His Sex

His Sex


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A guy spills all the dirty (and hilarious) details.
You can tell a lot about a guy from his shoes or his car or the way he treats people in general. But if you want real insight into his weird brain, check out his preferred sexual position.
One simple act that can be done in countless ways means whatever choice he makes says a lot about who he is as a man. So here's what each means about your guy, along with his yearbook superlative and what I'm guessing his favorite dirty talk phrase is.
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If you're too busy to read them all, here's a cheat sheet: Every sex position means he is a weird pervert and you should run away immediately.
What It Means: He failed art class in kindergarten for lack of creativity. He learned all his sex moves from PG-13 movies and thinks lighting a candle is the height of romance. He is a patent lawyer or accountant.
Voted Most Likely To: Have The Same Haircut Until He Dies; Describe A Sunset As "Pretty Good"
Favorite Dirty Talk: "Do you like that? Do you like that? Do you like that? Do you...oh, you're asleep."
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What It Means: He wishes you looked more like Nicki Minaj and less like Keira Knightly. His Internet search history is 29 different variations on the word "butt." He watches a lot of Animal Planet.
Voted Most Likely To: Drop The Hottest Mixtape In The Streets; Get Arrested At The Dog Park
Favorite Dirty Talk: "MY ANACONDA DON'T!"
What It Means: He is a NASA advanced mathematician with an innate understanding of angles, degrees, and torque. Or he is roughly your same height.
Voted Most Likely To: Win The Claw Machine At The Fair
Favorite Dirty Talk: "Oh, yeah baby, now raise your left leg four inches and rotate your hips 75 degrees to the right. Prepare for entry."
Watch men and women come up with names for these adventurous sex positions:
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What it means: He's the type of guy who thinks two B's equals one A. He likes to text while driving and uses his laptop on the toilet. He thinks he is a great multi-tasker, but he really just has ADD.
Voted most likely to: Eat A Sandwich While Exchanging Wedding Vows; Listen To Two iPods At Once
Favorite Dirty Talk: [muffled noises]
What It Means: He has a bad back or is very lazy—or both. He orders in both lunch and dinner every day and occasionally breakfast. He has never once helped do the dishes.
Voted Most Likely To: Order An Uber To Take Him To The Mailbox And Back
Favorite Dirty Talk: "Yeah, uh huh. Just like that. Do that. Okay, now do that. Just keep doing that, I'll let you know you when I'm good."
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What It Means: He wants you to have an orgasm, but he's worried about getting bored while he waits.
Voted Most Likely To: Wear A Go-Pro Camera On His Head
Favorite Dirty Talk: N/A; he is silent, as if he were admiring a beautiful painting at a museum.
What It Means: He's tired. So very tired. Also, he props his laptop on its side when he lies in bed so he catch up on his Netflix.
Voted Most Likely To: Get A Severe Sunburn On One Side Only; Slowly Fuse To A Couch Like On Some Awful TLC Show
Favorite Dirty Talk: Does snoring count?
What It Means: He has way too much self-confidence, none of it warranted. He listens to a lot of Sting, but never Sting & The Police. He biggest turn-on is breaking a hip.
Voted Most Likely To: Grow A Man Bun; Own A Poncho; Die From Autoerotic Asphyxiation
Favorite Dirty Talk: "Listen to these Buddhist chants I learned from my guru, Chad."
What It Means: He just moved into a new apartment and has no furniture yet. He just bought a brand-new rug and wants to ruin it. You are currently on Jupiter and gravitational forces are pulling you toward the ground.
Voted Most Likely To: Have Carpet Burns; Induce Carpet Burns
Favorite Dirty Talk: "Oh cool, the remote was under the sofa the whole time."
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NXIVM (/ˈnɛksiəm/) was an American sex cult that engaged in sex trafficking while claiming to be a multi-level marketing company.[2] Based in Clifton Park, New York, a suburb of Albany, the group claimed to offer personal and professional development seminars through its "Executive Success Programs" of large-group awareness training.[3] The company has been widely described as a cult[4] and was shown in court to have been a recruiting platform for a secret society called "DOS" in which women were branded and forced into sexual slavery.
Keith Raniere (co-founder, leader)
Nancy Salzman (co-founder, president)
Allison Mack (recruiter, leader)
Clare Bronfman (funder, leader)[1]
In early 2018, NXIVM's founder, Keith Raniere, and his associate, actress Allison Mack, were arrested and indicted on federal charges related to DOS, including sex trafficking.[5] Others associated with NXIVM were also charged with federal crimes. As of April 2019, five people associated with NXIVM—Mack, NXIVM co-founder Nancy Salzman, Lauren Salzman, Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman, and bookkeeper Kathy Russell—had pleaded guilty to various charges.[6][7] Raniere was convicted in federal court of sex trafficking and racketeering on June 19, 2019.[8][9] On September 30, 2020, Clare Bronfman became the first defendant sentenced in the case, when she was ordered to serve six years and nine months in federal prison.[10]
After Raniere's conviction, he continued to direct loyalists from behind bars, encouraging continued recruitment.[11][12] At his direction, members of the group have regularly danced outside Raniere's jail and staged coordinated protests of individual prosecutors. In September 2020, it was estimated about 50 to 60 people remained "very loyal" to Raniere. Raniere was sentenced to 120 years in prison in October 2020.[13][14]
Before founding NXIVM, Raniere created Consumers Buyline, a business venture that the New York Attorney General accused of having been a pyramid scheme; Raniere signed a consent order in 1996 in which he denied any wrongdoing but agreed to pay a $40,000 fine and to be permanently banned from "promoting, offering or granting participation in a chain distribution scheme".[15]
In 1998, Raniere and Nancy Salzman founded NXIVM, a personal development company[16] offering "Executive Success Programs" and a range of techniques for self-improvement.[17][18][19] Raniere claimed that the programs' "main emphasis is to have people experience more joy in their lives."[18]
During NXIVM seminars, students were expected to call Raniere and Salzman "Vanguard" and "Prefect", respectively.[20][21][22] The Hollywood Reporter wrote that Raniere "adopted the title 'Vanguard' from a favorite arcade game… in which the destruction of one's enemies increased one's own power."[23] Within the organization, the reasoning for the titles was that Raniere was the leader of a philosophical movement and Salzman was his first student.[19]
By 2003, 3,700 people had taken part in ESP classes, reportedly including businesswoman Sheila Johnson, former Surgeon General Antonia Novello, Enron executive Stephen Cooper, and Ana Cristina Fox, daughter of former Mexican president Vicente Fox.[24] Other participants were reported to include entrepreneur Richard Branson (who denied having taken the classes[25][26]), Edgar Bronfman Sr.,[24] and actresses Linda Evans, Grace Park, and Nicki Clyne.[27][28] In the early 2000s, Seagram heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman, daughters of Edgar Bronfman Sr., became attached to the organization.[28][19]
NXIVM's training is a trade secret, subject to non-disclosure agreements, but reportedly uses a technique the organization calls "rational inquiry" to facilitate personal and professional development. In 2003, NXIVM sued the Ross Institute in the case known as NXIVM Corp. v. Ross Institute, alleging copyright infringement for publishing excerpts of content from its manual in three critical articles commissioned by cult investigator Rick Alan Ross and posted on his website.[29][30][31] Ross posted a psychiatrist's assessment of NXIVM's "secret" manual on his website that called the regimen "expensive brainwashing".[27][32]
Ross obtained the manual from former member Stephanie Franco, a co-defendant in the trial, who had signed a non-disclosure agreement not to divulge information from the manual to others. NXIVM filed suits in both New York and New Jersey, but both were dismissed.[27][33] On appeal, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed the lower court's dismissal, ruling that the defendant's critical analysis of material obtained in bad faith (i.e. in violation of a non-disclosure agreement) was fair use since the secondary use was transformative as criticism and was not a potential replacement for the original on the market.[34][35][36]
In October 2003, Forbes magazine published an article on NXIVM and Raniere.[24] Vanity Fair magazine subsequently reported of the article: "People at NXIVM were stunned. Expecting a positive story, the top ranks had spoken to Forbes, including Raniere, Salzman, and Sara Bronfman. What upset them above all were Edgar Bronfman’s remarks. "I think it’s a cult," he told the magazine, going on to say that he was troubled about the "emotional and financial" investment in NXIVM by his daughters, to whom he had not spoken in months.[24] In 2006, Forbes published an article about the Bronfman sisters, stating that they had taken out a line of credit to loan NXIVM $2 million, repayable through personal training sessions and phone consultations with Salzman.[37] Another Forbes article in 2010 discussed the failures of commodities and real estate deals by the Bronfmans made on Raniere's advice.[38]
After actress Kristin Kreuk became involved with NXIVM in 2006, Salzman and her daughter Lauren went to Vancouver, British Columbia, to recruit Kreuk's Smallville co-star Allison Mack.[23] The younger Salzman (Lauren, herself a junior NXIVM leader)[19] bonded with Mack, and the latter became lovers,[23] though Kreuk subsequently left NXIVM.[39] Mack became "an enthusiastic proselytizer" for NXIVM, persuading her parents to take courses, and, after wrapping production of Smallville in 2011, moved to Clifton Park, New York, to be near NXIVM's home base in Albany.[23]
In 2008, the Bronfman sisters allegedly pressured Stephen Herbits, a confidant of their father, to ask Albany County District Attorney David Soares, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, and New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram to begin criminal investigations into NXIVM's critics. NXIVM reportedly kept dossiers on Soares, Spitzer, political consultant Roger Stone, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, and Albany Times Union publisher George Randolph Hearst III in a box in the basement of Nancy Salzman's home.[40] According to the Times Union, NXIVM "developed a reputation for aggressively pursuing critics and defectors who broke from its ranks, including using litigation to punish critics of Raniere, the organization, or its training methods."[41]
The World Ethical Foundations Consortium, an organization co-founded by Raniere and the Bronfman sisters, sponsored a visit to Albany by the Dalai Lama in 2009. The visit was initially canceled by the Dalai Lama owing to negative press about NXIVM,[42] but was rescheduled; the Dalai Lama spoke at Albany's Palace Theatre in May, 2009.[43] In 2017, Lama Tenzin Dhonden, the self-styled "Personal Emissary for Peace for the Dalai Lama" who had arranged the appearance, was suspended from his position amid corruption charges; the investigation also revealed a personal relationship between Dhonden and Sara Bronfman, which began in 2009.[44]
NXIVM has been described as a pyramid scheme,[45][46][47][17] a sex-trafficking operation,[48] a cult,[49][50][51] and a sex cult.[52] In a 2010 Times Union article, former NXIVM coaches characterized students as "prey" for Raniere's sexual or gambling-related proclivities.[53] Kristin Keeffe, a longtime partner of Raniere and mother of his child, left the group in 2014 and called Raniere "dangerous", saying, "[a]ll the worst things you know about NXIVM are true."[54]
In 2014, Raniere founded the NXIVM-affiliated news organization The Knife of Aristotle,[55] later known as The Knife and The Knife Media.[56][57] The Knife of Aristotle was subsequently described as a fake news website and a cult.[58] The organization also reportedly hired journalists in an attempt to gain media support and solicit new members to NXIVM, as well as fabricating staff members.[58][59][60]
Starting with reports by investigative journalist Frank Parlato in June 2017[61] and bolstered by an October 2017 article in The New York Times, details began to emerge about Dominus Obsequious Sororium, a "secret sisterhood" that started in 2015 within NXIVM, in which female members were allegedly called slaves, branded with the initials of Raniere and Mack, subjected to corporal punishment from their "masters", and required to provide nude photos or other potentially damaging information about themselves as "collateral".[62][47][18][63][64][17] Law enforcement representatives have alleged that DOS members were forced into sexual slavery.[65]
Sarah Edmondson, a Canadian actress who had been an ESP participant since 2005, said that she left NXIVM after Mack inducted her into DOS the previous March at her Albany home. Edmondson alleged that participants were blindfolded naked, held down by Mack and three other women, and branded by NXIVM-affiliated doctor Danielle Roberts, using a cauterizing pen.[47][18][66][67][23] Appearing on an A&E television program about cults, Edmondson provided additional context for the use of the "collateral" concept, saying that it was used in innocuous forms from the earliest, outermost stages of NXIVM in order to acclimate victims—for example, collateralizing small amounts of money that one might forfeit if one did not go to the gym one day.[18][19] The Times later reported that hundreds of members left NXIVM after Edmondson went public about her experience.[19]
On December 15, 2017, the ABC newsmagazine 20/20 aired an exposé including interviews with many former NXIVM adherents, including Edmondson and Catherine Oxenberg, who alleged that her daughter, India Oxenberg, was in danger due to the group. Several former members reported financial and sexual predation by NXIVM leaders.[47][63][68] Edmondson further appeared in "Escaping NXIVM", during the first season of the CBC podcast Uncover.[69]
Seven socially prominent Mexicans, including Emilio Salinas Occelli (son of former president Carlos Salinas de Gortari) and Ana Cristina Fox (daughter of former president Vicente Fox), Rosa Laura Junco, Loreta Garza Dávila (a business leader from Nuevo Leon), Daniela Padilla, Camila, and Mónica Durán, have been accused of involvement.[70][better source needed]
In March 2018, Raniere was arrested and indicted on charges related to DOS, including sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, and conspiracy to commit forced labor.[5][71] He was arrested in Mexico and held in custody in New York after appearing in federal court in Fort Worth, Texas.[72] The indictment alleged that at least one woman was coerced into sex with Raniere, who forced DOS members to undergo the branding ritual alleged by Edmondson and others.[73][74] United States Attorney Richard Donoghue stated that Raniere "created a secret society of women whom he had sex with and branded with his initials, coercing them with the threat of releasing their highly personal information and taking their assets."[17]
On April 20, 2018, Mack was arrested and indicted on similar charges to Raniere's. According to prosecutors, after she recruited women into first NXIVM and then DOS, Mack coerced them into engaging in sexual activity with Raniere and performing menial tasks, for which Raniere allegedly paid her.[23] Mack was further alleged to be NXIVM's second-in-command after Raniere.[23][39][75][76][77] On April 24, Mack was released on $5 million bond pending trial and held under house arrest with her parents in California.[78][79] On May 4, Raniere pleaded not guilty.[80]
Salzman's home was raided shortly after Raniere's arrest,[17] and prosecutors stated during his arraignment that further arrests and a superseding indictment for Raniere and Mack should be expected.[81][82] In late May, authorities moved to seize two NXIVM-owned properties near Albany.[83]
In April 2018, the New York Post reported that NXIVM had moved to Brooklyn, New York, and was being led by Clare Bronfman.[84] On June 12, 2018, the Times Union reported that NXIVM had suspended its operations due to "extraordinary circumstances facing the company".[85] Bronfman was arrested on July 24 and charged with racketeering. She was released to house arrest after signing a $100 million bail bond. Also arrested and charged with the same crime were NXIVM President Nancy Salzman; her daughter, Lauren Salzman; and another NXIVM employee, Kathy Russell.[86][87]
On March 13, 2019, Nancy Salzman pleaded guilty to a charge of racketeering criminal conspiracy.[88][89][90] Also in March 2019, Lauren Salzman pleaded guilty to racketeering and racketeering conspiracy.[91] On April 8, 2019, Mack pleaded guilty to racketeering.[92] On April 19, 2019, Bronfman pleaded guilty to charges of harboring an alien and identity fraud; bookkeeper Russell also pleaded guilty to visa fraud.[93]
Raniere's federal trial began on May 7, 2019.[94] On June 19, 2019, he was convicted of racketeering and sex trafficking.[8]
In January 2020, a federal lawsuit was filed in New York accusing Raniere and 14 associates of conducting illegal psychological experiments on members of the company and abusing them physically, emotionally and financially.[95]
On September 30, 2020, Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York sentenced Bronfman to six years and nine months in federal prison; her attorney promised
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