History of Baccarat and Job Description of a Dealer

History of Baccarat and Job Description of a Dealer

History of Baccarat and Job Description of a Dealer

Baccarat (카지노사이트) was based on study in the ceremony of nine Etruscan gods by a gambler named Flex Falguire.

According to the legend, there was a Roman temple in 2600 BC where blond nine gods were preparing to win a blonde girl named Ncen Dare (surname) over a number name.

If she throws number 8, 9 the priestess will be the queen,

if 6, 7 comes out the priestess will lose her title,

if the number is below 5, she must walk to the sea.

Baccarat was derived from this kind of number game, Europe's Baccarat en Banque and Chemin de Fer in Italy are considered as first kinds of Baccarat game.

These games became very popular among the upper class during the reign of Charles VIII of France from 1483 to 1488.

After which the games went through a repeated cycle of becoming illegal for causing adverse effect to the society, to becoming legal for tax collection purposes.

During Napoleonic era, Baccarat was prohibited among the masses and only was played inside the royal court.

The game was later legalized in 1907 and was introduced to Edward 7 ruling England

as Shimmy.

In 1912 it was introduced to the US but was not popular as Blackjack.

Chemin de Fer was prevalent in Florida and Caribbean in 1940s,

and Tommy Renzoni learned this game in Casino Georgeraft located in Cuba and introduced it to Nevada in the 1950s. Later on in1958 this game appeared in Stardust Casino of Las Vegas under the name Shimmy, and from then the current Nevada style Baccarat was born.

In South Korea, Baccarat was introduced in 1970s and it is most popular game in Baccarat site.

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