High School Girls Volleyball Shorts

High School Girls Volleyball Shorts


High School Girls Volleyball Shorts
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The second installment of visually delicious college girls playing volleyball. Volume 1 http://po.st/aEtPdQ




the reason i went to volleyball games when i was in high school

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Feb 28, 2019

According to the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) volleyball uniform regulations, girls volleyball uniform tops must all be the same color (with the exception of the libero). And must be long enough to cover the top of the shorts while the player is standing. Players are not allowed to show any mid-driff. Girls volleyball bottoms have to be the same color and must be shorts, spandex, pants or skirts. The regulations allow for players to wear undergarments or body suits. That show below the uniform as long as they are the same solid color of the uniform.
Girls volleyball shorts are, well, short. And tight. The inseam of an average volleyball short is approximately 2.75” - 3.5” and made of a spandex. In the volleyball world they have been dubbed “Bun Huggers” and are essentially the booty shorts of girls volleyball. The opinion of the uniform bottoms is very mixed.
Veteran volleyball players who have worn both looser, baggier shorts and the shorter, tighter shorts, are more in favor of the latter. Their reasoning is that wearing a form-fitting, tight short. Allows for them to move more freely without having to constantly readjust their bottoms. Players who have worn the baggier shorts claim that looser and longer fitting shorts were always falling or hitting the net. Secondary to practical reasons of liking the bun huggers, is that they are more feminine. And they work hard for their athletic bodies and are proud to show them off.
Protestors of the uniform bottoms claim that the shorts are exploitive and sexist. Many parents feel uncomfortable with their daughters running around the court in the tiny shorts. The concern is of pedophiles and inappropriate pictures being taken of their kids while wearing the shorts and bending over and squatting. For others, the uniform shorts simply do not align with their values, culture, or religion. Super protestors have put up various pages on the internet asking to ban bun huggers.
Players are often seen wearing two-piece bikinis. The logic behind the extra revealing beach volleyball uniforms is again of practicality. The weather is usually very hot and players claim that wearing a bikini is simply more comfortable than wearing a one-piece bathing suit. Players do not find what they wear to be objectifying or sexist at all.
Taking both opinions into account, the NFHS seems to be sensitive to players who choose to wear a more conservative bottom. While it doesn’t look like bun huggers will be going anywhere anytime soon. How revealing a volleyball uniform is seems to be left to the discretion of the player and their comfort level of what they wear.

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Rule 5: Officials Responsibilities and Positions
Question: We are playing a best-of-three match. After a team wins the match 2-0, we decide to play an exhibition set for participation. Do we need to record the exhibition match in our score reporting or on our season summary?
Answer: No. Do not report exhibition sets on the WIAA score reporting site or your season summaries. Report deciding sets only.
Question: Emphasis this year indicates the scoretable should not use a sounding device when an improper server is used and instead should notify the second referee during the first dead ball. What if the second referee (R2) notices the improper server him/herself? Should the R2 also allow the play to continue? Or should R2 whistle immediately?
Answer: Rule 6-4 Penalties 2 still applies when an official (R1 or R2) notices the improper server - loss of rally shall be awarded as soon as the improper server is discovered and verified. An immediate whistle can be applied. The change was intended to not allow the scorer or libero tracker to make the call from the officials table to stop play as many times they are not trained officials.
Question: Are our libero uniforms legal and contrasting enough?
Answer: Please refer to the “ Contrasting Uniform Tops ” .pdf from the NFHS linked on the WIAA website.
All Questions below are organized according to the NFHS Rule under which it falls. Use your "find" feature to search for key words or phrases in this section.

Question 1: Last night after the coaches' & captains' meeting, after the coin toss and the teams were dismissed, I had the timer start the clock. The visiting coach said the timed warm-ups were not to start until the girls actually started warming up with a ball. I told him that time starts once the meeting is over. Was this correct & where does one find this information?
Answer: There isn't anything in either the NFHS rule code or the WIAA regulations that addresses this situation. I would hope that this is something that can be handled mutually by the official, time keeper, and coach. Do you cover this in your pre-match conference? If you sense that the team will not be ready to immediately take the court a friendly reminder to the coach early in the meeting would be advised.

Question 2: Can hand clappers be used at volleyball matches? We ran into this last night. They are very loud. Answer: Not allowed. Please refer to Rule 1-8; “The use of artificial noisemakers shall be prohibited.”

Question 3: We are finding that many schools for which we officiate are having all girls in any level of the volleyball program out on the court while each other’s team is warming up. Often, these girls are wearing street clothes and have been wearing flip flops, boots, or socks with no shoes at all. There have been girls using cell phones while standing out there. Many of them are wearing jewelry that would, of course, be illegal during a match. What is the protocol for members of the other levels of the team who is warming up? Is it the coach's job to approve who is on the court during warms ups? Is it up to the officials to remove all of the illegally clad shaggers?
Answer: Attire for athletes participating in “shagging” balls during warm-ups was a point of emphasis from the NFHS a few years ago. As was stated at that time, athletes participating should be properly attired; appropriate footwear which would exclude flip flops, boots, heeled shoes or barefoot. No jewelry and no cell phone use! If sub-varsity players are to be included as shaggers, they should remain in uniform with their court shoes on to participate in warm-ups. It is the responsibility of the coaches to insure that their players are in compliance. Officials should remind coaches if they see individuals not appropriately dressed to participate in this activity.

Question 4: I have a question about stats. For example, there is a serve attempt, service ace and serve error. When a player gets an ace do you also mark as an attempt?
Answer: Yes, there is always an attempt recorded no matter what the outcome is. I would recommend reviewing the Volleyball Statistics Guidelines. Go to the WIAA webpage – Volleyball – Tournament Materials. You’ll see the Guide posted there.

Question 5: Who is responsible to suspend or cancel a contest due to unsafe conditions? Floor conditions were the issue on Saturday. During the championship match, after 2 of my players were hurt within minutes of each other, one sliding at least 3-4 feet and colliding with the bleachers because she couldn't stop, I pulled my team from the floor and we forfeited the set.
Answer: The responsibility for calling a contest due to unsafe conditions lies with the officials. While the NFHS rules (1-7-2a & 1-7-3) would apply regarding a forfeit, WIAA policy is to reprimand the school when a coach takes it upon him/herself to pull their team from a contest. It is a long held belief that coaches have a responsibility to find a solution other than removing their team from the playing area.

Question 6: May teams huddle on the court prior to the signal for serve?
Answer: Provided there is no delay in the start of play, teams may briefly huddle. If a team is the first to have its line-up checked by R2, they should immediately assume their correct line-up on the court. Once the line-up has been checked they may briefly huddle while R2 checks their opponent's line-up. If a team is the second to have their line-up checked, they may briefly huddle while their opponent's line-up is being checked but should not create a delay for R2 when he/she is ready to check their line-up. Players should not be lying on the floor or creating delays for the start of the set.

Question 7: Do JV third games go to 25 or 15? Or is this a conference rule?
Answer: The format for sub-varsity is determined by the conference or host school.

Question 8: Players who were banned from the match by their coach due to disciplinary reasons still warmed up. Their names were crossed out on the roster. My partner said the coach could not do that.
Answer: Officials are not to be involved in coach’s disciplinary decisions.

Question 9: What is the rule for playing music during tournament time? The last two years, we had an official tell us we cannot play music during time-outs and between games. If this is the case...why is this the only rule that changes from the regular season to post season?
Answer: Whether its regular season or tournament time, there is no such rule.

Question 10: I have seen a pretty strong consistency of officials not calling double hits on sets and carried sets. Thus when poor sets/lifts are not called, it allows for fundamentally poorer teams to "stay in the game" instead of blowing the play dead. Was this a point of emphasis for them during the off-season in order to let play continue?
Answer: Double hits are only allowed on first contacts and prolonged contact is always illegal. The expectation is that officials will enforce the rules and call violations whenever they see them.

Question 11: For lower level games, can we have one official on the tower only? In other words not have a floor official...for JV/Frosh matches?
Answer: Yes. Please refer to the Volleyball Season Regulations; “Two WIAA licensed officials are recommended for all nonvarsity competition, but only one is required.”

Question 12: I arrived on site to the following question. Is there a penalty associated with the home team doing ball handling prior to the beginning of the jv match.
Answer: No, currently there is not a penalty, although when this occurs officials should have the team stop inform them of the language in the Season Regulations, and contact WIAA staff the next day.

Question 13: Can teams leave the gym during the intermission?
Answer: Currently the NFHS volleyball rules do not prohibit a team from leaving the bench area when intermission is being used. If leaving, the coach has the responsibility to have the team back on court ready to play by the end of the intermission and to submit the lineup no later than two minutes into the interval between sets. This means that during the intermission, the coach must still submit the lineup at the same time as no intermission. A team that delays the start of play by not returning to the court on time shall be issued an unnecessary delay penalty.

Rule 2: The Court
Question 1: If a player's foot is touching the sideline, but not beyond the sideline at the moment of her teammate's service, is this a violation?Answer: NFHS 2-1-1 That is legal because the court lines are considered to be a part of the court.
Question 2: Where in the NFHS Rule Book does it state that the net outside of the net antennas is out of bounds? Answer: Please refer to 2-3-1d “Touches the net cables or net not completely inside the antenna, net supports or first referee’s platform.

Question 3: When playing volleyball, if the ball is in play and it hits the backboard of a basketball hoop, is the ball "dead" or still free to play?
Answer: NFHS 2-2 "a ball striking the ceiling or an overhead obstruction above playable area shall remain in play provided the ball contacts the ceiling or obstruction on the side of the net extended that is occupied by the team that last payed the ball, and the ball is legally played next by the same team." NFHS 2-3 "a ball is out of bounds and becomes dead when it (h) touches any part of a backboard or its supports hanging in a vertical position, over a playable area if it is a served ball or, in the judgment of the referee, the ball would not have remained in play if the backboard had not been there." All playable areas and overhead obstructions should be reviewed by officials during the prematch conference.

Question 4: I would like to know the requirements of the center line (which is also half court line for basketball court) through our logo? As I read in the current rule book, a shadow bordered line is permissible still to be used. Also, with our gym layout to get 3 courts in correctly to meet spacing requirements, our main volleyball court is offset a bit on the main basketball court which puts the one volleyball sideline outside of the basketball court sideline. My clarification again on this situation is the volleyball attack line and endline that intersect through the basketball sideline. Do these lines need to continue through the 8" basketball sideline? If so, does it need to be a solid 2" line or can it be a shadow 2" line?
Answer: From the NFHS 2-1-4: "Shadow line is permitted for the center line. Only small gaps (1-2") are allowed for the other boundary lines, including the attack line. These must be solid lines, shadow lines are only allowed for the center line."

Rule 3: Game Equipment

Question 1: I've run into two situations now where schools have a net sleeve printed with their school name or logo on it but it runs on both sides of the net and not the top. Please let me know what the WIAA interpretation would be.
Answer: Illegal. Only allowed on the top of the net per Rule 3-1-1.

Question 2: What volleyball can we use?
Answer: Any ball which has the NFHS Authenticating Mark is legal for use. During the WIAA Sectional Championship and the State Tournament, the ball which is used is the Molten IV58L-3-HS Super Touch (girls) or the V58L-3-HS Pro Touch (boys). Both balls are red, white, and blue in color.

Rule 4: Player Equipment and Uniform

Question 1: Team A position players are wearing uniform tops that are solid red with white sleeves. Team A libero is wearing a uniform top that is solid white with red sleeves. Legal?
Answer: Yes, The predominant color of the team uniform top is red. The predominant color of the libero uniform can be any clearly contrasting color. (NFHS 4-2-2)
Question 2: Team A position players are wearing u
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