His Wife

His Wife
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Tom bought that car because his wife liked it.
Том купил эту машину, потому что она понравилась его жене .
When his wife died, he received dozens of condolence cards.
Когда его супруга умерла, ему пришло с дюжину писем с соболезнованиями.
"She's a knowsome girl," he said that night as he lay beside his wife. «Она весьма умна», - сказал он ночью той, лёжа на боку рядом со своей женой.
en Some of his work was posthumously published by his wife Elizaveta Lukina (who was also a research collaborator).
en Something that Emma, his wife , had done.
en He fainted from the heat, but his wife's patient nursing brought him to.
en McQueen is divorced from his wife due to his inability to procreate naturally.
en Laval could speak French and his wife was learning it, so they could communicate with the people.
en I know of his wife , and his thirst to avenge her death.
en As should you for being his wife !
en So the man doesn't get back to his wife in time.
en He lives in London with his wife , mezzosoprano Maria Timofeeva, and is the father of son Aleksander.
en His wife didn't deserve your man.
en We could have secured Platt, but he never got the picture with his wife's purse.
en Mom’s older brother, Fred Wismar, and his wife , Eulalie, lived in Temple, Texas.
en So Sir George still believes that his wife , she is alive?
en Or maybe he has some trouble with his wife .
en And, you know, also maybe not have sex with his wife ?
en Tom bought that car because his wife liked it.
en Fella comes home to his wife and he says
en His wife left him and sought a legal separation.
en How does a husband show that he cherishes his wife ?
en We were with my brother, his wife , and Mr. Agopian.
en After the death of Philip IV, Louis XIV claimed part of the inheritance for his wife .
en By morning we'd found my father, my mother, my little brother, my uncle, his wife and their children.
en He died on February 9, 1720 in Padua and was buried along with his wife in the Basilica.
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His wife по Русский, перевод, Английский-Русский Словарь
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover - Full Movie | 1989 - YouTube
Is it correct to say ‘he and his wife ’ or ‘him and his wife ’? - Quora
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