High School Weight Gain

High School Weight Gain


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      Senior year of high school is a time of both stress and relief, each presenting themselves in different ways. I was on the side of relief, however, because since I had studied my butt off for three years, I had a shortened schedule. Me and my friends religiously did every Honors and AP class from Freshman-Junior years and were going to reap our reward of relaxation this year.
      Our short schedules led us to have more free time than we bargained for. For the first month or so of school, we would sit outside on the bleachers and talk for hours after our last class ended at 1:00 instead of 3:15, like everyone else. Our friend group was pretty tight, and only grew tighter from these after-school chat sessions. Our personalities were all rather different, but we all somehow manage to get along frighteningly well.
    I am Simon, and not impressive in the least. I’m 5’6”, of average build, with fairly long hair. I have social anxiety, I have an aversion to exercise, and a low self-esteem. A winning combination, eh?
    My oldest friend, Andre, dwarfed me at 6’2”. He, unlike me, is a party person. He drinks and smokes weed regularly, and has been with more girls than I have ever talked to. Dark skinned, tall, strong, and sociable, everyone loved Andre.
    Then there is Mackenzie. 5’4” and a fiery temper, Mackenzie was big in the school soccer team and renown for being a tease. She wasn’t all that shapely, but her quick wit and pretty face won over almost everyone she met – including me. She was aware of this since we first met freshman year, and turned me down in a very nice way. We have become super close, as close as a platonic relationship can go.
    And finally there was Tara. She stood at 5’ 10” and was the fastest swimmer in the state. She had limbs of steel and a heart of gold. Her only fault was being too polite. She has gone on many dates that she didn’t want to go on just because she doesn’t like saying “no.”

    It was an early October day, and we all sat outside in sweatshirts and jeans complaining about our (admittedly tiny) amount of homework. Andre had joined the basketball team and was complaining about his jersey number, Mackenzie was complaining about how many guys fawned over her, and Tara was upset about having to leave that night for Des Moines, Iowa, for a swim meet. I was just glad classes were over and the weather was still nice.
    The 2:00 class bell rang, which didn’t matter to us; we had already been done for an hour. But the bell also meant that our pathetic form of entertainment would begin. We sat on the bleachers every day, and the bleachers overlook our school’s running track. Inside the running track was a football field, and across the field was another set of bleachers for the school band. 2:00 meant that practices for all three of these were starting. A rational person may ask, “Why do they all go out at the same time? Wouldn’t it be crowded and annoying?” And the answer is of course, yes. Often, the band would drown out the shouts of the football and track coaches, and occasionally a stray football would end up on the track, screwing up the runner’s times. It was a shitstorm every time, and we all loved to watch it unfold.
    But today, nobody came out. At 2:15 a voice came over the loudspeakers, “All students on school premises must report to the gymnasium for an announcement.”
    “Since we’re out of class, do we still have to go?” asked Mackenzie, annoyed that A) she had to stop complaining about her popularity and B) the daily sporting fiasco wouldn’t occur.
    “They did say all students on the premises…and we are still on the premises,” I said. We all climbed down the bleachers and made our way inside to the indoor set of bleachers in the gymnasium. When we arrived, we saw the band, football team, and track team sitting on the bleachers too, all dressed and ready to go out and practice, yet relegated to this meeting instead.
    The range of emotions in the room was massive. There was a feeling of uncaring from Andre, Mackenzie, Tara, and me. Some people were annoyed that they were summoned out of class unexpectedly (mostly those who played sports and the nerds that enjoy school). Some were thrilled to have a temporary diversion from Calculus or whatever class they were in. We spotted some teachers all talking to each other looking confused and annoyed.
    “It looks like the teachers didn’t see this announcement coming,” said Andre as the entire high school settled into their seats and wondered (or didn’t care) about what was going on. The principal marched up to the podium that was hastily erected in the middle of the basketball court and turned the microphone on to the sound of reverb. This effectively shut up everyone in the room.
    “Good afternoon, students. Since this is my first time this year addressing you as a whole, I would like to…”
    Andre and I zoned out at this point, opting to play on our phones instead. Mackenzie started doing homework, and Tara was too polite to ignore the principal despite not giving a rat’s ass about the presentation.
    “Now on to the reason I have called this assembly unexpectedly. You see, a recent study was done by Drs. Wentworth and Hojiko and was presented to the World Health Organization last week after a year of secret testing. The WHO found the study true and conclusive, and addressed the UN about health implications and policies.”
    Literally no one cared at this point. Even the science teachers were ignoring the principal’s recap of a scientific discovery. The only news dominating students’ minds were the new pop single and the new Marvel movie.
    “The United Nations set about voting on the newly proposed health rules for each country. It did not pass universally. Out of the 193 members, 107 voted against it (primarily for economic reasons) and 80 abstained from voting. Only six countries voted yes: a smattering of island nations, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and us in the United States. Each of these countries have agreed to instill the recommended WHO guidelines as quickly as possible.”
    Frankly, the principal had been talking so long that most students had grown bored with their diversions. Mackenzie had finished her homework and was zoning off, Andre’s phone battery dropped below 15%, and I began to wonder what the hell those six countries listed have to do with each other.
    “Now, you may be wondering what this has to do with you. Well, the guidelines that our country has accepted are meant to improve the health of those of you still growing. They only apply to people under the age of 25. This means that the new health regime will be applied to you and administered by the government through the public-school system.”
     There was murmuring now. Our principal was admittedly a very boring speaker, but he had structured his speech to keep tensions growing. He still hadn’t actually told us what we had to do! Impatient hands started to rise with the question on all our minds. The principal noticed this, and began to look uncomfortable.
        “Students, I don’t really know how to put this. The new law requires you to get fat.”
      A collective cloud of “Huh?” swept through the audience, and now the principal had everyone’s attention.
      “I’m gonna read you the official government announcement:
      “According to the findings of Drs. Wentworth and Hojiko, the human body knows exactly how much fat it needs to be to survive times of famine and is unable to surpass it. Every calorie eaten is necessary. Each person's body has a set point that, when they reach and attain it, keeps them at peak physical health. They may not be the most agile or mobile, but according to the findings lifetimes can be extended by as many as twenty or even thirty years with the optimum level of fat. The new minimum calorie intake for ages 16 and up is 3,000, and is to be enforced by schools by January 1st. Schools should also increase access to high calorie foods and restrict exercise programs.”
        Now there was dissent from the audience. Members of each sport team were now yelling and looking helplessly at each other and their coaches. Any person with any semblance of a fit body was visibly shaken. Mackenzie, Tara, and Andre just looked confused. I didn’t know what to think.
         “More news will come tomorrow. Normal class is suspended tomorrow for an administrative workday, so we can figure out how to put into effect these new rules. As of right now, I can only announce that all physical education classes and extracurricular sporting activities will be winding down quickly, and that our school’s kitchen is scheduled to go under renovation as soon as next week.
         “Obviously this is a radical change to our school, and the entire nation’s youth. I thank you in advance for your patience and understanding, and I request your compliance and willingness to accept the new system. The official statutes of the law state that the conversion to this new education/health system must be complete by January 1st, so the next few months will be a transition period for, perhaps, practice?”

         School was dismissed after the assembly, but we had nothing to do until 4:00, so we went back outside on the bleachers.
      “Okay, can you explain to me what the fuck is going on?!” Mackenzie blurted out after a few minutes of silence.
        “I think he basically said that its going to be a law to be fat,” I responded.
      “Well that’s bound to happen anyway now since I apparently don’t have basketball anymore. I was gonna be in the NBA!” Andre said.
      “Andre, you’re not tall enough for the NBA, and you’re not gonna get fat. We’re not gonna get fat!” Mackenzie was borderline having a tantrum.
      Tara kept looking at her phone, and soon announced that despite the school officially ending all sports programs, the association of swim teams she was a part of were going to go ahead despite the recommendations until January 1st. “I guess I’m still going to Des Moines tomorrow. I’m gonna really have to get some self discipline if I want to stay fit without a coach…”

      The next day, everyone came to school not knowing what to expect. The cafeteria and lunchroom were fenced off as construction workers had already arrived to renovate. Local food trucks were outside in the parking lot offering meals to students. Everybody ate what they always ate, not comfortable to begin reaching their calorie requirements yet.
      Our classes ended, and Andre, Mackenzie, and I went out to the bleachers holding manila folders given to us by our homeroom teachers. Tara was in Des Moines, so she didn’t witness the surrealism of the day. We each opened our envelopes to find pages upon pages of fine print. Mackenzie and Andre just put it back in the envelope and began wondering aloud what their sports practices were going to be like now that they all knew that they were going to be terminated at New Years. I, however, sat and read the fine print. And boy, was there some crazy information in there.
      In each envelope was a letter from the WHO, the US Surgeon General, and the school’s head nurse. As I read through the paperwork, I reported to Andre and Mackenzie my findings.
   “All food necessary to meet the calorie requirement will be provided free by the school.”
   “Tips to reach the 3000 calorie goal include eating slightly beyond the point of feeling full, adding multiple snacks between each major meal, and avoiding traditionally “healthy” foods.”
   “It is recommended for students to sign up for a study hall next semester if they fear they are unable to meet the requirements.”
   “Cafeteria foods will be infused with the supplement “crassusin,” a metabolism reducer.”
   “Students should start immediately to attempt to gain weight.”
   Finally, I reached the last paper in the envelope. It had a scheduled time to meet with the nurse for a physical.

   Tara was back the next day and looked at the papers in disgust and dismay. “Why is this being forced on us? I just set a state record yesterday and now they want me to throw all my progress away!”
   Each of us had our physicals in the morning, and we were given a statistic sheet of our bodies. Students walked around and bragged to each other about their low BMI and high muscle percentage, obviously not willing to bow to the government’s new laws.
We met at the bleachers to share our statistics.

   AGE: 18YRS
   HEIGHT: 188 CM
   WEIGHT: 178.3 LBS
   RECOMMENDED CALORIC INTAKE (for 2lb/week gain): 3991 cal
   AGE: 18YRS
   HEIGHT: 163 CM
   WEIGHT: 121.6 LBS
   RECOMMENDED CALORIC INTAKE (for 2lb/week gain): 3170 cal
   AGE: 18YRS
   HEIGHT: 163 CM
   RECOMMENDED CALORIC INTAKE (for 2lb/week gain): 3600 cal
   AGE: 17YRS
   HEIGHT: 167 CM
   WEIGHT: 161.8 LBS
   RECOMMENDED CALORIC INTAKE (for 2lb/week gain): 3759 cal
   We were all understandably irked at our physical reports. Andre, after being told today that despite not being necessary until January, the basketball team was officially disbanded, was pissed off about “baking club.” Mackenzie’s soccer team vowed to continue for as long as possible, so she announced that she will blatantly “disregard the sexist suggestion for sewing club.” Tara took pride in the “high muscle mass” caveat by her weight, but was totally panicking about weighing a suggested 204 lbs by January. And me, well…I wasn’t that interested in A/V Club.
Simon and his friends get bigger because of a law imposed on all high schoolers!

Based on "Hesper" on writing.com 
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 February – what a month. The effects of the crassusin were definitely starting to show now. The month of January, with the appetite increaser added to the cafeteria’s already fatty foods, wreaked havoc on more than a few beltlines. Andre was sporting a distinct beer belly now. All the food focused there, as his arms and legs, though less defined, remained thin. I was sporting a spare tire and a half, to say the least. Sweatpants all day, every day. Ever since Tara quit swimming and ate the crassusin, the change has been slow but steady. Her washboard abs were gone, with maybe an inch of fat now covering them. She must’v

I struggled to gain weight in high school and have gone through many of the same challenges most of you skinny guys have or will go through. By the time I was a sophomore I had been lifting for about three years, was a three-sport athlete (football, basketball, run/throw in track) and never really had any breaks from running or an off-season to gain weight. I really needed a plan for adding pounds. As a busy student athlete it had to be simple, it had to be affordable and I wasn't going to count calories or macronutrients or weigh anything, because that's neither of the above- time has always been especially valuable to me. 
I didn't know much about supplements but I persuaded my dad to buy me some weight gain powder. I don't remember what it was, but it added about 1500-1750 calories/day. I'd already been eating the usual three times a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), so my plan was to eat as I normally would and drink a weight gain shakes AFTER each meal.
I mixed each drink with two cups of milk. So a daily meal schedule would look like this:
The result? I gained 20lbs in a month, my lifts skyrocketed, and I didn't gain an inch on my waist. It worked wonders for me. I managed to keep up this regimen for most of my high school career and felt great. It's important to understand that during this time I was lifting three times a week and running/jumping 4-7 days/week, and my main lifts were squat, bench, trap bar deadlift, and hang clean. In other words, I was expending a lot of energy that justified the amount of calories I was taking in. If you have a much lighter schedule you could try the same idea for 2 meals as opposed to 3 (excluding lunch at school for convenience). Change doesn't happen over night. You'll have time to decide how you feel and how you look but you have to be consistent to see if you need more or less.
If you don't like weight gain powders or find all the sugar makes your farts smell like the kill-floor of a meat packing plant, you can always make your own "weight gainer" out of a protein powder blended with whole milk or juice, some nuts, and a tablespoon or two of natural peanut butter or some other healthy fat (this usually adds to a creamier consistency as opposed to chalky). You have options. This plan cuts down on the grocery bill, the guess work and the excuses. If you're allergic to these foods or products use common sense. Come up with a similar, simple plan that can work for you. 
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