High Heels Slipping

High Heels Slipping


Posted on Published: September 16, 2018 - Last updated: April 4, 2021 By: Author Lindsayanne Brenner
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We all have them: Adorable flats or heels that almost but don’t quite fit, causing them to uncomfortably slip off your heel with each step.
Sometimes too-big shoes are the result of shopping a bit late in the day (when feet are fractionally larger) but for me, I blame my tendency towards against-my-better-judgment impulse buying.
Regardless of how they found their way into your closet, chances are you have a few pairs of heels, flats, or other shoes that are just a bit too big.
These two solutions result from experiments done on my 5-year quest to find the perfect pair of heels and learn to walk confidently in them. My adventure took me through the surreal world of luxury-high-heel brands (where buying my way out of the problem failed), and even into the world of burlesque, where a male burlesque performer (from the delightfully niche world of “boylesque“) taught classes for those of us woefully in need of professional guidance to master the art of high heel wearing.
Although you’d still be hard-pressed to pry my Blundstone Chelsea Boots from my cold dead fingers, I can boast that I finally learned to step, sashay, and strut in 5-inch heels- and I discovered two kickass anti-heel-slipping hacks during the journey.
There are countless reasons we end up with slippy-heel-shoes, including shoes that are simply too big or poorly designed. For me, the issue is width: my foot is wide (like, measured-for-double-wide-running-shoes wide). Because of my wide feet, shoe fitting is a challenge. When I wear just about any shoe that doesn’t have straps, laces, or a buckle, my wide foot begins to slip down into the toe, widening the toebox, pushing my whole foot forward, and changing the fit of the whole shoe. Result: heels slipping off my heel with a suctioned “flop” at each step.
What didn’t work for me: I’ve tried inserts, I’ve tried non-slip liners, cushions, Band-Aids, and even duct tape. Some remedies worked better than others, but I was never able to resolve the heel slipping issue enough to be comfortable popping around my neighborhood in downtown Seattle in cute, low, non-strappy shoes… until now.
Here’s the step by step for how I fixed my heel slipping permanently. Read on to read the step by step, or just check out the video version below!
In this 1 minute video, I show just how fast and easy it is to create a custom fit in your shoes using wool:
It’s always been a challenge to find shoes that comfortably fit my wide foot, but when it comes to finding heels, it’s nearly impossible. I’ve always resorted to ankle straps or various other designs to keep a shoe in place on my foot as I walk, but recently I came up with this idea for using foot-friendly wool for custom shoe fit. 
A few years back, a friend and I decided to sign up for a course at Seattle’s Burlesque Studio. Brave enough only to dip a toe in the water, we decided the “How to Walk in High Heels” class would be a not-too-intimidating entry point. Part of the class included helpful tips on the biometrics of walking in high heels and how to care for feet before and after a night in heels. 
Also part of the course was a myriad of “tips and tricks” on wearing heels from burlesque performers. Among the supports, guards, cushions, and insoles mentioned, one performer mentioned repeatedly stuffing the toes of their shoes with tissues in order to prevent heel slippage as feet slowly smashed their way down into the toebox (the section of the shoe that supports and frames the toes). 
Even though the heels I wore to the class took considerable smashing to even get my foot in the shoe, after 15 minutes of class, the heel began slipping. Inspired to think more creatively and sustainably about this tissue-stuffing method, when I got home I set to work crafting my solution.
With basic supplies from my needle felting craft supplies, I quickly created a solution that worked great and still-3 years later- continues to work as a method to keep my shoes in place.
The next day, I eagerly placed my tiny buffers into the toe of an adorable pair of moccasin flats I’d purchased but never been able to wear due to heel slippage, and immediately discovered I was- finally– able to wear these flats without my heel slipping. Now they are one of my favorite pairs of shoes and I wear them all over with confidence that they’ll fit and not slip.
Old Pantyhose cut to 4-5″ tubes OR disposable nylon try-on socks  
Loose Wool Fiber (technically called “roving”)
Important Don’t use cotton or synthetic fiber for the fluffy filler- wool works, uniquely for two reasons: 1. Wool breathes, which prevents odor and helps keep feet dry, and . Body heat and friction will literally turn the wool fiber into what is, essentially, an felt orthotic that is custom fit to your shoe and your toes. 
You can swap these bumpers from one pair of shoes to another, but for best results, DON’T.
Why? If given the opportunity to conform to your shoe and felt in place, these bumpers will sort of become part of the shoe. As body heat and friction turns the loose fiber into felt, those fibers will conform to- and in some cases interlock with- the toe of your shoe. This will allow you to put on, walk-in, and even kick off your heels without giving a second thought to the anti-heel-slip bumpers.
So make a few bumpers at a time and don’t swap them once they’re in a shoe. If you frequently swap them out, they’re less likely to stay in place in your shoe- which could be a tad awkward if you kick your heels off in public and your toe pillows pop out!
Once you have gathered supplies, tease the wool roving apart into two equal bundles, and bundle the fiber around itself so it’s a bit self-contained, as shown below:
by pulling the fibers around the outside of the bundle, the wool stays in one bundle better
Next, insert the wool into the tube of pantyhose, as shown below:
Then, treat the felt-pantyhose bundle like a tiny sausage and pinch the ends, give them a half-turn or so, and fold the edges inward.
What you’ll have at this point is a little bundle with one smooth side- that’s the side that will be oriented to face your toes- while the actual toe of the shoe will keep the edges securely in place.
Simply press the little wool bumper into the toe of your shoe, making sure the folded edges face the front of the shoe.
You might need to add fiber or remove a bit to get the perfect fit (it’s best to overestimate, because the fiber will compress a little) but this trick is a quick way to fix shoes that are otherwise impossible to wear due to heel slipping.
Lining the heels of a particularly slip-prone pair of heels or flats with silicone is a great way to add enough friction to keep the heel of your shoe in place without adding so much friction that your shoe blisters or rubs your skin raw. Silicone is perfect because it’s both non-slip and very, very soft- ideal as a shoe liner.
Don’t confuse general caulking with 100% silicone- you won’t get the soft, grippy texture of silicone if you use a blend. I prefer the Gorilla Brand Silicone
Lining a heel with silicone is both really simple, and takes a bit of finesse to get it to work. The problem is that silicone is formulated to be easy to clean up, and actually- straight out of the tube- resists adhering to leather or cloth on the inside of a shoe.
There are two ways to increase adhesion as you place the silicone non-slip:
Method 1: The first way to increase adherence of silicone to the shoe is easy but requires patience to add a step and give it time to set before moving on. To apply pure silicone as permanent heel-slip prevention, you’ll need 100% silicone calk and wood craft sticks. To begin, place a bit of caulking on your craft stick (think: toothpaste on a toothbrush) and smooth the silicone along the inside back heel of your shoe. Use enough pressure that a thin layer of silicone is pressed into the material of the shoe, making contact and filling any seams or gaps and filling spaces between fibers.
Allow to dry for at least 1-2 hours.
Use silicone straight from the tube or prep it for easier application
When the thin layer is dry, you can use the silicone caulking tube to add ridges of silicone on top of the thin film. The film will adhere permanently to the shoe and the ridges will adhere permanently to the film, creating a long term, step-proof way to end heel slippage.
Method 2: Before putting the silicone in your shoe, squeeze it into a heavy-duty zip-bag, add a small amount of turpentine (roughly 1 part turpentine to 25 parts silicone caulk) squeeze bag till mixed well, and then snip off the tip of the bag and pipe in lines along the back inside heel of your shoes. (In this mixture the turpentine dilutes the silicone helping it to spread and flow just enough to penetrate the fiber that it’s placed on and stay put, instead of remaining in a coil and, once dry, easy to peel off)
If you add 2-5 parts acrylic paint, during the mixing, you can also match the silicone to your shoe color, to make it less obvious, while also decreasing the time needed for the silicone to set, dry, and be ready to use.
To smooth down a coil of silicone squeezed from bag or tube, wet your finger well, and use a water-coated fingertip to press the coil flat. Silicone and water do not mix, so as long as your finger is very wet, you’ll be able to touch the silicone without getting sticky. Don’t worry about the water and silicone mixing- water actually speeds the curing process that dries silicone!
Use a wet finger to press the silicone caulking flat
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Hi! I'm Lindsayanne. I grew up roaming the 1980's craft-show scene in the back of a van and I learned how to do a little bit of everything art and DIY. I think life is a lot more interesting when you explore the creative side of making and mending.
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High heels make your legs look longer and make any outfit look amazing. They can be a pain to wear though! Many heel wearers have problems with their shoes slipping off their feet when they walk, but it’s often an easy fix. Learning how to shop for shoes that won’t slip and how to fix shoes that do will help you look stylish safely.
Learn your size for heels. Many people wear different sizes for heels than they do for flats, which can make getting your size right tricky! Try on heels a half-size larger than your usual size to see if they fit more comfortably.[1]
Try on different brands to see which ones fit you best. That will help you walk with comfort and ease, so your heels will be less likely to slip.[2]
In addition, wearing shoes that fit poorly can lead you to suffer from blisters, cramped toes, and a lack of foot support.[3]
Buy platform or wedge heels. Stiletto heels look great, but they’re much harder to walk in. Buying wedge heels or heels with a platform sole will level your foot out and make it easier to walk. This will make it much easier for your foot to stay securely inside the shoe![4]
If you’ve got your heart set on wearing pumps, try buying a pair slightly shorter than usual.
Look for shoes with straps. Sometimes, the actual shape of your shoe can prevent slipping. If you’re having problems with your feet slipping out of your heels, try picking shoes that will make them stay put. Ankle straps, T-straps, and Mary Janes help keep your foot firmly in place.[5]
Pick closed-toe shoes. Over the course of a day, gravity and moisture can make your feet slide down into the toes of your shoes. If you’ve got open toes, your toes can slide down so far that they actually poke out, leaving lots of space in your heel! Try buying closed-toe shoes to keep your toes inside your shoe.[6]
Skip lotions and skin treatments for your feet. Slipping is often caused by damp feet sliding down into the toes of your heels. If you regularly treat your feet to lotions or foot masks, they could be adding to your body’s natural moisture and creating a slick, oily surface inside your shoe. Try skipping the treatments on the days you plan to wear heels.[7]
Sprinkle talcum powder on your feet. If your feet sweat often, try adding a thin layer of talcum powder to your soles or the inside of the shoe to dry them out. Be careful to brush off any extra powder on the tops of your feet!
Spray your feet with hairspray. Before putting your heels on, give your feet a quick spritz of hairspray. Spray about a foot away and focus on the bottoms and sides of your feet. This will help hold your heel in place.[8]
Some people may find this method a little sticky and uncomfortable. Try this at home before going out.
Wear no-show foot liners or tights with soles. Wearing footwear can prevent sweat and moisture from building up in your shoe. Buy no-show foot liners to wick away sweat. They can also take up space inside your shoe and keep your foot inside. For winter, you can buy tights with built-in soles.[9]
Line the backs with double-sided tape. If your heel keeps slipping out, try adding a bit of double-sided tape to the inside back of your heels. Be sure to keep the roll of tape with you if you’re going out--it can lose its grip after a few hours.[10]
Add heel grips. Many companies make special foam grips to prevent heels from slipping off. They usually look like small crescents, and you can stick them to the inside back of your shoes. These are especially helpful if your shoes are just a little too big.[11]
Stuff the toes of your heels. If you’re wearing closed-toe heels, try stuffing a bit of tissue or moleskin into the toe to prevent your feet from sliding downward. Try this at home first before going out--if you overstuff your shoe, you can give yourself foot pains or blisters.[12]
Put insoles or moleskin at the bottoms of your shoes. Try adding an insole or a custom moleskin to the bottoms of your heels. Simply buy the one closest to your shoe size and cut it to fit the dimensions of your shoe. You can buy insoles at most groceries or pharmacies, but moleskin may have to come from a cobbler or sewing supply store.[13]
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How can I get better at walking in heels?
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I bought a high heeled sandal and my foot keeps sliding forward. If I get it the heel cut down, will it affect the shape of the shoe?
If you cut it down, make sure it's done by a professional. They should be able to advise you on how it will affect the shoe.
This article was co-authored by Katie Quinn. Katie Quinn is an Image Consultant, Personal Wardrobe Stylist and the Founder of Q the Stylist, an image consulting service based in New York City helping men and women understand their specific goals, improve their wardrobe, performance, and life. She has over 11 years of image consulting experience and has worked as a stylist for Trunk Club, Modewalk, and Moda Operandi. Her work has been featured in Vogue, InStyle, Martha Stewart Weddings, Sheridan Road, Slate, Newsy, Rue, and Thrillist. This article has been viewed 81,932 times.
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