HighBank - A full Crypto Eco System.

HighBank - A full Crypto Eco System.


Hello everyone, because there are many ico that come up with various types of projects, some of which are projects that have unique ideas. But it can be said that more than half the number of ICOs currently have ideas and use cases that are not much different from each other, this is of course an advantage and disadvantage for an investor, with many projects popping up, investors have many choices to invest money, but vice versa investors will be confused about choosing a project that they feel will be profitable. Certainly not a problem for experienced investors, but it is inversely proportional to new investors.

Here I will try to create a session where I will look for large potential projects going forward, but only a few eyes are on the project, or the term GEM (gems). In the world, the term GEM cryptocoin is often used to refer to projects that have all aspects that are good and have high potential for success, this time I will try to specifically review the project named: HighBank ( https://highbank.io/ )


HighBank is the only ICO launch platform of its kind. We allow business owners to choose the best talents on our platform to increase the likelihood of their crowdfunding. Regulations related to the HighBank will be proportional to STO.

HighBank is a decentralized platform that allows multiple streams of income and investment for various users, belonging to various groups.

HighBank is creating the next generation Blockchain-based ecosystem that is needed to enable the crypto community to maximize and diversify their portfolios in the volatile crypto market. We are changing the crypto market foundation to create a trade ecosystem that can increase cryptocurrency adoption. Our platform – built on the Ethereum Blockchain – will become a complete crypto trading platform that accommodates Decentralized Crypto Exchange, ICO Recording, ICO Launch, and Crowdfunding, Marketing and Partner programs, Online and Offline community centers, and Blockchain Consultations.

The HighBank democratizes crypto trading in the following sense: (i) Creating more opportunities for traders to buy, sell, and exchange their favorite virtual currencies; (ii) Providing starters, who intend to use ICO as a means to raise funds, an international platform that enables them to gain global recognition; (iii) Providing Blockchain start-ups of all the tools needed to safely execute and market their ICO; (iv) Partnering with established marketing communities on popular platforms such as Telegram and YouTube to help beginners start their fast-track ICO reach to as many communities as possible;

HighBank – Infographic


The market leading platform is centralized and makes it difficult for blockchain-based businesses to grow and offer benefits.

This produces:

1.Abuse of power

2.Point of failure

3.There is no consensus



HighBank allows you to register the ICO for review, consult with our experts, use our dashboard to manage and market your brand, launch tokens and enjoy decentralized exchange facilities.

Our main advantages are:


2.There is no network downtime

3.Authority spread throughout the network

4.Error resistance

HighBank - Motion Graphics


Decentralized Crypto Exchange:

Over the past few months, decentralized crypto exchanges have become the center of attention. HighBank is not different in terms of concepts, but brings the landscape to the next level. Our exchange allows you to add all types of crypto tokens, regardless of whether it belongs to the ERC20 protocol. A powerful trading machine will run orders in a few seconds with the help of a chain matching engine. External liquidity providers from the exchange will ensure that the network never runs out of liquidity. The exchange will support all major tokens and will run on DPOS consensus.

ICO List Platform:

Our listing platform is a transparent solution that people are looking for. With a combination of stochastic gradient functions and IBM Watson 500 machines, the HighBank platform will be able to identify the best ICO with the potential to make a lot of money from the market.

ICO Launch and Crowdfunding Platform:

HighBank is the only ICO launch platform of its kind. We allow business owners to choose the best talents on our platform to increase the likelihood of their crowdfunding. Regulations related to the HighBank will be proportional to STO.

Marketing & Partner Program:

HighBank will design marketing plans for various ICOs based on their input and will act as a watchtower for beginner crypto businesses. As a trusted marketing partner, HighBank will design 3 packages called silver, platinum and gold.

Offline and Online Community Center:

There are two types of community centers operating under the HighBank. The main one operates online and it will be like a webinar where every ICO registered in the HighBank directory will be able to participate and share their opinions. The other is an offline community center and will enable knowledge sharing among our teams, ICO owners and experts from around the World in live question and answer sessions.

Blockchain Consultation & Adviser:

HighBank will ensure revolutionary blockchain technology can sharpen its sword through different channels in the coming years and for this, experts in our panel will ensure that even the concept of beginners becomes successful. Our experts are located all over the world at various R & D centers and they always strive to give you the best consultation from the grassroots level.

HighBank – Teaser

What do you offer?

We offer 6 different businesses that can be your part:

1.Decentralized Wallet

2.Decentralized Exchange

3.ICO list platform

4.crowdfunding platform

5.Offline Community Expert and Online community.

6.Marketing associations and community-driven decentralized partnerships.

How can I become part of the HighBank?

This is a decentralized platform that allows multiple streams of income and investment for various users, belonging to various groups. For more information, please see our whitepaper

Buying our tokens means that you are an important part of the network that not only safeguards your funds, but also offers long-term investment opportunities. We will continue to work on the latest technology and ideas to strengthen our partnerships and increase your Return on Investment.

How do I benefit from the HighBank Network?

Buying our tokens means that you are an important part of the network that not only safeguards your funds, but also offers long-term investment opportunities. We will continue to work on the latest technology and ideas to strengthen our partnerships and increase your Return on Investment.

How do I register for ICO on the HighBank?

One of your team members must register the ICO with the original email address, name and ID verification document. Then the user must confirm his email address. After registering, the user must choose the specific profile (or membership plan) that he wants to get at the HighBank. After selecting the profile, the user must press the ‘MY ICO’ button. There, a list of ongoing ICOs will be displayed and options for launching a new ICO will also be provided.

ICOs are quite different as they allow you to convert your tokens with any available pair and withdraw whenever you want. It does not only give the investors a sense of security but boosts up the chances of cash influx for the project owners.

Name: HighBank (HIGH)

Contract Address: 0x1354c8C1A66C2573Ce9cC3e92e98D17869501A46

Explorer Token: Click Here to See in Etherscan

Accepted Purchase Methods: BTC, ETH, LTC

Hard Cap: 40,000,000 USD

Soft Cap: 5,000,000 USD

Price Tokens: 1.00 USD

Total Token Supply: 100 Million

New Token Emission: No (Fixed Supply)

Key Your Customer (KYC): Yes

Min Purchase Cap: 50 Tokens

Limits Purchases Maximum : Unlimited

White List: No.

Tokens Offered

40 Million HIGH

Blockchain Platform

Ethereum Mainnet



Token distribution

5 Days After Sales Tokens End



We accept : BTC, ETH, LTC.

Token distribution

40%: of sales

30%: Management, R & D

16%: Team & Advisor

10%: reserve

4%: Marketing & Promotion

40%: Sales Token Program

31%: Staffing

10%: marketing

9%: Operating Cost

6%: Consultation

4%: legal


For the time to dedicate the High Crying eco crypto system to this ordinary world

2018 Q3

Concept Generation

The initial thought process, business plan, strategic plan & assembly of the minimum business team

2018 Q4

The strategic plan

Research & analysis, technology teams gather, compile the whitepaper with HighBank token creation

2019 Q1

Initial Coins (ICO) Offer

HighBank Partner Systems in operation, Wallets are decentralized with the upcoming ICO list on the HighBank platform with partnerships that are increasingly developing with other Blockchain startups

2019 Q2

Launch of the HighBank Crowdfunding Platform

Ability to come up with the upcoming ICO concept to launch crowdfunding through the Eco HighBank system, Product Enhancement and UAT Testing, Advanced Partnership, Advanced Business Team Assembling & Product Marketing.

2019 Q3

Procedure for Marketing Promotion Through the Launch of the HighBank Eco System

Decision on decentralization driven by the community, HighBank’s powerful marketing strategy for the upcoming ICO

2019 Q4

Launch of the HighBank Decentralized Beta Exchange

Multi cryptocurrency exchange trading system with advanced Partnership & product Marketing

2020 Q1

Decentralized HighBank Exchange in Production

Product Enhancement and UAT Testing with sustainable partnerships & product marketing

2020 Q2

Launch of the HighBank Consortium System

HighBank’s powerful consortium system to provide a successful strategy through aggregating various ICO platforms.

2020 Q3

Opening of the HighBank R & D Center

HighBank’s offline and online community center with R & D centers around the world.

2020 Q4

Launch of Beta Mainnet Version

Launch of Mainnet Beta Version of the HighBank Blockchain Platform

2021 Q1

HighBank Blockchain Mainnet Platform in Production

Migration of ERC20 HighBank Tokens to the HighBank Blockchain Platform


Website: https://highbank.io/

Whitepaper: https://highbank.io/HighBank_Whitepaper.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HighBank.io

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/highbank

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HighBank19

Medium: https://medium.com/@highbank2018

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/HighBank_

Github: https://github.com/HighBankio

Telegram: https://t.me/HIGH888

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/highbankio



telegram: @ dhewio8

Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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