History #OSINT

History #OSINT

Cyber Detective • @cyb_detective

history #OSINT

services for fact checking (e.g the authenticity of photos) and gathering information about events that took place several years or even decades ago.

(this is not a complete guide, just some examples)


(1/14) [#1]


To find out what a certain place looked like in different periods, try searching for pictures of it on a map at pastvu.com. There you can find pictures and drawings (!) from 1826 to 2000.

(Keep in mind that the data from that site needs to be verified, too). [#2]


Don't forget that on Google Maps (yandex.ru/maps/) and Yandex Maps (yandex.ru/maps/), you can see panoramas of streets in a particular location for different years. [#3]



Historical satellite imagery (there is even data from the 1980s for some points). The site contains images from dozens of different sources. [#4]

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