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Oh, Gundam . Where do we even start?
Alright, the original series has Miharu Ratokie, rookie spy, sell out our heroes before falling in love with Kai. She dies while helping defend White Base, though.
Lalah has the misfortune of falling in love with the main protagonist AND antagonist. She dies taking a beam sword for Char, which proves a running theme in Gundam.
Zeta has Four Murasame and Rosamia Badam fall in love with Kamille, Reccoa falling in love with the villain, and Sarah falling in love with Katz AND the villain. Note, none of them actually switch sides but Reccoa. Everyone just mentioned dies, except Kamille, who ends up mind raped into almost catatonia and turned into The Ophelia until the end of ZZ. Unless you count The Movie .
The 08th MS Team has Aina Sahalin, who fell in love with protagonist Shiro Amada, pretty much flips off her brother and joins Shiro's side at the end. Unlike the others, she doesn't die.
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED has a... strange variation of this. Lacus Clyne starts off on the side of ZAFT but is more neutral than actually evil (mostly due to her naivéte regarding the actual nature of the conflict). She comes to realize that not only is ZAFT bad, but also the Earth Alliance. So she decides to start her own heroic faction.
Chane Laforet of the Lemures, in Baccano! . Of course, her comrades were planning to kill her in the end, and it could be argued that she remained true to the group's original purpose (protecting her father)...
Heck, she was three-quarters of the way through turning before the show even started, and her whole team knew it.
One Piece :
Perona was the only one of Gecko Moria's minions who was female and fighting for him by her own free will. After some initial difficulties, Perona ended up helping Zoro during the timeskip, and post-time skip she helped fight off Marines that were trying to capture the Straw Hats.
Boa Hancock is the only female member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, a group that has been solely antagonistic to Luffy up to the point of meeting her. She becomes one of Luffy's greatest allies after falling in love with him.
In Get Backers , a lot of the female villainesses are this.
Naruto :
Konan, the only female member of the Akatsuki, is also the only one who defects without dying in the process , or having her true loyalties revealed post-mortem . However, she can be seen as a subversion as she follows fellow Akatsuki member Nagato's choice to defect, except Nagato dies shortly afterward. Konan is only ever loyal to Nagato, so she has technically made her conscience clear since the beginning.
Guren, one of the few major female filler antagonists, does this after coming to love Yukimaru, and cooperates with Naruto to ensure his safety.
Pretty Cure :
Fresh Pretty Cure! : Setsuna Higashi goes from the sole female member of an evil organization (Eas) to Fourth Ranger to the Cures (Cure Passion) in episode 23. This helps her in episode 25 when she has to battle an impersonator of her former self. However, then said organization has another female member take Eas' place. This time the trope is inverted, as this female stays evil to her demise , and the two males make Heel Face Turns .
Suite Pretty Cure ♪ : Siren, the villains' second-in-command, exits the Heel–Face Revolving Door in episode 22 and becomes Cure Beat. Unlike Setsuna, Siren used to be a good person and had spent a few episodes brainwashed , making her turn to heroism even more inevitable.
In the Utawarerumono anime, Touka of the Evenkuruga tribe is the only woman fighting on the side of Kucca Kecca, and the only one to later join the protagonist.
Renee in Innocent Venus when she rediscovers her feelings for an old flame.
Pixie of the Big Bad Four in Monster Rancher .
Inverted in the original manga of the Hentai manga series Bondage Fairies , where the three villains are women, and their male slave is won over by and assists the heroine, Pfil. This gets him killed by Marcia, his master and the cruelest of the sisters .
Gatomon in Digimon Adventure , rare non-romantic version.
In Kikaider during the four-part OVA series, Bijinder decides to join up with the good guys after seeing how she actually cares about them.
Viro in Elemental Gelade has lived her entire life as a worthless Sting Raid, and is willing to do anything to become a real Edel Raid. She's sent undercover to spy on Coud, earn his trust, and if possible, separate him from his partner, Ren. Of course, Coud is the first person to treat her kindly, and she ends up falling in love. Unfortunately, Redemption Equals Death .
Subverted in Bleach , with Riruka . While she was the most reluctant member of her group and had somewhat of a crush on Ichigo, she ends up bonding more with Orihime than with Ichigo, and what made her realize that she truly was in the wrong were not her feelings for him, but realizing that Ichigo was the only one truly capable of saving the X-Cution group, since their leader Ginjou was actually the Dark Messiah .
Fairy Tail loves this trope:
Juvia from Phantom Lord joins Fairy Tail after her defeat because she falls head over heels for Gray during their fight . She was never actually a bad person—just gloomy and a bit anti-social—but she did belong to a villainous guild.
Coco from Edolas counts, even though she is the only one in her group who doesn't have a bad bone in her body. On top of that, none of the Edolas villains can really be called such because all they want is to ensure the survival of their realm, even if it means killing much of the residents of Magnolia ; Coco defects because their plan also entails the sacrifice of Lily, her closest friend.
Erza Nightwalker similarly has a change of heart, but it happens too late to make any difference to the story.
Ultear and Merudy from Grimoire Heart; it's played especially straight for Ultear, who committed evil deeds without remorse because she thought her mother abandoned and replaced her as a child .
Saber Tooth features an inversion: Minerva, the only (villainous) female of her guild, is the only one who doesn't pull a Heel–Face Turn . Until halfway through the Tartaros arc.
She just has been revealed to have a Freudian Excuse and thus seems pretty close to making the turn. She even completes the turn at the end of the Tartaros arc.
Flare from Raven Tail also turns. She is cruel and creepy when her guildmates are around, but is subject to quite a bit of physical abuse when she fails to meet their expectations. Once her guild is liquidated, her true personality is shown to be quite timid and apologetic ( but still creepy ).
In Str.A.In.: Strategic Armored Infantry , the supposed Big Bad , Vivian Medlock, joins up with the heroines after getting betrayed by Ralph Werec .

In the Green Lantern / Green Arrow teamup "Hard-Traveling Heroes II", Crackshot does this with barely a thought. Her boss is kind of weirding her out, Green Arrow's really hot, what's to consider?
In Batman #4, Queenie, a member of The Joker 's gang, became the first criminal to deduce that Bruce Wayne was Batman and ended up falling for him. She later took a bullet intended for the crime fighter . Likewise, it's often implied that Harley Quinn is only such a psycho due to Joker's toxic influence on her, as she's had her share of Pet the Dog moments and even tried reforming at least once.
Talia al Ghul , daughter of Ra's al Ghul , frequently betrayed her father out of her love for his enemy, Batman . Though in her case, it's more of a Heel–Face Revolving Door / Depending on the Writer , as she was always torn between her attraction to Batman and her loyalty to her father. During the "Death and the Maiden" arc, she turned against both men, having been betrayed by her father and sick of being used as a pawn by Batman to take Ra's down. By the time Grant Morrison started using her in his Batman Inc. storylines, she has become as evil as her father ever was. However, it'd seem by her own resurrection by the Lazurus Pit in recenter stories have thrown her back into her more honorable personage.
Detective Comics #526, "All My Enemies Against Me", was the first mass team up by all the Gotham City villains to kill Batman. They were instantly betrayed by Talia and Catwoman (the only two women in the room) who both joined the caped crusader and attempted not only to help him defeat everyone else but also to get his attention .
Diamondback (Rachel Leighton) was sent by the Serpent Society to help capture Captain America . Though she did not immediately abandon her mercenary ways, she fell in love with Cap and helped him escape. They later formed a romantic relationship.
In a feminist variation, Golden Age Wonder Woman stories often had her make extra effort to redeem female opponents, far more effort than she would extend to a male baddie . And she often succeeded. Even Paula Von Gunther, a Nazi and one of Diana's main archnemeses at the time, saw the light and eventually became one of Diana's most loyal allies.
Very few female X-Men villains stay villains. The Scarlet Witch , Rogue , Marrow, Emma Frost , Sage, Danger, Frenzy, and Callisto were all X-Men or X-Factor villains who became good guys. Mystique and Lady Mastermind were also X-Men villains who became X-Men, but it didn't take (though Mystique is usually portrayed as redeemable and willing to do what she thinks is the right thing). The X-Men have had male villains change sides - Quicksilver turned hero when his twin sister the Scarlet Witch did, though she's always portrayed as the more heroic of the two (unless she's having mental problems, in which case it's portrayed as not her fault) - but not as many. And when you consider that they have more male villains but fewer male villains-turned-hero, you can see this trope in full effect.

The only two denizens of Karlix that converted to the good side in Pretty Cure Perfume Preppy were female: Lapinyuu and Ashley.
In Son of the Sannin , Konan is a straighter example than in canon. After Nagato/Pain performs his Redemption Equals Death , she turns herself in to Konoha and later joins the Shinobi Allied Forces against Akatsuki during the Fourth Ninja War.

Megara from Hercules . To her credit though, she was never really evil in the first place .
Mirage in The Incredibles ; after seeing that Syndrome was willing to put her in danger just to taunt Mr. Incredible.
Shira from Ice Age: Continental Drift started out as a firmly loyal minion to Captain Gutt 's crew. Diego reaching out to her, coupled with Gutt's atrocious treatment of her , sparked her to turn against him and aid the heroes in their quest, culminating in her fighting alongside them in the climax.
In Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers , Pete's lieutenant, Clarebelle Cow , betrays him when she falls in love with Goofy... In SONG no less! " Chains of Love "
Averted in the Straight-to-DVD release Green Lantern: First Flight , where, despite Boodika not being anywhere near as evil as the Big Bad Sinestro who she has allied herself with, she still ends up dying via impalement when Hal tricks her into shooting an energy rod to make it explode.

Happens in many of the James Bond films:
Goldfinger : Pussy Galore. Bond's Epic Goods turn her straight (or at least bi), apparently!
Lampshaded and subverted in Thunderball with SPECTRE's "Black Widow" Fiona Volpe, who warns Bond not to expect that from her. Bond, probably because he's a bed-hopping bastard, actually shrugs this off with "Well, you can't win them all". Volpe is actually the first Bond girl this doesn't work on, but it turned out he wasn't actually trying it on her in the first place.
Live and Let Die :
Inverted when Bond sleeps with inept CIA agent Rosie Carver....then pulls a gun on her, revealing he knows she's actually The Mole for Big Bad Kananga. He threatens to kill her if she doesn't spill what she knows; when she says he wouldn't do that, they've just made love, he replies " I certainly wouldn't have killed you before ."
While Kananga's men are loyal to the death, his female Fortune Teller Solitaire is won over by Bond's charms, even going so far as to lose her virginity - and with it her ability to predict the future! - to him.
May Day from A View to a Kill . She arguably has a Heel–Face Turn late in the movie, but it's not because of Bond - it's because Zorin betrayed her and killed her friends. Critics pointed out that having May Day turn good conveniently allowed Bond to avoid having to fight her.
Inverted in Die Another Day when Miranda Frost tries to kill 007 after they spend the night together.
Subverted in You Only Live Twice . Bond is captured by SPECTRE agent Number Eleven, who then frees him, apparently having decided to defect. They spend the night together, Bond quipping "The things I do for England..." as he uses the scalpel she was threatening him with to cut the straps of her evening gown. Next morning, they get into a light aircraft together to fly to safety, but it's a trap and she bails out, leaving Bond restrained in the rear seat while the now-pilotless aircraft dives towards the ground. However, Bond survives, and her actions are enough for Blofeld to decide to feed her to his Shark Pool .
In Spies , a silent film that plays like a James Bond flick 30 years before the first James Bond flick, the lady spy from the Nebulous Evil Organisation falls in love with the good guy spy that she was supposed to be a Honey Pot for. She refuses to betray him to her evil boss and eventually helps to bring the evil boss down.
The Cannonball Run : The male members are thugs and/or potential rapists while the female member ends up leaving the brawl with Seymour and participating in the race's victory party.
The Fast and the Furious :
Gisele in the fourth movie .
Zig-zagged in the fifth movie with Officer Neves. It seems like she'll end up in this role throughout most of the film, but both her and Hobbs end up joining forces with Toretto. She doesn't assist them in actually stealing the money, but does meet up with Dom again after the fact .
Our Man Flint . After having sex with Derek Flint, Galaxy agent Gila eventually succumbs to his charms and joins him.
Eve Teschmacher in the 1978 Superman movie and Kitty Kowalski in Superman Returns . Miss Teschmacher's betrayal was really Lex's own fault — he's so horrible to both of his henchpeople throughout the movie that the only reason Otis didn't betray him too was that he was too stupid to realize just how much Lex hated him . The last straw for Miss Teschmacher involved siccing a missile on her mother's hometown . That led her to save Superman's life in exchange for his stopping that missile which was headed for Hackensack, NJ.
Lyranna from The Beastmaster 2 .
Subverted in Creature from Haunted Sea : the main character repeatedly tries to get the girl to turn good, but she's not interested.
Sala in The Phantom . Little explanation is given, it seems to happen purely because the Laws of Trope demand it. Though she does seem awfully protective of her female companion .
Eve Kendall in North By Northwest . Although it turns out that she was The Mole all along.
The Baroness in the 2009 live-action G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra , fighting her way free of the nanomites to help Duke. Stays good until the end, though the nanomites are still there, and could be subverted if her brother had a second control device to drag her back .
In the last of The Naked Gun films, Tanya Peters (Anna Nicole Smith) is the moll for a gang of terrorist assassins. After spending some time with the film's hero, Lieutenant Frank Drebin (who has gone undercover as an extra member of the gang), she apparently has a change of heart. She reveals where the gang leader has planted a bomb to Frank... but things go badly for her afterwards when Frank discovers she's transgender and reacts as though this is massively disgusting (" Unfortunate Implications " seems much too generous a term for this scene) .
In Disney's Condorman , KGB spy Natalia is a Defector from Commie Land , but she insists on doing so only to the titular "top secret agent", who is actually a bumbling comic book writer. Hilarity Ensues when he's forced to actually do all the spy stuff he dreams of in order to rescue her, but it's his naive charm that won Natalia's heart in the first place and helped prompt her defection.
X-Men Film Series :
Kayla from X-Men Origins: Wolverine . One thing for sure is that she's not evil to begin with.
Inverted in X-Men: First Class : both female mutants working with Xavier have turned to the dark side by the time the movie is over, and, aside from Magneto, are the only ones to do so .
Inverted in Spy Kids . The only female villain in the series ( Teri Hatcher 's character in the first movie ) is one of the few to not be redeemed.
Trudy Chacon in Avatar is the only one of the soldiers who does a Heel–Face Turn : the other characters who turn are either scientists or Jake Sully who (very literally) Go Native , but Trudy is simply one grunt amongst hundreds. While she does spend more time with the main cast getting Aesops and stuff, it certainly comes off as this.
Yelena in xXx , though it's later played with as the villain knew the whole time. ( But didn't do anything about it .) Of course, it turns out that she was undercover for the FSB the whole time .
Kapò : Nicole is a Jewish teenaged girl who is sent to Auschwitz during The Holocaust . She manages to assume the identity of a deceased Gentile prisoner and thus is sent to a different Nazi slave labor camp instead of being gassed. She throws her lot in with the Germans, becoming a cruel, vicious "kapo" (a trusty charged with guarding the other slaves). But when she falls in love with Sasha, a handsome Russian soldier interned in the camp, she undergoes a high-heel face turn and helps the prisoners in staging a mass breakout.
Night Moves (2013) : Lone female conspirator Dena is the only one to feel any real guilt for killing the camper and Josh and Harmon are able to tell immediately that it's only a matter of time before she cracks. So Josh kills her.
Luba from Call Me Bwana is a Soviet Honey Trap meant to seduce Matt. She switches sides after she falls in love with him.

Nicci in the Sword of Truth series, though this is more about Richard changing her view on life than his sheer manliness, though that did help a little . Denna is a less extreme example, as are the rest of the surviving Mord Sith .
Michael Stackpole of the X-Wing Series books and comics is good at subverting this. All of his villains are more or less equally evil, including Ysanne Isard , Leona Tavira , and The Mole , Erisi Dlart. Isard is the Big Bad , but she's not insane in the main series, just ruthless and calculati
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