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The Sandman Will Keep You Awake - The Loop

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↑ Confirmed at NYICFF 2020

↑ https://wepresent.wetransfer.com/story/hilda-luke-pearson/

↑ Confirmed in interview with the show's director, Andy Coyle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCL8398E080

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Sparrow Scouts Uniform: Yellow shirt, brown skirt, red neckerchief, black leggings, brown hat w/ red feather, large red boots.
Hilda is the titular protagonist of the award-winning British graphic novel series , the British-Canadian Netflix-exclusive television series , and the novelization of the animated series . She, along with her pet deer-fox , Twig , her mother, Johanna , and her friends from the city of Trolberg as well as a little elf named Alfur and its surroundings, embarks in a multitude of supernatural adventures , encountering a diverse cast of magical creatures inspired by Scandinavian folklore.

She sports blue hair, making her stand out from everyone else . Her typical outfit, which she wears both indoors and outdoors, consists of a black beret; a yellow scarf; a red sweater with yellow cuffs; a blue skirt, which is the same shade of blue as her hair; black leggings and red rain boots. She has a Caucasian complexion, like her mother.

She also often has a brown, sling knapsack, in which she carries various items, including her sketch book and a pencil.

When she was younger, Hilda's appearance was largely different. She retained her black beret and leggings, but wore an oversized brown sweater with a red straight line and yellow zigzag pattern, a red scarf, yellow backpack, and gray rain boots. Her hair was shorter and tied into two pigtails.

In her troll form, Hilda retains her blue hair, but gains the stone-like skin and long cylindrical nose common among trolls. When in shadow, her eyes glow the trolls' signature red eye shine.

In the epilogue of the movie , she is notably taller than she was in the past two seasons, due to the scene being set at least a year after the events of the movie [3] . Her skirt is no longer a part of the outfit. It is unknown how old she is now at this point. This older Hilda will be the Hilda we see in the upcoming third season .

In all incarnations of the franchise, Hilda is an extremely adventurous and fearless girl. She loves to draw in her sketchbook and is very kind to nature. She is shown not to get scared easily by monsters and can outrun and outsmart them.

Hilda is sometimes rude but is usually very friendly and generous. Her rude side is played up more in the graphic novels, where she is known to frequently argue with her mother or to easily get annoyed when things don't go her way. She is also more prone to mischief in the graphic novels (like taking her role of pretending to be injured for first aid practice of the Sparrow Scouts too far, or going on secret adventures without her mother knowing).

In " Chapter 6: The Nightmare Spirit ", it is revealed that there is one thing that frightens her; riding a bike, something she never had learned. This was used against her by David's Marra . In the graphic novels, this fear is never brought up, but in the novelization it is turned into a subplot for " Hilda and the Nowhere Space "; early in the book, Hilda comes up with various excuses for not having to use her bike (including that she doesn't want it to get dirty). Then she encounters the Marra who just like in the animated series, uses this fear against her for a nightmare. After this encounter, she tries her best to overcome her fear and slowly succeeds. By the end of the book, she has mastered to ride a bike, and is thrilled by the thought of all the places she can go to now. As of " Chapter 6: The Old Bells of Trolberg ", Hilda can ride a bike just fine, and even remarks that she is getting better at it.

Hilda hates having to disappoint people, especially her friends or her mother and always tries her best to help and support others with their needs, occasionally taking risks in order to fulfill one's request. She is very brave and caring, as described in the official Netflix description. She is usually very happy and generous.

Hilda lives with her mother, Johanna . While the two of them can argue from time to time (though notably more so in the graphic novels than the animated series), they love each other deeply. No other relatives of her have been seen so far, though she does mention her grandfather (graphic novels)/great-grandfather (animated series) once when discussing the location of her house in the middle of an Elf Village .

She has a pet deerfox named Twig , whom she loves very much. The two have been together for at least a few years.

While still living in the wilderness, Hilda befriended the elf, Alfur . Thanks to him, she could sign the proper paperwork to finally see the Elves . In the animated series and novelization, Alfur went with Hilda when she moved to Trolberg so he could report on city life, and continued to be of great help to her there. In the graphic novels, he stayed behind in the wilderness.

Once in Trolberg , Hilda became friends with both David and Frida . Her friendship with the two is notably further fleshed out in the animated series and novelization than in the original graphic novels, where they were only minor characters. Just like Frida, she looks out for David and tries to help him overcome his fears. In Season 2, she even becomes Frida's familiar when Frida begins to learn magic.

She holds Erik Ahlberg in an extremely low regard for being an absolute glory hound, whose attempts to become as famous as his distant ancestor, Edmund Ahlberg , often endangered her, her friends, other humans and various creatures.

From when she was born up until the start of the series, Hilda lived with just her mother in a house in the wilderness. Growing up there made her quite adventurous. A few years prior to the series, she met Twig , who had been trapped under some rocks after a landslide, and freed him. Twig later returned the favor by protecting Hilda from an eagle, but in doing so got him separated from his herd . He has been living with her since.

Hilda's peaceful life ended, however, when the Elves decided to have the two humans evicted from the valley. Thankfully, one elf, Alfur came to her aid and helped Hilda meet both the Elf Prime Minister and Elf King to try and settle the conflict. At the same time, Hilda met the giant, Jorgen , who was looking for his missing friend . Hilda eventually managed to get the two together again when it turned out the mountain next to her house was the giant Jorgen was waiting for. Sadly, Jorgen accidentally destroyed Hilda's house , just when she managed to arrange a truce with the king, forcing her and her mom to move to Trolberg.

In Trolberg , Hilda and Johanna moved into a new house . After an adventure in which she met The Great Raven , Hilda joined the Sparrow Scouts and made her first human friends; David and Frida. During their first badge challenge, for which they had to clean up and improve a section of Trolberg Park, the three friends accidentally dug up some sleeping Vittra , mistaking them for weeds, and had to rescue them from getting ground to mulch.

Living in Trolberg also meant Hilda had to go to school for the first time. She had at first quite some trouble adapting, which lead to friction between her and her teacher, Mrs. Hallgrim , who considered her to be disruptive. Incidents included; Hilda asking a question without raising her hand and at the wrong time (namely a history related question during science class), refusing to participate in a troll drill since the procedure (duck under a desk, similar to an earthquake drill) wouldn't help during an actual troll attack, and making a philosophical question that addresses a math problem involving apples after school was already over and her classmates had left. During Parent's Night at The Ahlberg School , however, Hilda proved her true value when she helped save the school from an angry Troll by returning the Troll's baby (that David had accidentally brought with him as part of his rock collection). After this, Mrs. Hallgrim warmed up to her.

When David became the victim of a Marra that kept giving him nightmares, Hilda helped him out by trading places with him and making a deal with the Marra that she would leave David alone if she could endure the nightmares the Marra came up with. While Hilda proved difficult to scare, the Marra eventually found something to use against her; her inability to ride a bike. David, not wanting Hilda to make this sacrifice for him, and offered to take the Marra back. This fortunately caused the Marra to lose interest in them both. After this, Hilda asked her friends to help her learn to ride a bike.

In " Chapter 7: The Lost Clan ", Hilda, Frida , and David discovered the long lost Bragga Family of Elves living in Trolberg City Park when Hilda suggested they should try to find a rare Blue Nettle for their botany badge. David was taken hostage by them, forcing Hilda and Frida to ask Alfur for help (With Frida first signing the paperwork so she could see Elves ). Alfur told the two girls about the ancient conflict that lead to the Bragga being banished from the northern counties and tried to end their exile with a new contract, only to learn the Bragga had sworn off all forms of paperwork. Instead, they demanded that Alfur would settle the old conflict by combat. Hilda agreed to this and even offered to help Alfur fight, but Frida interfered and suggested to find a solution that could benefit everybody. At her request, Alfur, Hilda, and Frida sought out a Lindworm and had her destroy the contract; the only way to render any Elf contract void. Thus, the exile of the Bragga was ended.

In " Chapter 8: The Tide Mice ", she successfully auditions for the Warblers, and becomes a singer in the choir. She also discovered a hidden section in the Library , where she found a spellbook with a ritual for summoning Tide Mice . She used this to give David (who likewise wanted to join the Warblers, but kept failing his auditions) and Johanna (who had to take a job at the hardware store due to lack of any assignments) some luck. It worked, but she failed to properly read the entire section and thus didn't realize the Tide Mice would eventually give David and Johanna's souls to her. Thanks to Frida and Alfur, she discovered her mistake and was able to reverse it with a counter-ritual, which she had to perform during a concert of the Warblers.

In " Chapter 9: The Ghost ", she became Frida's campaign manager when Frida tried to run for class president. That same episode, she and David discovered Frida's secret; she is not as perfect and neat as she appears. Her bedroom was always tidy because a ghost, Craigie Williams , cleaned it for her. When he stopped doing so since his, and Frida's favourite book went missing, Frida's room quickly became a pig pen. This shattered Frida's confidence. Determined to help her friend, Hilda (with the unwilling help of David) tracked down Craigie Williams, who suspected his sister Engilbjort had taken the book. The three kids fought her for it but lost. Hilda was able to make Engilbjort surrender the book by preventing her from going back into her grave at sunrise, only to discover the book she had taken was not the one they had been looking for. This made Hilda feel like she failed Frida as a friend. She tried again to lift Frida's spirits, but the girl angrily lashed out at her and David. This was too much, even for Hilda, and she left embittered, her friendship with Frida severely strained.

In " Chapter 10: The Storm ", a severe snow storm struck Trolberg. During the storm, the weather broadcast by Hilda's favourite meteorologist Victoria Van Gale was interrupted, causing Hilda to think her hero was in trouble. Along with David and the Great Raven, she visited Victoria at the Trolberg Weather Station. There, she learned Victoria had managed to make a weather machine and had accidentally lured dozens of Weather Spirits to Trolberg, which were causing the storm with their arguments. Hilda convinced Victoria to try and use her machine to blow the storm away from Trolberg and Victoria agreed, but it failed and her machines overheated. Out of other options, Hilda and the Raven confronted the arguing Weather Spirits, with Hilda offering to moderate their debate. She succeeded in getting them to calm down, thus saving the city from getting completely covered in snow. Back at the Weather Station, David informed her of the truth; Victoria had captured a baby Weather Spirit. This shattered Hilda's image of her idol, and she proclaimed Victoria to be a mad scientist.

When the baby's father attacked the weather station, Hilda freed the baby. As the father and child reunited, the entire building was destroyed, but Hilda was fortunately saved because the adult Weather Spirit carried her outside. She fell off her however and ended up in the woods far away from Trolberg. Here she met the Wood Man again, who was playing cards with four Elves and a Forest Giant and asked for his help to return to Trolberg. She also had an elf named Barch send her mother a message by email to tell her she was fine. The Wood Man first deliberately lost Hilda to the giant so she could help him reclaim some of his stuff from the Giant's tree. After escaping the giant, the two of them ended up in a magical house that tried to keep them, prisoners, while simultaneously giving them everything they wanted. Alfur, Twig, and the Great Raven also ended up here and got trapped as well, until Hilda figured out how to overload th
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