History of Benzedrine

History of Benzedrine

History of Benzedrine

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Benzedrine is the other name for Amphetamine. Amphetamine is a prescription medication used to treat disorders such as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a kind of psycho stimulant. Amphetamine is used is to rouse the central nervous system and aid a patient remain attentive. Benzedrine was once very popular in the West. Benzedrine boosts up energy, act as a stimulant and decreases appetite in individuals. Also, Benzedrine was very popular as a strongest pill in the market as a weight loss supplement. However, GSK is not producing Benzedrine at present. Benzedrine is the only pill that has been sold by prescription, ever since The history of Benzedrine commenced in the late s. During s, chemists were attempting to prepare artificial amphetamines. Some time later, they realized that amphetamines could be used as stimulants. In , Benzedrine was introduced to the market for widening the nasal and bronchial passages, to overcome breathing troubles. Later, consumers found out that Benzedrine could have some other interesting applications other than its intended use. So, they broke the inhalers to obtain at the drug inside and took it orally rather than through an inhaler. Users tend to swallow the paper strip that was coated with Benzedrine inside the container. Benzedrine was prescribed by doctors for patients who had trouble waking up in the morning, along with patients who suffered from narcolepsy, a permanent neurological disorder that affects sleep patterns. Benzedrine tablets were also transported for use by soldiers on the front. Benzedrine, along with many other stimulants, was widely used by soldiers from all of the countries involved in the war. It was particularly well-liked by pilots. Actually, Benzedrine was believed by people that the pill would keep them active. During late s, Benzedrine mistreatment had gained popularity and Benzedrine pills started to face serious inspection. Initially, The Food and Drug Administration tried banning Benzedrine inhalers, and in , it was declared that the drug would be sold by prescription only. Benzedrine is marketed as a valuable choice that will assist people to amplify serotonin levels hormone responsible for energy and mood to raise mood and repress hunger similar to amphetamine appetite suppressants. Benzedrine claims itself as a first class supplement with stimulant action to a greater extent. Benzedrine also assures that it must be the excellent choice that will give the best possible results when compared to any other weight loss supplements available in the market. The ingredients in Benzedrine are believed to burn fat, suppress appetite, and promote rapid You do not have access to view this node. What is the drug Benzedrine used for? Print Email Save Image Credit: Content What is the History of Benzedrine? What does Benzedrine claim to do? What are the powerful ingredients present in Benzedrine? Using Benzedrine - weightloss. Loosing weight with Drugs - loseweightfast. View the discussion thread. What are the options for Drug Rehabilitation? When Is Vicodin used? What are the symptoms of Trench Foot? Can Acidophilus prevent Bad Breath? Tag Cloud Alternative Energy animals body brain cells chemicals countries Crafts Drugs Energy Environment fabric grammar Health heart herbs history idioms Infections invention kids medicinal herbs phrases plays psychology Religion Skin surgery travel vacation more tags.

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