History of Benzedrine

History of Benzedrine

History of Benzedrine

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Benzedrine , colloquially referred to as bennies , is the brand name of the first pharmaceutical drug that contained amphetamine. The drug contained the racemic mixture of amphetamine , which is an equal parts mixture of levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine. While the drug was initially used for medical purposes, as a decongestant , early users of the Benzedrine inhaler discovered it had a euphoric stimulant effect, resulting in its being one of the earliest synthetic stimulants to be widely used for recreational i. Even though this drug was intended for inhalation, some people used Benzedrine recreationally by cracking the container open and swallowing the paper strip inside, which was covered in Benzedrine. The strips were often rolled into small balls and swallowed, or taken with coffee or alcohol. Because of the stimulant side effect , physicians discovered amphetamine could also be used to treat narcolepsy. This led to the production of Benzedrine in tablet form. Benzedrine was also used by doctors to perk up lethargic patients before breakfast. In , the effects of Benzedrine, and thus stimulant use, was studied in children with behavior and neurological disorders. Benzedrine was supplied to combat troops in World War 2 for use in exceptional circumstances e. In the s and s, reports began to emerge about the recreational use of Benzedrine inhalers, and in , doctors began to move away from prescribing Benzedrine as a bronchodilator and appetite suppressant. After its removal from open sale a black market continued in many large cities, to supply addicts and enthusiasts. For example, the working day at some carnivals e. Labour Day at the Canadian National Exhibition , Toronto, in was 12 to 16 hours long, enabled by standard dose Benzedrine tablets, still available surreptitiously. Benzedrine and derived amphetamines were used as a stimulant for armed forces during World War II and the Vietnam War. Benzedrine is frequently referenced in Hubert Selby Jr. When amphetamine became a controlled substance, it was replaced by propylhexedrine. Propylhexedrine was also manufactured by Smith, Kline and French and was marketed under the name Benzedrex. The Benzedrex inhaler is still available today, but is now manufactured by B. In the film Deadhead Miles Alan Arkin plays a truck driver who takes Benzedrine to stay awake for nearly a week, stating that he sometimes lets 'Benny take the wheel. While the main antagonist Cain is testing his new designer narcotic 'Blue Velvet' he tells the scientist working on it ' The Benzadrine has my teeth wiggling. In the first episode of season one, Joe Blake is handed a package containing Benzedrine to aid him in making the journey from New York City to Cannon City. The screenplay writer Dalton Trumbo was known to be dependent upon Benzedrine , \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[9\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] which he often combined with hard liquor, as portrayed in the film Trumbo. The party transforms a sleep cinema display of Charlie Chaplin to a raucous party with laughter and dancing and a much greater sense of euphoria. In season 1 episode 3 of the Amazon original series, a woman named Carol gives a Benzedrine inhaler to a Shirley Temple-esque child actress named Sally while on a movie set, after Sally repeatedly complains about being too tired to dance or rehearse. Later in the episode, Monroe Stahr Matt Bomer tells the child star that she needs to stop acting so badly if she wants to be a 'big star like Margo Taft someday This subtle but important plot point has many implications, including the idea of pervasive drug use in the industry beginning in childhood. In another episode, we are shown to the use of heroin amongst the writing staff, as well as numerous references to the heavy use of alcohol amongst the general staff and spouses. In the series of books by Ian Fleming , the character James Bond repeatedly makes use of Benzedrine in times of peak stress and typically during the climax of various books, as does another character. In the first book, Casino Royale written in , soviet agent Le Chiffre is noted to make use of a Benzedrine inhaler as he plays baccarat. He still felt perfectly fresh and the elation and clarity of mind produced by the Benzedrine were still with him The next instance of James Bond using Benzedrine is in Moonraker where early in the book he uses a champagne and Benzedrine mixed drink to which he says 'Never Again. He took out two and when I gave him the coffee he swallowed them down. A furry northeaster was blowing in over Coney Island and Brooklyn , bringing to the upper East Side a teasing sniff of the ocean. Trembling with energy, unable to contain itself, Manhattan was popping wheelies beneath her. In every direction, her tired eyes saw flashing lights, lights that caromed off the horizons and joined with the stars in the sky. The city seemed to be inhaling Benzedrine and exhaling light; a neon-lunged Buddha chanting and vibrating in a temple of filth. Then I would be way ahead when college started at the end of September, and able to enjoy my last year, instead of swotting away with no makeup and stringy hair, on a diet of coffee and Benzedrine, the way most of the seniors taking honors did, until they finish their thesis. In Chapter 9 of the novel, Susie recalls that her grandmother and mother 'had fought about whether I was old enough for benzedrine — her own personal savior, she called it. Baby fat is just another way to say ugly. A part of this description mentions how Carlo and Dean Moriarty would take benzedrine. She jokes to the bureaucrat Ude that the meagre first aid kit they have is 'Benzedrine and bobby-pins! The song is about an unnamed character, who is mentioned using Benzedrine. Similarly, the titular 'Jets' is an allusion to 'speed' a popular street name for amphetamines. It appeared on the album More of Tom Lehrer , which was released in The song makes reference to the alleged tendency for long-distance truck drivers to use amphetamines and other stimulants to make long-distance deliveries on a tight schedule. The year the song was released by R. It appeared on the album Stadium Arcadium. II , referenced the drug by name: Therefore, this site has no control over the copyright issues of the streaming media. All issues concerning copyright violations should be aimed at the sites hosting the material. This site does not host any of the streaming media and the owner has not uploaded any of the material to the video hosting servers. Anyone can find the same content on Google Video or YouTube by themselves. The owner of this site cannot know which documentaries are in public domain, which has been uploaded to e. YouTube by the owner and which has been uploaded without permission. The copyright owner must contact the source if he wants his material off the Internet completely. Scramble me up a couple of benzedrine tablets. Zacchary Scott, Pretty Baby, Marilyn Monroe and the prescription drugs that killed her. Who Put the Benzedrine. Harry Gibson visits Middletown. Maggie Estep reads Huncke. What Is Speed Drug Wiki? Alasdair Macleod- Paper Money Collapse in Hitler use speed medicine in 2nd world war. Panic at the Disco folie a deux. Violent Saturday - Film. Fall Out Boy - 27 lyrics \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[CD quality\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Post Oak Mission Hovercraft - Wire Trace. Nat Adderley - Scrambled Eggs. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the socio-cultural aspects and history of the first amphetamine pharmaceutical. It is not to be confused with Benzedrex , Benzedrone , or Benzphetamine. History and culture of substituted amphetamines. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. April Learn how and when to remove this template message. A Stranger in Blood: Suspected serial killer John Bodkin Adams was using it thus in the s. Retrieved 6 May Live and Let Die. The Spy Who Loved Me. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues. We Who Are About To. Retrieved 11 July Lyrics Playground after original song recording. Retrieved 11 April Benny is My Co-Pilot'. Decongestants and other nasal preparations R Spaglumic acid histamine antagonists Levocabastine Antazoline Thonzylamine mast cell stabilizer some are also antihistamines Cromoglicic acid Nedocromil Azelastine Olopatadine Lodoxamide. Adapromine Amantadine Bromantane Memantine Rimantadine. Oxiracetam Phenylpiracetam Phenylpiracetam hydrazide. Retrieved from ' https: Use dmy dates from April Articles needing additional references from April All articles needing additional references.

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