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IdrissTheArtist just joined the crew!
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OnlybShadbase could have made something like this.

The quotes on the comic are gold! Funny as hell! :D
Saw this full comic reposted on 4chan recently, I fucking died from laughing.
If she looked like that, people would vote for her.

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Doodle or Die

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naked Donald Trump with a big head holding a ruler next to Hillary Clinton as a dog pointing at Donald's crotch

debate between douche bucket and fish sandwitch

Jon leibowitz from msnbc getting into a conversation with a jewish lesbian

One of those close up images of a yellow chair in a blue featureless room

a yellow and red armchair in a blue room

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

Halloween costume of a character from the FX series Atlanta hit the front page
What were North Korea's plans in the event they took over the South?
The Walking Dead S07E03 - The Cell - Episode Discussion
Does amazon ship stuff on election day
Comment deleted by user 6 years ago
Comment deleted by user 6 years ago
Soiled clinical linens may be a source of Clostridium difficile environmental contamination based on an analysis of 240 surface samples from a Seattle hospital laundry facility by University of Washington researchers.
Selling for the first time on eBay. I'm very suspicious about the guy who bidded for my item. He has 0 buys and account is less than a week old. What should I do?
No. If I ask a Cherokee guy how many beads he wants for his car, that's offensive. If I ask the same of a white guy, it's not.
Also, if history is irrelevant, then you shouldn't be able to have historically accurate depictions of racism and sexism. History, context and intent are very important.
No. If I ask a Cherokee guy how many beads he wants for his car, that's offensive. If I ask the same of a white guy, it's not.
I have no idea WTF you're talking about. Beads?
Also, if history is irrelevant, then you shouldn't be able to have historically accurate depictions of racism and sexism. History, context and intent are very important.
I'm still not following your line of reasoning. We're not talking about a history diorama.
Lol so were you drink or something when you wrote it?
You've been warned against shitposting on Askhistorians before. Enjoy your ban!
That has absolutely zero bearing on whether or not the situation as depicted in the show would be defined as non consensual in the actual world we live in of 2016.
Yeah but we're talking about Negan here. Lmao
You said the situation depicted "is not rape though". Then you said:
"Just because you don't have a choice doesn't mean it's rape. Forcefully holding someone down and penetrating them is rape."
Don't be a scumbag and try to retreat in some weird cop out that doesn't even make sense.
Cool if you say some pretty awful shit about your weird personal misunderstanding of what consent it... but at least own that shit when it gets called out. Damn man, low times.
Haha I like the show but even I don't care about it that much or read so far into things. Have a nice day, I'm out.
Oh I get auto correct. Basically what's up with prime being delayed lately?
Has it been? I order stuff all the time, haven't had a late package in months.
Yeah and Al Gore invented the internet, you got any more unsubstantiated horsecrap up your sleeve?
It's not as if you can't handle payments online with traditional CC processors.
For expensive stuff you cannot afford to lose, Sell only to someone with at least a hundred feedback. It is also important to check the feedback buyers gave to sellers, not just the feedback they received. We are selling for about 4 years with almost 19,000 feedback. We have blacklisted over 500 buyers.
So if this guy wins it and pays it, what will I do? Is there some way I can block him from paying for it and I can say I won't sell it to you?
No, there is not, at least not without getting a defect on your account.
They're actually blocking you. They've closed the circle. Take the hint and move on. Other groups to join.
How do you move on when one of them is your ride?

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