins 23747
Ставок: 0 · Осталось времени Осталось 6 дн. 16 ч. (чт, 19:04)
2 Better Date Problem Seated LIBERTY Half Dimes: 1847 Rough & 1841 Hole. #3
Ставок: 0 · Осталось времени Осталось 1 дн. 16 ч. (сб, 19:03)
1893 Indian Head Cent Copper Countermarked Counter Stamped Holed Coin A PFEIL
1833 Capped Bust Half Dime "VF Holed" *Free S/H After 1st Item*
Ставок: 2 · Осталось времени Осталось 2 дн. 15 ч. (вс, 18:11)
Holed 1853 Seated Liberty Quarter 90% Silver 25c USA Coin
1 ставка · Осталось времени Осталось 3 дн. 9 ч. (пн, 12:44)
1874 trade dollar Repaired Lightly Circulated Better Date
Ставок: 22 · Осталось времени Осталось 3 дн. 13 ч. (пн, 16:37)
U.S. COIN BLOWOUT: 1833 Capped Bust Half Dime 5 Cent Piece w/Hole COBM-109
Ставок: 7 · Осталось времени Осталось 2 дн. 6 ч. (вс, 09:19)
Было: Предыдущая цена 1 207,56 руб. Скидка 40%
1913 S U.S.A.Buffalo Nickel | Key Date | World Coins | Pennies2Pounds
Было: Предыдущая цена 10 795,95 руб. Скидка 40%
1800 Bold Holed Draped Bust Dollar PQ Coin NHZ
1879 INDIAN HEAD CENT Better Date US 1 Penny Coin Partial LIBERTY VG Holed JL30M
Better Date 1876 Indian Cent!! About Good Details Condition - Holed
1875-S Liberty Seated Half Dollar - XF+/AU- Details Holed Very Sharp 50c Silver
1825 Bust Half Dollar w/ Hole Plugged. #8
1862 Indian Head Cent US 1c Penny Coin Hole
1854 (?) US Braided Hair Large Cent Copper Coin - Holed
Ставок: 0 · Осталось времени Осталось 2 дн. 14 ч. (вс, 17:02)
1853-O Liberty Seated Half Dollar - With Arrows/Rays AU+ Details Holed KEY DATE
Lot of (4) Holed Seated Liberty Half Dimes - 1854, 1871 (x2),1872 - Free Ship US
1846-o Seated LIBERTY Dollar w/ Hole. #7
1847 US Braided Hair Large Cent Copper Coin - Holed
Ставок: 0 · Осталось времени Осталось 2 дн. 14 ч. (вс, 16:58)
1865 USA Indian Head One Cent 'Bert' Engraved Coin
1887 | USA Liberty V Nickel 5 Cents 'Holed' | Cupro-Nickel | Coins | KM Coins
Было: Предыдущая цена 1 316,59 руб. Скидка 20%
1864 Two Cent Piece Large Motto not Small Motto Holed A260
Новое объявление 2022 Lincoln Shield Cent Penny Rare Secret Key Hole Counterstamp Gift Lucky Coin
1 ставка · Осталось времени Осталось 4 дн. 3 ч. (вт, 06:07)
1883 United States 5 Cents "Liberty Nickel" Coin - holed
Ставок: 0 · Осталось времени Осталось 1 дн. 23 ч. (вс, 02:45)
1891 USA Liberty Head Nickel VF+ Holed
1835 Classic Head Half Cent Higher Grade Low Mintage Holed #2C
Ставок: 0 · Осталось времени Осталось 2 дн. 15 ч. (вс, 18:05)
1825 Bust Half Dollar. NGC XF Details - Holed.
1834 Capped Bust Silver Dime large 4? Holed (J164)
Было: Предыдущая цена 1 282,73 руб. Скидка 35%
Было: Предыдущая цена 997,42 руб. Скидка 20%
Было: Предыдущая цена 4 427,62 руб. Скидка 25%
1825 Bust Half Dollar w/ Hole Plugged. #8
1885 Silver Nickel Pattern Proof 5c Holed Coin PCGS PR-63 OGH J-1742 Judd WW
USA United States of America Silver Half Dime 1835 Holed Very Scarce
Antique 1847 Braided Hair Large One Cent 1C Coin Necklace Pendant Punched Hole
Новое объявление 1972 Eisenhower Dollar Actual Photo of Coin - Silver Plated - Holed
Ставок: 0 · Осталось времени Осталось 9 дн. 14 ч. (23.10, 17:25)
1835 US Coronet Head Large Cent Copper Coin - Holed
Ставок: 0 · Осталось времени Осталось 2 дн. 15 ч. (вс, 18:00)
1787 Colonial Large Cent Connecticut w/ Hole. #1
1870 Seated Liberty Quarter Dollar US 25 Cent Silver Coin Holed JRS Monogrammed
Official Ass hole Collectible Coin Color Bronze
1869-s Seated LIBERTY Half Dime XF w/ Hole. #38
1877 S US Trade Dollar holed * HIGH GRADE* NICE COLOR@@
United States Cent 1871 Holed (D2108)
Было: Предыдущая цена 830,98 руб. Скидка 11%
Было: Предыдущая цена 5 710,99 руб. Скидка 25%
6 Coin Lot 1892-1911 Silver Barber Dimes 10c US CULL Coins Damaged Holed Toned
USA - America - 1 One Cent - Indian Head 1889 pendant hole coin Kayihan T66
Official US Mint 50 State Quarters 100 hole collector Folder Great Condition
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Really cool finds!

A hole in a coin generally takes away 50% to 90% of its value, I've read here, but it depends entirely on the coin -- rarities can still be valuable even when holed.

There are a few people who seek out holed coins to collect, but most collectors want nothing to do with them. Thus, the lower prices.

I sold this one (slabbed as PCGS XF Details) for more than two-thirds the price guide value of an undamaged XF example -- I found the right buyer, who was doing a set of impaired proof Trade dollars.

Haven't yet found the right buyer for this one:

Really cool finds!

A hole in a coin generally takes away 50% to 90% of its value, I've read here, but it depends entirely on the coin -- rarities can still be valuable even when holed.

There are a few people who seek out holed coins to collect, but most collectors want nothing to do with them. Thus, the lower prices.

I sold this one (slabbed as PCGS XF Details) for more than two-thirds the price guide value of an undamaged XF example -- I found the right buyer, who was doing a set of impaired proof Trade dollars.

Haven't yet found the right buyer for this one:

Holey crap. Thats wild. The holes contemporary with the wear
Really cool finds!

A hole in a coin generally takes away 50% to 90% of its value, I've read here, but it depends entirely on the coin -- rarities can still be valuable even when holed.

There are a few people who seek out holed coins to collect, but most collectors want nothing to do with them. Thus, the lower prices.

I sold this one (slabbed as PCGS XF Details) for more than two-thirds the price guide value of an undamaged XF example -- I found the right buyer, who was doing a set of impaired proof Trade dollars.

Haven't yet found the right buyer for this one:

-jeffB , Hookman and genXmetalfan like this.

BTW, do you remember what the engraving said? I can't read it from the pic.
"Buffington Thanksgiving". Google wasn't especially helpful.

1stSgt22 posted Yesterday at 9:00 PM

1stSgt22 posted Yesterday at 8:46 PM

Salvatore Cucchiara posted Yesterday at 8:34 PM

TheNickelGuy posted Yesterday at 8:25 PM

Amberlarry22 posted Yesterday at 3:34 PM

willieboyd2 posted Yesterday at 2:43 PM

Amberlarry22 posted Yesterday at 2:06 PM

The Meat man posted Yesterday at 1:57 PM

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​ Question: Are there any rules of thumb for evaluating the value of holed coins versus unholed coins of the same condition?
Answer: Generally holed pieces are desirable only as fillers, unless they are of a particularly rare date. Over the years quite a few holed coins — such as 1796 quarters, 1794 silver dollars, and the like — have been expertly repaired and have found new markets, sometimes with the repairs mentioned and sometimes not.
However, there are some coins that are available only in holed form and are eminently desirable as such, as that is the way they were used — such as the 1820 North West Co. " beaver" token, certain political tokens, etc.
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