History of cars

History of cars

In France, in 1895, the De Dion-Bouton company manufactured a single-cylinder

air-cooled Buton design engine with electric ignition.

With this engine, the company equipped its 3-x 4-wheel-

nye voaturettes, which she produced in 1896-1902

gg. The company's vuaturettes were quite primitive -

mi machines with a rear arrangement of single-cylinder

rovy engine, two-speed transmission, ru-

left thriller (lever). However, for its time

for me it was reliable and fast transport

means (speed about 45 km/h) /6/.


"Peugeot", trade-

rolled metal

products, in 90-


to manufacture first internal combustion engines, and then small cars

mobiles. The company's machines participated in the most

motor racing and took high places and cars on blogs.

Since 1898, another well-known

the firm is Renault. This year the first car was assembled

car with 13 hp engine, tubular

frame, gearbox with three front and one

rear speeds. In 1903 the first

racing car with 6.3 engine

hp The car is good due to its quality

bought /6/.


In Great Britain, the most technically advanced and richest of that period

country, at the end of the twentieth century, the automotive industry was practically absent, and the reason for this

was the Red Flag Act. In 1896, after its abolition, in commemoration of this long

expected event, the London-Brighton motor race was held, in which 54

car - almost the entire car fleet of Great Britain /6/.

The first English cars were either frankly primitive or

were copies of cars of famous continental firms. However, among

they had a completely original design, this machine was created by the designer

F. Lanchester, even before the abolition of the “Act”, in 1895, the designer set a goal to create not

a carriage with an engine, but a single whole from a body,

engine, transmission and running gear. De-

100 hp air-cooled engine

was located in the central part of the machine,

cylinders were arranged horizontally, each

had its own crankshaft and flywheel, which

rotated in opposite directions.

This technique was able to minimize the noise and

vibration. Gearbox with epicycloid

gears provided three front and one

rear speed. Automatic lubrication of gearbox and engine, worm gear

naya transfer - features that characterize the high level of the machine. However, the const-


Figure 35 - Dewry brothers bugs

Figure 37-“Ford-T”

Figure 36-A car


Figure 34-Silver

ghost”, Rolls-Royce, 1909

ructia had a number of archaic elements associated

with the use of steering thriller, wick

carburetor and cantilever suspension with C-

shaped spring used on carriages

XVIII century.

In 1904, in the UK, G. Royce, the

businessman of an enterprise manufacturing electrical

cranes, and S. Rolls, a racing driver who is the pre-

supplier of the Panhard firm in London, formed

car manufacturing company. First con-

The structure of the machine was developed on the basis of the French

zuza vuaturette with a 10 hp engine. Subsequently, the design of auto-

mobile phones have improved. Since 1906, the company began to produce only one model -

car of the highest class and subsequently adhered to this principle /6/.


Automobiles at the dawn of their development, even light French vauturettes, were

a very expensive item. Car manufacturers in Europe, without exception, are oriented

were used mainly for a rich publica-

ku. Meanwhile, in the nascent car-

the US industry showed a trend

tion to create a “car for all” /6/.

In the USA, the first manufacturers of mo-

the crews were the brothers Charles and Frank

Dury, who in 1893 designed and

built one of the first cars with internal combustion engines

4 hp In 1895, the Dury brothers created

whether a company for the production of cars with internal combustion engines. Auto-

mobiles were equipped with a horizontal internal combustion engine and

3D transmission.

However, the future of the American auto industry

thinking originated in Detroit. In 1896

several outstanding cars worked here at once

constructors: Haynes, King, Olds, Winton,


The first cars were assembled by Ch. King and

R. Olds. These were typical “horseless equipment”

pages." On the Olds machine, one-

cylinder internal combustion engine with battery ignition,

planetary gearbox for

two forward speeds. Organized by Olds

1901, Oldsmobile successfully sold

this small and cheap runabout.

G. Ford his first car

bil with two-cylinder engine

made from bicycle wheels, gas

exhaust pipes and others, mined in the

brand new in a junkyard. The first ma-

tires G. Ford had a lot in common with


Figure 39-The first "Russo-Balts"

Figure 38-“Ya kovlev-F rese”-first

Russian car

cars of other designers working in Detroit: Olds, King and Leland,

the future organizer of the Kodilak company. In 1903, G. Ford organized the Ford

Motor”, the first car of which was “Ford A”.

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