High-Heeled Jill

High-Heeled Jill


High-Heeled Jill

Identity/Class : Human technology user

Occupation : Typist at Ravell Roe police station

Affiliations : Constable John Brown

Base of Operations : London, c.1880s.

First Appearance : Debbie ( D.C.Thomson )

Powers/Abilities : Jill's costume included clawed gloves and socks
which facilitated climbing, and a mask which enhanced her senses, notably
sight and hearing, to superhuman levels. She appeared either able to fly
or to make prodigious leaps.

History : Despite her outward appearance as a meek typist for the policemen
of Ravell Roe station, Jillian Smith was secretly the costumed crimefighter
Spring-Heeled Jill, scourge of criminals in Victorian London.

Comments : Spring-Heeled Jill was a female version of Spring-Heeled
Jackson, not only borrowing his schtick, but also his place of work and some
of his supporting cast, notably the grumpy Sergeant Drew; even her profession,
typist, was similar to his, clerk, only modified slightly to take into account
her gender and the era her tales were set in, the late Victorian period.
Her costume, which mainly consisted of a bare-legged, form-fitting leotard,
would be considered revealing by today's standards, but positively scandalous
in Victorian times.

CLARIFICATIONS : Not to be confused with

Spring-Heeled Jackson , a male version of
this character

Spring-Heeled Jack , the original mythic character

Spring-Heeled Jock , Jackson's counterpart
in Zenith

Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know .

All images and characters depicted on this site are copyright their respective
holders, and are used for informational purposes only. No infringement is
intended and copyrights remain at source.

Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.

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I'm Jill Walker Rettberg, professor of digital culture at the University of Bergen. Blogging here since October 2000.
I'm Jill Walker Rettberg, professor of digital culture at the University of Bergen. Blogging here since October 2000.
Benji (9) found my high heeled shoes the night I was going to a work dinner.
Benji puts them on. His feet are almost as big as mine so they fit, more or less.
“These are SILLY! Why would anyone wear such high heels!?”
“Well, people wear them to dress up.”
“But why? You can’t walk properly with these shoes!”
“Well, people think they look nice.”
(I thought about why. Because other women wear high heels, and it signifies that you are elegant and successful. Because high heels make your legs seem more slender and longer. Because it’s sexy. Because it makes you look like someone who cares about how they look and that is perceived as success in some way. Because they mark me as as sexually desirable, or at least as someone who wants to be sexually desirable. And somehow to be a cool female professor also requires being beautiful or cool or at least wearing high heels )
“Why would you wear such uncomfortable shoes, Mummy?”
“Well, people think they’re cool. And they make you look taller. It’s fun to be taller, right?”
Benji teeters alone the floor on my high heels, taller than usual.
“Well, sure, but if you just want to be taller you could have shoes that were tall all the way along.”
“Oh, they have that? Why don’t you have have platform shoes instead of these silly shoes then?”
“These are ridiculous! I think you should just wear normal shoes, mummy!”
I wore my heels. But the whole evening I heard Benji’s voice. And he’s right. They’re ridiculous. And to be honest, the reason I wear them isn’t to be taller, it’s to be sexy. It’s to fit those ideals of the woman with the high heels and long legs. What absolute bullshit. I wear these unbelievably uncomfortable shoes to be sexy? What? For whom? The 60 year old who sat next to me at dinner? Nice enough man but I certainly don’t want to be sexy for him. The woman across from me who is a bank director and liked my talk? She wore flat heels. The library director at the other side of the table? I didn’t even notice whether she wore heels.
“Well, look Benji, sometimes it’s fun to dress up.”
I suppose if I wore heels more often he wouldn’t even notice them as being strange. But he does. They’re not like my usual shoes, they’re not like his shoes, or his daddy’s shoes, or his sisters’ shoes.
“But mummy, these shoes are really uncomfortable! You should dress up in more comfortable shoes!”
He’s right. He is absolutely right.
Benji is only four years old, but the wearable baby trackers I discovered this evening make his infancy look like the stone age in comparison. Sure, I used TrixieTracker to track Jessie's napping six years ago, but I had to enter all that data myself. Now, you simply dress your…
I want a secret blog. An anonymous blog where I can write all those things that today I can't write, not here. Oh, I've tried, don't worry. But you see every time, after three days of careful design and meticulous phrasing of my innermost thoughts and desires and frustrations I…
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About HighHeeledJill . United Kingdom. Deviant for 12 years. She / Her.
About HHJ-Art. Creator of NSFW art and stories of superheroines, sci-fi, and fantasy. Most work posted to Hentai Foundry. I do commissions when available, but generally prefer to create for personal enjoyment. I've been planning to use Patreon for a long time for the possible additional income.
Comments: Spring- Heeled Jill was a female version of Spring- Heeled Jackson, not only borrowing his schtick, but also his place of work and some of his supporting cast, notably the grumpy Sergeant Drew; even her profession, typist, was similar to his, clerk, only modified slightly to take into account her gender and the era her tales were set in ...
I'm Jill Walker Rettberg, professor of digital culture at the University of Bergen. Blogging here since October 2000. Uncategorized. High heels. Jill April 19, 2019 October 21, 2021 Post a Comment. Benji (9) found my high heeled shoes the night I was going to a work dinner.
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Shortcuts to other sites to search off DuckDuckGo Learn More
About HighHeeledJill . United Kingdom. Deviant for 12 years. She / Her.
About HHJ-Art. Creator of NSFW art and stories of superheroines, sci-fi, and fantasy. Most work posted to Hentai Foundry. I do commissions when available, but generally prefer to create for personal enjoyment. I've been planning to use Patreon for a long time for the possible additional income.
Comments: Spring- Heeled Jill was a female version of Spring- Heeled Jackson, not only borrowing his schtick, but also his place of work and some of his supporting cast, notably the grumpy Sergeant Drew; even her profession, typist, was similar to his, clerk, only modified slightly to take into account her gender and the era her tales were set in ...
I'm Jill Walker Rettberg, professor of digital culture at the University of Bergen. Blogging here since October 2000. Uncategorized. High heels. Jill April 19, 2019 October 21, 2021 Post a Comment. Benji (9) found my high heeled shoes the night I was going to a work dinner.
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