High Tail Hall Free

High Tail Hall Free


High Tail Hall Free
Expanding scripting for more facial expressions! Currently working on Idles, Emotes & Moods!
New Walkway Trim and Wall pieces are being added to the many of the roads. Different areas are going to be getting different styles of additional detailing.
Making progress. According to test renders framerate should be between 40 -60 on most machines.
It’s been a long road to get here, but it’s finally ready for you to explore.
Keep in mind this is only the beginning. There are more updates in the works and everything is really coming together step by step.
The Full List of Updates from Alpha Testing onward can be seen Here: https://www.hthstudios.com/red-light-district-changelog/
Thank you to everyone who’s stuck with us through this continuing transition from Flash to Unity .
Don’t worry. They aren’t missing. They are being relocated to our video archive!
Many streams from the last few years have been saved and will be uploaded once the archive is online! More on that later.
Here is a WIP teaser video for Anne’s scene featuring new sounds, controller updates, and fully revised animation! By popular demand, the car makes noise the harder you go!
Patreon Video Tier folks — look forward to a longer cut of this video in a later post .
Links to our CafePress and our friends over at Furry Dakimakura are now available!
More Designs are planned and already in the works for 2021/2022 !
We are excited to offer exclusive workload streams to Alpha Team members through Discord! These streams are ONLY on Discord, so if you’re not there, you should definitely join. We’re also offering streams for Discord and a dedicated chatroom for our regular streams as well so you can access everything all in one place.
Workload streams for Alpha Team Members will have the sound off and occur at random times throughout the day, so any team member can pop in and see what I’m up to and watch how things work behind the scenes.
New Videos are available on our Picarto Archive featuring Ava !

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I was searching through Facepunch Studios the other day when I came across this:-
My name is crowchild from HTH STudios. I am the creator of the original High Tail Hall and am currently in development on it's sequel and the spin-off DVD. I just wanted to let anyone know who is interested that production on the new game is going very smoothly and that you can check for updates here: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/crowchil d
Also, please note. There are sadly 2 games that had the name High Tail Hall 2 Associated with them. One is the one I am working on "High Tail Hall 2" or "HTH2", but one has the subtitle "High Tail Hall 2: Twilight Cavern". "Twilight Cavern" is in no way associated with me and the author has continued development without my permission. I'm not telling anyone not to download either game when it comes out but I'm trying to clear up any confusion about the release.
The first Beta for HTH2 (no gameplay elements, just graphics) can be seen here:
HTH2 will be released later this year or by the latest March 2008. The game will be almost 3 times the size of HTH1 and have over 12 character at launch with more being added later in 2008.
Also, please note that ALL games I produce are 100% FREE! I do not sell these games nor do I charge for access to them. Additional info about the Rio DVD can also be seen on my page.
I can seem to see this so called beta can anyone else access it?

Response to
High Tail Halls 2.0!

Dec 28, 2007

Response to
High Tail Halls 2.0!

Dec 28, 2007

Not another one of those furry shitbags.

Response to
High Tail Halls 2.0!

Dec 28, 2007

Response to
High Tail Halls 2.0!

Dec 28, 2007

oh no I am choking on a million dicks

Response to
High Tail Halls 2.0!

Dec 28, 2007

Response to
High Tail Halls 2.0!

Dec 28, 2007

I'm pretty excited, after playing the beta the finished product should be very good.
In internet years i'm dead. *click sig to zoom zoom*

Response to
High Tail Halls 2.0!

Dec 28, 2007

OMG awesome! More fappage material!

Response to
High Tail Halls 2.0!

Dec 28, 2007

Dude i cant play it it says error wtf

Response to
High Tail Halls 2.0!

Dec 28, 2007

I posted the Newgrounds link earlier that will let you play it.
oh no I am choking on a million dicks

Response to
High Tail Halls 2.0!

Dec 28, 2007

Ya think it'll have more that just one guy this time?

Response to
High Tail Halls 2.0!

Dec 28, 2007

A short comic about an agent and his living space armor
A fast paced roguelike where you break everything in one hit, ...but so do your foes

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Digital Artist | Member Since: Feb 21, 2007 10:41


Fav orite s

Phase 1 has just been activated and the location is now live!


More level updates and characters will be coming within the next few days and the site will also be relaunching with some new goodies. This is just the begining...get ready.

Crowchild 2008






CRAP.. now I have to find it...

21st century Easter Egg Huuuuunt!!!!



Sorry... I know...

Just an FYI - the PDA has a typo.. "Quite" instead of "Quiet"

GREAT look so far... and wasn't the logo supposed to have a voice over too?



Woohoo! Oh, and while I'm not one to say something bad against such awesome work, on the PDA thing. "I won't be sending the girls down for a few days, so it will get pretty quite." Shouldn't that be quiet? Just thought I'd let you know, at least. =3



Minor typo.... "quite" should be "quiet"??

:3 Looks nice!


Awesome. i'll have to look at it later at night

Glad to see you got it done. Congratulations man. Can't wait to see the final, and keep up the good work on it and your movie.

Dude, for real? Its like... wow *gotta check this out*

Noice! great graphics, but no girls! where are the girls?!



The glass room is the only area online, and no girls? Good work nonetheless. I love the ethereal music.

Yes! Great to see it coming along! <3

Waaah It wont load for me :( guess I'll try the website again tonight after work :)

Heh, glad to see the bare bones starting...

Erm, not to pry too much, but how's Rio coming?

omg omg omg...GooooooD yes Finally, Thank thank you.

Very nice so far! Interface is very smooth. Can't wait to see the updates!

So....Is Max the name of the player character?

Damnit damnit damnit damnit damnit DAMNIT!!! I need phurreh babes! (and maybe a guy too; I do love me a male/male BJ as long as they're both furry. :D)

.....you deserve a prize for this...speaclly if its even better then the first. <3

why ost it with no girls i would have rather waited then being tease by nothing

All right! You're doing good. i can't wait to see the girls. =)

How does one become a gust on the guest list? :p ANy special VIP areas planned?

... and the prize for best furry flash game of the universe goes to Crowchild for the release of High Tail Hall 2!

Excellent I really like the graphics as far as what I have seen so far. The music is also very nice as well.

*drops me draws and goes running into the hall* *reads PDA on couch and begins to cry*


HTH 2...even though still a W.I.P is great. the music, the ambience and all that. good graphics too....I almost felt we're playing RPG because of the music

awesome!!! cant wait to see what turns of this down the road :D very nice ambience too n.n

.....it took you 4 years to make this? By you furries will settle for anything.

Awesome so far, I bet we are all gonna love it, keep up the good work.

Most Excellent i cant wait for the sexy ladies to show ^^

Looking real sweet so far, nice to see a bit more of a "modern/futuristic" take for HTH.

Will be glad to see the updates when they're up and running.

......does the hall need any bouncers?




It's equal parts released and not-released. It's some kind of quantom-mechanical thing.

Is Schrodinger fapping or not fapping? Both, at the same time, until observed.

*sighs* Yaaaay...yaaaaay...

Ever since I heard about the scraping of HTH1 almost immediately followed by the announcement of HTH2 I've been trying to follow it closely. Zoe was my favorite character...her being feline and all. Seeing the concepts for her, she's going to be twice as hot! YAY!.

Looks pretty good. Nice graphics, nice music... Can't wait for the girls

I wish you good luck with this


If only I had a computer that could run it...

My computer doesn't seem to like HTHstudios.com. Just keeps coming up with page cannot be displayed.

But I"m sure if I click refresh enough, and believe... then I'll get to see and play the game too ^.=.^

woohoo ill have to check this shit out, thanks crow!

Can't wait for the girls to arrive! I'm guessing Zoe will be in this one because of one of your teaser pictures. As someone asked earlier, how do you get on the guest list? I have a feeling it will be announcing what girls are currently live though.

Thanks Crowchild, you made it happen!

....Well, the title of the journal made me fall off my chair, the graphics made me fall again, and the promise of girls made me fall the third time. Congrats Crowchild! And THANK YOU!

Yay it loaded, just got my first look :D I can't wait for the girls to arrive :D hope that parrot girl from the teaser pics is there :D and the lovely Zebra too. hehe.

But I"m also curious about this guest list :) How does one go about getting on it? hehe.

AWESOME! I can't wait to see more updates, it all looks lovely so far

looks good so far, so you play as max? wow thats weird. sorry to be impatient but what do you mean by a few days? you mean like saterday?

The original post said 2 weeks. It was made 12 days ago. So Sunday. Then this says a few days, three days before Sunday. Sunday's sounding likely.

Ooooooo, I can't wait to see what you have in store >D

I am loving the level design there, very well done. Also the map is a very powerfull tool. Also to keep people interested / annoyed in the future when you add more locations. There is enough space for it, that's for sure!

Man, I seriously need some inspiration. Order me to draw something HTH wise Crow, anything... I need to get out of this artist block...

*runs around going "WOOHOO" like Daffy Duck*

It looks great so far. I can't really see anything that is wrong with it at the moment. Time will tell, though. If the biggest problem so far was one small typo then I think that you are pretty much set. I can't wait to see what comes out next, great job on it all so far.

Biggest cock tease of 2008 award goes to.... HTH2


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