High School Lesbian Sex Stories

High School Lesbian Sex Stories


High School Lesbian Sex Stories
School Girl Teenage Lesbian Love · Stories
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2 pages October 9, 2016 Destiny 
They fell in love.
Parents don't support them.
Things go wrong.
Just read♥
5 pages April 3, 2013 Poopnugget 
Allie meets her true love through many challenges...
18 pages January 27, 2015 skywalkerdad 
A lesbian love story between two girls, books, and a street that connects them both.
3 pages October 2, 2014 That One Lesbo Kid 
"VICKYYYY!! AAAAH OMG WHAT'S UP GURL??" Oh no, not her again.... "Hey Nathalie..." Nathalie is the queen bitch of the middle school I used to go to... I fucking hate her... Her hob...
23 pages April 18, 2013 Morgan Linn 
This is the story of five best friends, struggling through their final year of high school and comprehending the real world is not always filled with happy endings.
14 pages February 3, 2015 VON 
Rocky is a blossoming teenage girl, starting off fresh in high school. Everything is the exact opposite of how she expects it to be. Landing into the wrong crowd, she then looses her friends she once had with her sudden bad decisions.
5 pages January 4, 2015 lilbitdejavu 
I don't know whether my parents hate me or love me.. But here I am in a whole new state, at a whole school. Boarding school. New scenery. New friends. New love. New drama. Fresh start.
Everything I have written in here--everything--is 150% true. Through all my thoughts, bullying experiences, school, rants, & whatever runs through my life and mind is in here.
This is all completely true.
There's life.
There's being a teenager.
There's hormones.
... And then there's me, thrown into the middle of it.
8 pages November 24, 2013 Haley 
Hi my name is Beth I just moved to California from Texas. Literally I just got here. This is my new house I love it! It is very pretty I think anyways.
"Beth! Go look at your new room!" I hea...
22 pages Completed February 11, 2018 savvio 
From relationships to school to the bougie life everyone wants - Vanna will help you achieve your ultimate goals!
Become enlightened; become the conqueror of your life with this helpful advice book!
3 pages March 1, 2015 AlexLovesBands 
(Not a 1D story!) I don't accept homophobic hate
*Might contain triggering thangs dunno yet but if so I'll warn*
like, commebt, heart yunno all dat 💚💚
14 pages September 21, 2013 RoyalVibes 
5 friends at Colonial High who are known as the popular kids meet the new kid who is a complete trouble maker who turns their lives upside down.
26 pages December 10, 2011 GirlWhoWrites 
Keep going! Chapter 2 will pull you into the story if you're interested in it! This chapter may be a bit boring, so keep going! Thank you for reading, bye!;) ♥ -Mizzy
After school let out, I notic...
3 pages July 25, 2016 Chelsea 
26 pages August 3, 2013 SixFeetUnderTheStars 
I'm the girl that walks through the halls of school, books pressed tightly to her chest.
The girl that gets picked on because she's "different."
2 pages August 7, 2013 Alexandria 
Alexis has always been bullied and abused at home what happened when she finally thinks she finds a friend.
22 pages January 10, 2018 Barbarism 
Since birth anyone near Olive is hurt someway or another, physically or mentally. During half the school year in she meets someone, a girl, she has to keep her feelings a secret or things will eventually fall apart one by one.
5 pages February 18, 2016 XthMadness 
A story of love and confusion between two young girls.
18 pages November 26, 2015 We're All Mad Here 
She was Homecoming Queen 3 years running, Class President, and the epitome of perfection...Juliet
She was trouble, teachers hated her, students feared her, when danger appeared so did she...Mary Jane
[WARNING: Contains mature scenes]
[Story Actually Published: 23 November 2015]

High-school Confessions
High-school confession stories and sins

Confession Stories
Confessions Current: high-school

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Every day during PE, the school coach runs with us around the school. He gets really sweaty and his white shirts get almost see through and I can see all his muscles. Every time I see him, my pussy gets really wet and warm. I fantasize about being used by him all the time but he is 35, 20 years older than me. Any tips on getting him to take me.
Volunteer to clean equipment, gym storage etc. Hopefully you're alone together more often, and even a few times likely after school
Have you worn anything to tease him yet?
If you need him to take you, you can only make him consent, but you are under age, hè would get end up in jail for this, couse nobody accept that you wanted it. Have a nice life.

There’s this guy I hav a crush on, but I feel like he only talks to me because I’m smart. He obvi doesn’t like me but I rlly like him; and lately I feel like he is just using my crush to help himself
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The first time I can recall was riding the bus home freshman year in high school. This skinny girl who lived the next block over was in the seat in front of me. We must have been talking about something and I leaned forward to hear her better. Looking over her shoulder I realized I could see down her shirtfront. Most downblouse voyeurs know that skinny girls with small breasts sometimes are the easiest to get a good look. Her not-quite-an-A-cup breast didn't fill out the cup of her bra and it fell away from her chest. I could see essentially her entire breast at a certain angle. It was small, as I said, and had a very prominent pointy nipple. I'm surprised I didn't ejaculate in my pants then and there. Her nipple appeared to be possibly quite erect and I wondered if she was intentionally giving me a show. I don't recall, but I'm pretty sure I went home and masturbated. And masturbated to that image in my brain many times after that.
It’s time to find a steady girlfriend. A lot of single ladies are waiting here >>> verrywet.com
I like sex. See my naked photos here >>> verrywet.com (my Nick Grace2002)
If you want real sex, send me message here:) https://ujeb.se/9GiSY

I got flashed a few times in one day last week. I was debating weather to confess or not and I ran across this site trying to figure it out. This tall lady walked into a clothes store in one of those outdoor malls. She was wearing a tight shirt skirt. I followed her around a bit and noticed that she kept putting shoes on the floor and bending all the way over trying them on. She didn't know I was watching her or that I was even around actually. And there were a lot of people around but just about all we're women. One of the times I snuck right behind her and knelt down pretending like I was looking at shoes on the bottom shelf. She bent over again and I saw up her skirt. She has on stockings and maybe a thong or something. I didn't see pussy it was covered but I saw up there. When she got up she saw me but she didn't say anything or look at me crazy. I don't know if anyone saw me. I was nervous and I don't know if it was obvious that I was looking up her skirt. Then I left and went to the library. There was this high school girl there with her mom. She was pretty big but she was in high school and wearing a skirt. Pretty in the face. I say she was at least 17 most likely a senior. Anyway I sat right in front of her cause her legs were a little open and I was trying to look up her skirt too. Her mom was giving me dirty looks cause I kept circling the area before I sat down. I don't know if she saw me looking or if she just knew. Anyway. The girl noticed what I was doing too. Cause I got up and left but kept coming back to see if she would make any movements that would expose her pussy or undies. Like cross her legs or something. But like the third time that I came in the area she saw me and spread her legs about 6inches more than they already were. She was kind of big so her thieghs never came all the way apart but I saw pretty far up her skirt. Had she been skinny I would have seen everything. That's how open they were. Then I left the library and went to this shoe store called DSW or something like that. And there was this lady there wearing a skirt and her like 10 year old daughter wearing a skirt also. And like two other kids. Anyway I was checking out the daughter for a while when all of a sudden the mom puts her leg up on the bench showing me everything. Right in front of her kids. But I'm pretty sure she was wearing shorts. But the thing is that the daughter started doing the same thing. She started squatting with her legs open. And bending over in front of the mirror and putting her leg up on the bench too. And she wasn't wearing shorts for sure. Her mom never said anything to her. I loved it. I lingered around in the area until shE wasn't showing me anything anymore. I'm not sure if she did it on purpose like the girl in the library or not but I liked it anyway. Can't wait till summer. Oh and the other day I went to target and saw two girls there with seethrough leggings. I could see the things right through the leggings. I'm going to be on the lookout for that kind of stuff all summer. It's all new to me. I've been on the lookout for girls bending over so I could see down the shirt and stuff too.
If you want real sex, send me message here:) https://ujeb.se/9GiSY
If you want to see me naughty... Im Wait YOU HERE >>> verrywet.com (My Nick Grace2002)
It’s time to find a steady girlfriend. A lot of single ladies are waiting here >>> verrywet.com

I masturbate over the girl's in my class regularly... Which seems fine until I start to do it IN CLASS sometimes even over the teachers
Do you want to see more naked photos? Then find me here (my Nick Grace2002) - verrywet.com
If you want real sex, send me message here:) https://ujeb.se/9GiSY
I like sex. See my naked photos here >>> verrywet.com (my Nick Grace2002)
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Even though she is also a girl, that never stopped her lust for her 3rd period Chemistry teacher.
13 pages Completed February 1, 2016 Shawn 
Willow Richardson is the mother of Stacy who's in the 10th grade. One day she met Stacy's algebra teacher in a PT conference and well... read the story and find out.
2 pages June 16, 2021 marcus uwu 
Miss Roberts, your regular secondary school teacher. Her life was a struggle, dealing with filthy teens problems and the mundane life of a millennial dance professor. Although most of her colleagues bored her intensely, a certain fetching English teacher may have caught her eye…
28 pages Completed June 3, 2014 Nenen 
You know about Kaitlynn. And we've mention Emilee (previously Kylie) before. But you have no idea what goes on. An old face from the original story makes an apperience
-note: Kylie is 18-
'Look, they've all said that. Every single one. But it never lasts. Forever doesn't always mean forever,'
Emelia is the most polpuar girl in school. She has the perfect, super hot, rich boyfriend, perfect parents and an amazing social life.
Maisie, however, is a loner, bullied and ...
40 pages February 28, 2018 Clouds In My Coffee 
She was beautiful. I was head over heels for her. She took my breath away. Eva Klum was something else to make me fall for her this hard. Who thought I'll end up loving my teacher who is also my brother's fiancé. Who thought she will love me back after resisting me for so long that I'd t...
13 pages December 17, 2013 Bailey 
Aphrodite is a Lesbian Teen Girl who thought she would never find true Love , but when Shes starts to fall for her Chemistry teacher , she starts to question herself. What Is Love? GxG TeacherxStudent ♥
49 pages October 19, 2015 Glory 
When 17 year old Kate is failing her Math class, who could save her? Mr. Joey is who, but he will not give her the extra credit that she’s use to! What will happen when he tells her to “love him” as extra credit?
Meet Sarah Richpal, a rich bully with a dark past. Together with Mr. Joey's brother...
11 pages November 7, 2012 Brenda 
Forbidden. That's the name I would give our relationships. He's my math teacher and... my lover. She's my best friend.. with benefits. Can this work?
A Bisexual/lesbian story. !Trigger Warning! Will contain references to cutting and suicide later on.
Naomi was my best friend until that night. But now she's much more. I knew she struggled with family life, but never realised how bad it really was. I want to help her, but this isn't just an...
2 pages Completed September 11, 2020 a.o 
A lesbian dinner date full of body language and deep feelings of love. Authors note: this is a one shot. I had a assignment for my AP English class to do a creative writing piece and so i created this. I love that i made my male English teacher read this

Separate exclusions with commas (,)
Even though she is also a girl, that never stopped her lust for her 3rd period Chemistry teacher.
13 pages Completed February 1, 2016 Shawn 
Willow Richardson is the mother of Stacy who's in the 10th grade. One day she met Stacy's algebra teacher in a PT conference and well... read the story and find out.
2 pages June 16, 2021 marcus uwu 
Miss Roberts, your regular secondary school teacher. Her life was a struggle, dealing with filthy teens problems and the mundane life of a millennial dance professor. Although most of her colleagues bored her intensely, a certain fetching English teacher may have caught her eye…
28 pages Completed June 3, 2014 Nenen 
You know about Kaitlynn. And we've mention Emilee (previously Kylie) before. But you have no idea what goes on. An old face from the original story makes an apperience
-note: Kylie is 18-
'Look, they've all said that. Every single one. But it never lasts. Forever doesn't always mean forever,'
Emelia is the most polpuar girl in school. She has the perfect, super hot, rich boyfriend, perfect parents and an amazing social life.
Maisie, however, is a loner, bullied and ...
40 pages February 28, 2018 Clouds In My Coffee 
She was beautiful. I was head over heels for her. She took my breath away. Eva Klum was something else to make me fall for her this hard. Who thought I'll end up loving my teacher who is also my brother's fiancé. Who thought she will love me back after resisting me for so long that I'd t...
13 pages December 17, 2013 Bailey 
Aphrodite is a Lesbian Teen Girl who thought she would never find true Love , but when Shes starts to fall for her Chemistry teacher , she starts to question herself. What Is Love? GxG TeacherxStudent ♥
49 pages October 19, 2015 Glory 
When 17 year old Kate is failing her Math class, who could save her? Mr. Joey is who, but he will not give her the extra credit that she’s use to! What will happen when he tells her to “love him” as extra credit?
Meet Sarah Richpal, a rich bully with a dark past. Together with Mr. Joey's brother...
11 pages November 7, 2012 Brenda 
Forbidden. That's the name I would give our relationships. He's my math teacher and... my lover. She's my best friend.. with benefits. Can this work?
(BxB got a problem please leave a comment to me or Angel X) Harry Styles is 14 and gets badly abused. One day he calls Child Help services. They get him out of his abusive home and bring him to a Child Help village. There his chaperone is 20 Louis Tomlinson. Harry is scared, fidgety and ready to cur...

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