Hinata Bondage

Hinata Bondage


Hinata Bondage
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NOTE: THIS STORY IS BEFORE SHIPPUUDEN! ------  It was just another day in Konoha. At least for most. For Hinata it wasn't quite that. The entire clan except for her had left on a big mission entrusted to the Hyuuga clan. She had been left alone to watch the house, and because the head of the clan didn't want to put her in danger. That, and Hinata had a feeling she would just be in the way if she came along.  She walked around the large and empty house. She didn't know what to do when she was alone. She had no one to spar with, and she had no errands today.  Since she was alone, she had gotten a little braver than usually, and hadn't dressed up in her usual baggy clothes. She wore a blue dress that went down to just above her knees. Over that, she wore a sleeveless, purple shirt, and an accessory stomach belt.  "It's going to be a quiet day" she thought.  Just then, two people wearing black clothes and ANBU masks appeared in a puff of smoke, startling Hinata.  "Hyuuga Hinata?" one of them asked.  "Y-yes" Hinata said, her body starting to shake. What had she done something.  "Please, young Hyuuga, you must come with us."  Wondering what was going on, Hinata followed them out through the gate. She had no idea why the ANBU would be interested in her.  They walked out of town, passing the gate watchers and walked into the forest.  "Umm…" Hinata mumbled after they had walked for a few minutes "where are you taking me?"  The men didn't answer, and Hinata gradually got more and more nervous.  When they had walked some distance away from the village, they went off the road. A minute or two later, the men stopped.  "You wonder what we want with you, right?" one of the men said.  "Y-yes, sir" Hinata said, twiddling her fingers.  The man that had spoken took his hand to his mask while the other person moved behind Hinata.  The first man took of his mask, revealing a rough and scarred face.  "We simply want to kidnap you."  The man had barely said that before the man behind Hinata putt a sweet smelling cloth over Hinata's mouth. Hinata struggled as best as she could, and even tried shouting. But soon, she fell to sleep from the chloroform on the cloth.  "Our information was correct" the first man said to the second, who was also removing his mask. "A shy an insecure girl that will not suspect anyone of being bad people, and is also a bad fighter."  "Yeah. This has got to be the easiest job ever" the other man said, revealing his much cleaner and handsome face by taking off his mask. "And to think she will be our most valuable cargo yet."  "Yes, that is a surprise, but a nice one. Now, take her and let's go."  The second man tossed Hinata over his shoulder, carrying her like a sack of potatoes.  "The amount of chloroform I gave her should keep her out cold for a long time. We're in no hurry."  "I know, but I don't want to be seen."  With that said, they sped off to their hiding place.  ***  While this was happening, Naruto was also in the forest, not a long distance away. He was practicing his shuriken jutsus.  "I got to get stronger so I can get Sasuke back" was all that went through his head.  But just as he was about to try something new, he saw two men running past him. And with a sleeping Hinata tossed over one man's shoulder.  "What's going on?" he wondered, and started pursuing the men. But they were already far ahead.  "Damn" he thought. "Where did they go?"  Naruto made the kage bunshin no jutsu (shadow clone technique) seal, and several clones appeared around him.  "Guys, we gotta find the people with Hinata."  "Got it!" every clone answered before they scattered in every direction to look for them.  "I just hope nothing's happened to Hinata" Naruto hoped as he kept jumping on tree branches. ***  Hinata woke up from her slumber. She was sitting in a chair.  "Wh-what happened?" she wondered as she opened her eyes. She looked up to see that she was inside a cave. And the two men that had taken her were there.  Hinata immediately attempted to stand up and run for it, but even though she managed to get up, something pulled on her body and made her fall to the ground with a thud.  "I see you're awake" the man with the rough face said. "But do yourself a favor and stay in that chair. We don't want to get rough with you, but we can."  "Wh-who are you?" Hinata asked while taking a look over her body. She was chained and cuffed. Some around her chest kept her upper arms pinned to her side. Cuffs kept her hands locked in front of her, and from the chain of the cuffs went another chain, connected to another set of cuffs put on her ankles. Hinata could still move, but her movement was limited.  "It's ok" she told herself. "I can still fight like this."  She attempted to get some chakra to her hands and feet, but found that she couldn't. Instead, she felt a small jolt of electricity going through her body.  "I see you're trying to use chakra" the more handsome man said now. "You should forget it, girl. The chains and cuffs you are bound with dispels all chakra you try to forge and turns it into electricity to shock you."  Hinata just lay on the floor, her body still twitching a bit from the shock, even though it was nothing overly powerful.  The man who seemed like the leader, the one with the scarred face, approached Hinata and squatted down beside her.  "You asked who we are?"  Hinata just nodded, giving up all resistance at this point.  "Well, we're just your average kidnappers. We kidnap someone and eventually give them back when we get money from the family or friends. And if they don't pay, there are always people who will."  Hinata just looked fearfully at the man who now cupped her chin in his hand.  "The Hyuuga are rich, but powerful. We never dared to try and kidnap someone from that clan… until today. Our information says you're the successor of the clan, and yet you're weak like this. So when all but you left on a mission, we took the chance. It seems like it was worth it. We're going to get a good deal of money from the deal we're gonna make with the Hyuuga clan."  He gently lifted the shaking Hinata back on the chair and put her down.  Now, behave and we will behave. Understood?"  Hinata nodded quickly.  "Good."  Hinata felt so helpless. There was nothing she could do with those cuffs and chains on her.  Suddenly, the second man with the handsome face shouted for the first person.  "Hey, boss! Some kid's running up the hill. And he's coming this way!"  No sooner had he said that than a figure dressed an orange jump suit came charging at the entrance of the cave.  The second man quickly formed a few seals, and before Naruto knew what happened, a wall of dirt emerged from the rocky floor.  "Hey, you!" Naruto shouted through the wall of dirt blocking his way. "What have you done to Hinata?"  Hinata hadn't seen who had been coming, but she recognized the voice.  "NARUmmph!"  She was hand gagged by the leader before she could say any full words at all.  "We haven't done anything to her" the second man said to answer Naruto's question. "And it will remain that way if you leave us alone now."  "No way! I'm gonna save her!"  "N-Naruto-kun is going to save me?" Hinata thought, her face turning red before she fainted, much to the surprise of the leader.  "Hey, she's out cold" he told his partner in crime.  "Did you hold her to tightly?"  "I swear, I didn't."  The second man didn't bother with that any more.  "So what do we do now?" he asked.  "Can't you use some earth jutsu to dig us out of here?"  "I'm not a gopher. I don't know stuff like that."  Just then, small rocks and amounts of dirt came falling form the ceiling, right where the leader stood near Hinata.  "Is it a cave-in?" he wondered, fearing the worst.  Suddenly, a hole opened. And down through that hole came several figures. All identical. All wearing the same orange jump suit.  The leader had to move away from Hinata to dodge the downpour of rock and soil.  Naruto had started digging from over the cave. With the help of his clones, he had quickly managed to dig his way to the cave.  Two of the clones grabbed Hinata while Naruto gathered chakra in his hand with the help of a clone, making it into a spinning ball of chakra.  He charged at the baffled men who didn't know what to do in this situation other than dodge.  They barely managed to doge the blow, but Naruto kept going, heading straight for the dirt wall that had been set up at the entrance.  "RASENGAN!"  Naruto blasted his way out of the cave, spraying dirt everywhere. The two men were busy covering their eyes, so it was easy for the clones to run out with Hinata.  But soon, the dust settled.  "After him!" the leader shouted as he and his sidekick rushed after the ninja.  They had barely gotten out of the cave when a hand struck at their necks, making them unconscious.  "You shouldn't go around kidnapping people like that" the voice of Kakashi said as he picked up the two kidnappers and headed after Naruto.  He met Naruto by the foot of the hill.  "Hey, Kakashi-sensei, who are those guys?" Naruto asked.  "They are wanted kidnappers. They are not well known, and are hardly dangerous. However, I believe these people have connections in the slave market, and could prove a good source of information."  "You mean they were going to sell Hinata as a slave?"  "If the Hyuuga didn't give them the money they wanted, then most likely."  "Then it's a good thing I saw them. By the way, thanks for helping."  "I just happened to be nearby."  Kakashi put the men down and searched their pockets until he found what he was looking for and handed it to Naruto.  "Here's the key to her cuffs and chains" he said as he lifted up the kidnappers again. "Well then, I'll leave Hinata to you."  Kakashi jumped into a tree and started running towards Konoha to get the men in a jail.  Naruto just stared at the key for a moment.  Suddenly, Hinata opened her eyes. She sat up, but looked in the other direction of where Naruto was sitting, oblivious to the fact he was even there.  Naruto was so happy that without warning, he hugged Hinata from behind.  "You're alright" he said happily. "That's so good."  Hinata blushed as she understood who was hugging her.  "N-N-Nar-Naruto-k-kun" she stuttered, unable to move from the sheer embarrassment she felt. But it also felt good.  Naruto released her from the hug and started to unlock all her bindings. Soon, they were all off.  "Th-thank you, Naruto-kun" Hinata said, on the verge of fainting.  "No problem" Naruto answered. "Anyway, are you really ok? You look red in the face."  "I… I… I'm really ok, Naruto-kun" she answered, trying to sound convincing, but the fact was that she could faint at any moment from having Naruto so close to her.  "Oh, I see. That's good" Naruto said with a smile.  Naruto took Hinata's hand and pulled the shy girl up on her feet.  "Then, shall we go home?"  "N-Naruto-kun is holding my hand. He is… holding… me…"  Hinata couldn't think any more before she fainted.  "Hey, Hinata? Hinata?"  Naruto didn't understand what had happened, but decided to just carry her on his back. And so he did, all the way back to the Hyuuga clan house.  Naruto knocked on the gate, and the head, Hinata's father, opened.  "Kakashi have told me what happened" he said the moment he saw Naruto with Hinata. "I am grateful that you saved my daughter."  "Oh, it was nothing" Naruto said with a grin.  Next, Naruto handed over the sleeping Hinata to her father who took her in his arms. He thanked Naruto once again before closing the door.  "Well, this ended well" Naruto thought happily. "Maybe I'll grab a bite at Ichiraku's."  Naruto headed for the ramen stand. On the way, he started thinking how cute Hinata had looked with chains and cuffs binding her.  "What am I thinking about?" he thought, wondering why he was thinking she was cuter than usual like that. Sure, she was cute generally, but why did she look cuter with cuffs and chains?  Meanwhile, in the Hyuuga house, Hinata woke up in her own bed, her father sitting next to her.  "Are you feeling well?" he asked her daughter.  "Yes, father. I'm fine" Hinata answered.  "Well then, I guess I am no longer needed. You just rest now."  Hinata's father left the room, leaving Hinata alone.  "That moment" Hinata thought "when Naruto-kun hugged me… it felt so good. And somehow, I feel like the restraints put on me heightened that experience… though that couldn't possibly be right… could it?"

Ana felt half dead as she returned from work late on a Friday. Overtime just before the weekend always sucked, even if getting paid extra helped in the day-to-day economy.
But now it was time for her to relax and just play games and watch some Netflix shows. Maybe at the same time. Even in the young Aussie’s exhausted state, her brain was already trying to concoct the most efficient way to spend her weekend and do just the things she liked.
With her shoes removed and jacket off, the brunette stretched as she stepped further inside her house, wearing dark pantyhose, a knee-length black skirt and a comfy red sweater. And nothing prepared
Sakura Haruno finished putting on her new red headband leaving herself clad in red top with a white circle on the backside with black gloves, black, low-heel, calf-high boots, black shorts underneath a short pink apron skirt, and pink elbow protectors. On her bed was several of her old outfits which she wore during her late academy days and when she was with team 7. Her days training with Tsunade had left them and her old headband tattered and beyond wearing forcing her to get this new outfit.

"It took a while, but I found something that works." Sakura said while standing in front of a mirror giving a sexy pose along with a wink. "Can't wait
On the outskirts of the hidden leaf village in the open field training area was Hinata Hyuuga who had long dark blue hair with a purple jacket and dark blue pants with black sandals and had the signature white Hyuuga eyes. She was currently in her attack stance looking at her cousin Yuri Hyuuga.

Yuri was around the same age as Hinata and had long jet black hair which covers her left eye. She wears a forest green sleeveless shirt that shows her stomach with a fishnet shirt underneath, she also wears the same color green cloth on her arms with dark gray pants that reach only her knees. Her forehead protector is sewn into her shirt and around h
Haruno Sakura put down her coffee cup and sighed, “I’m bored”.

Across from her, Yamanaka Ino did the same, “me too”.

The two had met up in a local coffee shop earlier to discuss things that people normally discuss over coffee. The conversation had ranged from boys to life, from past experiences to future plans and finally to the present.

“I mean, I’m glad we took out a member of Akatsuki but a month’s vacation to recover? I’m fine and it’s only been a week since we killed Kisame”, Sakura complained.

Ino shook her head, “I know, but do you want to argue with the Hokage”?

Not much bondage here, however, I think it might explain how it got Naruto and Hinata started on it Story inspired by this picture [link] Despite the lack of stricter bindings, I hope you like the story. I will make it up to you in my next one
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that was nice hinata wasn't very strong in naruto so it's good naruto saw them

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Look who's back and ready to write! I'm not exactly finished with finals per say, but I didn't want to leave my faithful readers in the dark with nothing from me in months so here I am with another story that I came up with. I've realized that I've neglected Hinata a lot in my stories, so why not focus on this lovely character in this one? Now, you must be tired of my rambling so without further ado, I present you the next chapter to my Naruto tickling adventures featuring our very own shy Hyuga heiress. PS: This takes place in the pre-timeskip. ______________________________________________________________________ In the delightful village of Konoha, many inhabitants were out to play in the hot weather with their friends but one was not as exuberant as the rest. The Hyuga clan was known for their exigeant training sessions to keep them a cut above from the others - a trait that had been passed down since generations. Their nobility was on par with that of the now deceased Uchiha clan - explaining their rivalry with each other - which distinguished them from the other Hidden Leaf clans. Suffice to say that their daily regimen were quite demanding to the respective members and they often retained tight schedules. There weren't a lot of spare time in their agenda. The same prospect applied to the clan heirs and heiress as they were vigorously groomed to be fit for the throne; a duty that was quite burdensome for the juvenile candidates. Hinata Hyuga had just completed another long day of training in a private session with her father, the current clan head. His harsh mentoring and overwhelming prowess took a lot of toll in the young girl's stamina, so she chose to relax for awhile before moving on to other chores. Hinata wasn't that powerful in terms of strength, but her persuasive determination was admired by her fellow clan members and comrades. Needless to say that her best quality was inspired by a dear idol of hers that kept her facing forward even during hard moments. Everyone knew of her 'secret' crush that she tried so hard to hide, yet it was very obvious from day one with her constant faints near a certain blond knucklehead. If only the special man in question wouldn't be so oblivious to the phenomenon, but you simply couldn't aid idiots in their needs. "(Sigh), I wonder what he's up to..." The person she was referring to was so evident that nearly the entire population would instantly figure it out in a heartbeat. No matter how much effort you put into it, one could simply not detain Naruto Uzumaki from her mind; it was merely an impossible feat. "I might as well take a walk..." The district of Konoha was very widespread and normally full of joyful villagers. People would laugh and chat their days away casually even during work - quite a lovely sight to observe. Hinata regularly took strolls during her free occasions; it livened her soul up and generally felt energizing. In a period of peace and harmony, nothing could go wrong...or could they? Hinata couldn't shake away a bad sentiment in her guts that told her something terrible would happen. Despite her unusual consciousness, everything seemed to be in order and functioning properly. It ought to have been just a silly presentiment. "Oi, Hinata!" A voice called out from behind. The silhouette just so happened to belong to her teammate; Kiba Inuzuka. Him and his trusted dog companion were rushing to her at a fast pace - the Inuzuka's were partially known due to their high speed in combat. "I've been looking for you this whole time!" "Oh, Kiba-kun. What is it that you needed me for?" "The Hokage asked me
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