Highschool Dxd Ophis Hentai

Highschool Dxd Ophis Hentai


Highschool Dxd Ophis Hentai
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High school DXD Reader x Ophis Welcome to the real world dragon god Part 1 There is a place known as dimensional gap, a place between worlds said to consume all lesser being with its nothingness. It is here that the powerful dragon god Ophis is born and grows for many years into a being beyond the compensation of mankind. Yet even thought mankind would never be able to understand how powerful such a beast could be, Ophis takes a keen interest in the ways of mankind. Their behaviours, their action and finally the strange act they call kindness. Being a powerful being, it had never experienced this act as most visitors to its home either work for it or are simply destroyed by its power. As such a questioned formed in the great and wise mind of the beast. What is Kindness? A strange question that most would never think a beast as power as a god would find interest in and yet that is what happens for Ophis. The dragon god found it hard to accept that it could live without knowing what this kindness is and left its home behind to walk among mankind. Of course the dragon god could not afford to stand-out or show it true from for risk of upsetting mankind. As such Ophis with its shape shifting powers takes the form of a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and gray eyes, before dressing itself in black Gothic Lolita fashion as through the dragon god times watching mankind it seems more people pay attention to young females rather then any other. As such with this new body the dragon god makes its ways into the world of mankind unaware of what lays in their world. Perhaps then it is lucky that the first person Ophis meets is you, out for a walk one winter afternoon after a hard day at your work place. Your shoes crush the soft white snow below as you allow your mind to wonder about your quiet life. Indeed as a shop assistant you basically did the most mundane tasks at work, stacking shelves, erecting new shelves, taking down shelves and serving customers. Yes it's not the most exciting job but your young and with time on your side things can only get better for you as your work hard and enjoy the money in which the job gives you. That said however sometimes days you take a walk after work like your are now and wonder where the excitement is in your life? After all the fun of staking things as high as you can only last for so long before the burden of life comes knocking at your door to remind you that this is a job not a play ground. Alas today the burden had coming knocking hard as such you feel like you need some time alone to clear your head and allow your mind some time to dream. This leads you to take your walk further today to a small country lane that loops around back to the street where your home is and is surrounded by trees making it a great place to avoid the falling snow coming from the sky avoid you. Still as you wonder down the path with the trees starting to act as umbrellas catching the falling snowflake in their branch that ahead of you on the path you see a strangle dressed young black haired girl standing in the centre of the path looking up to the branches that hung above her. Being the curious type of person, you wonder up to the girl right side before asking her if she is OK? Only for a moment the young girl says nothing as her grey eyes watch the snow flake dance around before getting caught in the branch of the trees. She then tilts her head toward you before asking if such weather is normal for a place like this? “Well its winter here so yes. But I think the snowflakes in the tree are nice don't you?” You ask trying to be friendly and answer her question. The girl then turns to face you with a rather stone like expression on her face she then introduces herself as Ophis before extending her right hand out as if inviting you to shake her hand. With a smile you introduce yourself back before shaking her hand only it wasn't a normal hand shake as the girls grip is iron. Perhaps she did not know her strength but quickly you are letting her know when you let out a yell of pain making her quickly release you from the painful handshake between you both. “I see. My apologies if my strength hurt you Name.” Ophis says surprised at how weak you are before suddenly to her surprise. you smile and answer back that it did not matter after all making her grey eyes narrow and something inside her stir. A feeling? A strange one that made her happy that you had forgiven her for hurting you making Ophis think this maybe what mankind calls an act of kindness? Though she is not sure on the matter, you on the other hand feeling the blood come back to your shaking hand ask Ophis what she is doing out here anyway? “I am trying to find out what kindness is?” Ophis says in a rather blunt tone as creepy she stare into you eyes as if looking at your soul. You try your best to ignore this as hearing this question you try to think how best to answer this girl question and wonder why she is asking such a question in the first place? Most people would say being a kind person is being friendly, generous, and considerate of others while a kind act is doing something for no gain. However trying to explain this in words is harder then you think as with her still staring into your soul, you try to explain this to Ophis without sounding like an Oxford dictionary. Hearing your explanation however Ophis does not answer back as you get as suddenly she starts to say that you are a weak will person, willing to do work for others without pay, always ready to give what is yours to others and tries to avoid conflict whenever possible. A bit harsh you feel but then it what she says then that hits you not hard but in a heart warming way as Ophis goes on to say. “However within this weak I see a strong person, willing to do what is right not matter the cost, who stands up for the weak and willing to open your heart to others. Hmm perhaps this is kindness what I am seeking.” Well you did not mind being complimented as being a kind person however with the snow falling and time going on. You can't help but worry about Ophis asking the young girl if she should not be heading come as it is getting late and rather chilly. To this the young girl looks at you confused before with a nod seems to understand what you are saying to her before again without much feeling in her voice she answers that her home is far away and sees no other alternative but to sleep out here tonight. “What no..I mean you can't” You spurt out without really thinking making the stone faced girl look at you with her stone coloured eyes. Your sudden outburst certainly had caught Ophis attention as she listen closely as try through some loose word and breath to ask her if she would like to stay with you until she finds somewhere to stay? In her own world she would never invite people into her home as most either turn up on their own or come to kill her. As such Ophis make it a point to question you about why such a weak willed person would allow a complete stranger into their home? Another tough question yet without really thinking you answer Ophis that she did not seem like a bad person and you would feel bad knowing she'd be sleeping out in the cold while you slept in a nice warm bed. “Hmm sympathy mixed in with guilt, what a strange person you are Name.” Ophis says looking into your eyes again but also trying to work out the warm feeling in her chest again. She had began to notice this feeling come to her every time you talked to her, almost as if your words set her heart on fire. Still unsure of what is going on inside her body, Ophis takes you up on your offer leading you to smile at her making her once again feel that warm feeling inside her. It this then you take off your winter coat and offer Ophis it, saying it would keep her warm until you both got back to your flat where you both could warm up. Again the young girl stares into your eyes trying to read you and yet seeing nothing new within you, Ophis with a rather monotone voice accept your offer. With that you hand her your coat before watching her struggle with it for a few minutes. Ophis did not seem to get the idea as first she puts her head in the right arm of the coat then she puts it on backwards before finally you step in to help her. Ophis is again a little surprised by your helpfulness and strange how the smell from your coat makes that warm feeling inside her go again. She begins to think you have magic as without another word you both make your way back to your flat within the town. The real talking does not start until you and Ophis make it to your home and settle down at you small kitchen table for a hot drink. To your surprise and embarrassment, Ophis is still wearing your coat and strangely when you ask her to take it off the young girl answers she would rather keep it on. Given the circumstances, you allow her to do this before you join her back at the table with two cups of warm hot chocolate. Presenting one to her in a purple cup makes Ophis stares confusingly at the cup for a moment before slowly she goes to reach for the hot drink with her small hands only to suddenly pull back feeling the heat coming from the cup. “Why is this liquid so hot?” Ophis asks quiet angrily making you without meaning too chuckle at how cute she looks before answering her that hot chocolate has to be that temperate because it tastes horrible.  The young women seems to take this answer in as slowly and with care, she manages to grasp her purple cup between her small hands before slowly raising it to her pale lips. You should have expect what came next as she tries to make a huge mouth full of the hot liquid only to spit most of it back out complaining that it felt like its burning her insides. After another explanation to the young grey eye girl about sipping the hot chocolate to avoid such a fate. Finally the two of you settle down and begin to chat which soon leads to some rather odd questions coming from Ophis. “Tell me do you know fire magic name?” She asks before sipping her hot chocolate from the cooling down cup carefully held between her small hands. At first you laugh thinking the young girl is joking but looking at her rather stone like expression you see not making you answer her no as magic does not exist. A nod is all you from your young visitor before she then asks you if know anything about devils or dragons? To this you give the answer most would that the devil is an evil being who lives in hell with anyone who has been evil and dragon are mythical creatures said to have lived years ago. To this Ophis nods again seeming to be judging you with these questions as finally she asks you if you believe in gods? To this you answer truthfully that you did not know as some people say gods are real while others say there just made up by religious people to comfort them during hard times. Hearing this Ophis seems to get angry at you before with a clam breath she nods again. Feeling she has had her turn of question it is then you ask Ophis why the questions and to tell you about herself leading to an answer you would never expect. “If you must know name, I am not a young girl from this world. I am Ophis the strongest dragon god from a place know as the dimensional gap and I have come here to learn about human kindness as I have no knowledge of such a feeling. Should you not believe me, I will show you my power.” If that wasn't weird enough for you, Ophis then raises her right hand making you suddenly float out your chair and into the air. You see no ropes or wires and looking down at Ophis she still wear the same stone cold expression on her as always. Quickly and panicked you beg Ophis to please put you down, which she does rather roughly as you fall onto the wooden floor of your kitchen with a loud bump. Luckily your fall leave you only a few bruises but as you stand up, you see Ophis now stands before you still with her cup between her hands. “Now I know you will believe me because you are a person who rarely doubts others. As such you will be my guide to finding human kindness and if you do well I will not kill you.” Ophis says making your mouth fall open in horror at hearing such a threat. Further more to this, Ophis also demands you teach her everything you can about how a human lives leading you to one very last night of explaining life to the curious dragon god and finding yourself sleeping on your coach. While Ophis on the other hand gets to sleeping in your bed for research purposes and feeling that strange warm feeling in her chest as she does.

Pokemon X Reader Sonia x Male reader The New Assistant Part One Being the new assistant to professor Sonia is not a path you expected to take in your life. Being a pokemon trainer you aimed to become the new champion all by gathering the symbols, defeating the current champion and bang instant champion. Sadly this was not the case as is the story for many a trainer as champion Leon found his defeat by a child. Leading him to hand over his title and have to find new work much like yourself when the same child knocked you out the qualifying matches. Such is the ways of the journey of a pokemon trainer as many will simple fall into everyday jobs to keep the lights on and have some pokedollers in their pocket to do what they want. As for you however this job you found it the night after the crowning of a the new champion. In a mood of anger and jealousy that after all your hard work that a kid managed to beat you the search of a new career path begins with you in sitting on the
(Right, let's see if I can fix the lacklustre shitshow of an ending I made last time XD)
'Ready to fight together and stay by her side for good.'

Or so you thought. Although things have reasonably cleared up from your sudden appearance a month ago, things are still tense. No one comes near you for anything other than orders or information, apart from that, the members of the occult research club have tried to keep their distance from
I couldn't wait anymore ! The urge to write was too big, enjoy ! Season 2, here we go !!

No one's POV :

Heaven, the home of every angel and the God of the Bible. In a totally empty white room, a blonde boy wearing glasses and a long black dress with golden patterns on the centers was painting.

????: I told you to not interrupt me during my painting session, Michael.

A handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes which are shaped in a perpetually sad manner came to interrupt the young man's painting.

Michael: I humbly apologise, master but I
Hello there and welcome reader to spending some time with the dragon god herself Ophis from high school dxd. I will admit i have very little knowledge of the character as i have only seen season 1 of high school dxd animation and read none of the manga. However after some time with her wiki and reading some fanfiction with her in it, i present my attempt to make an x reader with her. Sorry if she's not spot on, but i hope you enjoy anyway. Ps. This was a suggestion from DusktillGone here on deviant art after we talked on one of my other x readers. 
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Karzala was a YGGDRASIL player. The True Vampire of a small Clan. After YGGDRASIL shutdown, he found himself in a body that was not his body in real life. As confusion arose in his mind, a female Devil who called herself Sona Sitri appeared and told him that she reincarnated him as a Devil and became a member of her peerage. Will Karzala obeys the Devil?
A new being with bloodlines from the original satans is born and with the gamer system will bring the world of DXD to its knees! Necromancer OC. OC X Harem. Eventual lemons.
Gods, held immense powers and knowledge, walking with mankind and the supernatural...but they aren't 'God'...and they certainly won't be able to fight against the 'Chosens'...Especially the one that was chosen by 'It'.
Accelerator and Kamijou Touma. Two sides of the same coin. As WW3 hits its peak stage and the two heroes face battles they can't afford to lose, something unthinkable happens. "Welcome, Touma, Accelerator. For you are now in a new world." Somewhere else, the Heavenly Dragons' hosts fell, victim of cruel fates. Now that the same powers reside in them, will the hero and the anti-hero leave their mark on yet another world?
Kamijou Touma as the Red Dragon Emperor - Accelerator as the White Dragon Emperor. Turning point from the Toaru universe in the WW3 arc, connecting to Volume 1 of the DxD light novels. Credits to the respective authors, Kamachi Kazuma and Ichiei Ishibumi.
When Kane Andromalius was a young child he never expected to be hated because he didn't inherent his demon lineage's power. On one cold snowy day he learns many truths of the world, all punctuated with a rainbow aura.
Was it... dead? No, seriously; was it dead?
If so, it wanted a refund, dammit! Its soul was clearly faulty. It had no glowing orb to float around with or colours to imitate emotes with. Only a simple dull nothingness that made their boredom even duller than it had ever thought possible.
Or; reincarnation isn't something that's given by accident. It's for those that don't quite fit in the content void of the Abys. The Eyn Sof.
Of course, if Lolanthe could sort through the mess of shattered memories she had spinning in her head, her life might make some more sense. And if the world weren't obsessed with tearing itself apart, it'd be all the better.
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