High School Selfie Project

High School Selfie Project


Building resilience by changing our relationship with failure

Failing Forward challenges students, and parents, to re-evaluate their perception of failure & provides strategies to bounce back. We discuss the importance of failing fast then reframing our thinking to allow the opportunity to thrive.
Starting by first defining success, the program will:
* Encourage students to tackle tasks strategically with an attainable, yet challenging, end goal
* Develop an appreciation of the process and the value of hard work, without excessive stress & worry
* Create a Plan B for when plans become derailed
* Provide conversation starters and constructive language around failure that acknowledges the importance of failing and what we can learn from it
* Promotes the mindset of play when completing tasks 
* Challenges students to learn from their failures and approach them with curiosity and confidence
Wellbeing and Leadership development programs that
Educate, Inspire and Empower.
After something else?

Should your needs be different to the programs offered above, please get in contact with us to discuss how we can work with you to create a program that will create a powerful and lasting impact on the lives of your students. 
Developing the tools for a strong Sense of Self

More than my Selfie provides your girls with the tools they require to build a strong understanding of who they are, what they stand for and how they interact with their world. 
Integrating Positive Psychology practices and catering for the developmental level of your student group, this program will:
* Determine the contributing factors that affect Sense of self
* Identify and analyse social and sexual stereotypes and the role the media plays in promoting gender bias
* Explore each students’ individual values, beliefs, passions and goals to develop a frame work for their personal Sense of Self Blueprint.
* Develop strategies for creating a strong personal brand that aligns to our Sense of Self Blueprint and recognise how our thoughts, words and actions contribute to the communication of this message to the world.
* Challenge students to take responsibility for the way we impact the lives of those we interact with through empathy
* Educate students on how to have healthy and happy relationships, not only with their friendship group, but with their wider peer community & how to repair those relationships when they are damaged.
An introduction to Mental Fitness & Wellbeing Literacy
Each year group will participate in a different program to promote taking care of their mental health. Areas of study include resilience & bouncing back, handling overwhelm & stress, working with changing & difficult relationships and tackling self-doubt & 'Monkey Mind'. Students are given tools and strategies to build their Mental Health Toolkit so that when having a 'teen day' they are equipped with practical and fast-acting skills to create space & think clearly. 
* Is evidence-based and provides practical strategies for starting a conversation about mental health 
* Teaches students the skills they need to tackle adversity 
* Is created to meet the needs of the year group, at the time of year they are taking the program. If its exam season, perfect we can look at stress. Start of the year? Organisation to avoid overload might be the way to go. 
*Is engaging and equips students with the langauge they need to talk about their own mental health and processes to help a friend or relative if they are also struggling 

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