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Blow jobs for the first time Sian -

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I think it's Rabnud's inbred Brittish sister.

The only funny thing about this is the oxymoron that is "women being funny."

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Ladies have you ever given blow jobs to other men while married? What made you do it?
If your man asks you to blow one of his friends, would you be open to it?
As a wife, do you regularly suck your husband´s penis even after years of marriage?
Have you cheated on your husband by sucking another man's cock?
What would you do if you caught your husband sucking his friend’s cock?
Has anyone ever watched their wife suck another man's penis?
Author has 11.2K answers and 30.2M answer views · Updated 2 y ·
If your man asks you to blow one of his friends, would you be open to it?
As a wife, do you regularly suck your husband´s penis even after years of marriage?
Have you cheated on your husband by sucking another man's cock?
What would you do if you caught your husband sucking his friend’s cock?
Has anyone ever watched their wife suck another man's penis?
Have you, as a wife, given blowjobs to other men?
Is it okay to suck a cock when you are away from your husband? I enjoy it and often do, but I don't have sex with anybody but my husband.
Has your husband ever watched you suck cock?
Have you ever sucked another man’s cock while your husband sleeps beside you?
Who has watched their girlfriend suck another man’s cock?
My friend wants me to suck her husband’s dick. Should I do it?
Does anyone like to watch wife suck cock?
Have you sucked a dick while having sex with your wife?
What can I do or say to get my wife to suck another man's cock while I watch?
How did you feel the first time you saw your wife suck a stranger's cock?
If your man asks you to blow one of his friends, would you be open to it?
As a wife, do you regularly suck your husband´s penis even after years of marriage?
Have you cheated on your husband by sucking another man's cock?
What would you do if you caught your husband sucking his friend’s cock?
Has anyone ever watched their wife suck another man's penis?
Have you, as a wife, given blowjobs to other men?
Is it okay to suck a cock when you are away from your husband? I enjoy it and often do, but I don't have sex with anybody but my husband.
Has your husband ever watched you suck cock?
Have you ever sucked another man’s cock while your husband sleeps beside you?
Who has watched their girlfriend suck another man’s cock?
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I was 36 when I gave my first blow job. The nice young man at work had been taking me out to lunch for many weeks. He made me feel attractive and intelligent; he even told me I had a kind heart. I was so flattered when he kissed me and I really did feel it was just innocent fun. But the more often he kissed me, the more I looked forward to being with him. One afternoon when I was in his car and he was kissing me, he reached to my breasts. It made me uneasy but on the other hand, I wanted to see what it would be like.
Allowing him to kiss me may have been innocent but as I was thinking about wha
I was 36 when I gave my first blow job. The nice young man at work had been taking me out to lunch for many weeks. He made me feel attractive and intelligent; he even told me I had a kind heart. I was so flattered when he kissed me and I really did feel it was just innocent fun. But the more often he kissed me, the more I looked forward to being with him. One afternoon when I was in his car and he was kissing me, he reached to my breasts. It made me uneasy but on the other hand, I wanted to see what it would be like.
Allowing him to kiss me may have been innocent but as I was thinking about what it would be like to have him touching my breasts, I'm embarrassed to say that I really did want it. It would be exciting and naughty but really it would be harmless. So the next time he would be taking me to lunch, I dressed as provocatively as I could for work and exposed some cleavage and a bra that he could get past if he wanted.
I just wanted some fun but I didn't think through how it would effect him. He wanted to get into my pants and after a few more weeks, I let him. I suppose it was inevitable that he was going to get aroused too and want something from me. Still I wasn't expecting him to unzip and pull his dick out. He wanted me to suck it. I didn't want to lose him plus I wanted to please him.
I'd never done it before but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was even able to swallow his semen.
Well, it was right there, in front of me! What else could I do, but take it into my mouth, and taste it? And having tasted it, and felt it start to swell, I couldn’t just stop, could I? ;)
It was my neighbor. For some reason I’ll never understand (guys are weird), he saw me outside, puttering in the yard. Okay, maybe I was showing off a bit, but that was for my husband, who I’d hoped was watching me from inside the house. You know how it is; we love to tease our men, all the better to enjoy the fruits of our efforts when he looses control and ravishes us!
But my neighbor next door had apparently
Well, it was right there, in front of me! What else could I do, but take it into my mouth, and taste it? And having tasted it, and felt it start to swell, I couldn’t just stop, could I? ;)
It was my neighbor. For some reason I’ll never understand (guys are weird), he saw me outside, puttering in the yard. Okay, maybe I was showing off a bit, but that was for my husband, who I’d hoped was watching me from inside the house. You know how it is; we love to tease our men, all the better to enjoy the fruits of our efforts when he looses control and ravishes us!
But my neighbor next door had apparently had enough of my teasing. He came over to me, stripped off his tee, and shoved his shorts to his ankles. And there it was… I was mesmerized. He was all over freckles, and uncut. I had zero chance of resisting the dangling fruit in front of me. I sank to my knees, right there by the flower bed, and delicately lifted his cock from the nest of ginger curls. He froze. I don’t think he expected THAT at all… ;)
It twitched, and I leaned forward and stuffed it into my mouth like a squirrel. I swirled my tongue over and around it. It swelled up like velvet over steel, and I groaned, my fingers tugging the loose skin back and forth, His glans winking at me as the foreskin covered and uncovered it. I pressed it against his belly, and turned my attention to the wrinkled skin of his sack. Laving his balls one by one, I licked and nibbled at the soft wrinkled skin, feeling it slowly tighten. I dragged the flat of my tongue up and down the length of him, marveling and cooing in approval as his manhood turned an angry dark pink color. I stuffed him back in my mouth, drool coating his shaft, my lips forming a seal around him and I bobbed my head back and forth, sucking greedily.
It only took him about two minutes to explode in my mouth, and I swallowed convulsively. Licking my lips, I sat back on my heels, and looked up at him. He gulped, grabbed his shorts, and raced back across the property line, blushing like a beet. I used his tee to wipe my mouth and stared after him.
Why did I do it? because I like to. Because he made an offer, albeit one he expected me to turn down. Because sucking a man’s cock is thrilling. You hold his tender bits between teeth that tear meat by design, and make him lose control. Because it was there, and for that brief moment, I was free to do whatever I wanted to with it. And I wanted to make it spurt; so I did.
Hope this gives you a little insight into the female mind, and answers your question. It was a lot of fun to write, but now I have to go find my husband and do the same to him! ;)

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Being Naughty

Reasons Why I’m Giving My Husband a Blowjob

By Wannabee BLUNT

March 7, 2016

“Hey Mom, we are out of milk. Can you go grab some please?”
Uggggghhh. If the temperature outside is below my current age, I am definitely braless, in pajamas, with no intentions of venturing anywhere. I’m content in my blanket, curled up with my German Shepherd, completely engrossed in this Law & Order SVU marathon.
“MOOOOOOOMMMMM , we are starving here!”
Fuck. Where is your dad? Oh, he’s outside shoveling our driveway. I better text him then. I don’t want to risk keying any of our vehicles with my nipples.
Me – “Hey babe, we don’t have any milk.”
Reply – “So, can you go get it? I’m kind of busy here…”
Me- “I will give you a BJ.”
Yeah, I thought so. There was no reply needed. I hear him drive off, the tires squealing in delight.
It is safe to assume we all have done it at some point. We play the blow job card. And we play it sensibly. We pull it out (ahem, or should I say make him pull it out) for the most logical reasons. For when it benefits us. For these four reasons listed.
1. For Evasion.
I play the BJ card for when I want to get out of something. Usually that something involves chores, (a.k.a ‘chore play’), having to get dressed to run errands in inclement weather, or paying my Target charge. Yes, gasp, I’ve even traded my BJ card for money. Like even for a few measly dollars, just so I could get money to have a few extra glasses of wine with my girlfriends that evening. Because guaranteed they were doing the exact same shit. (We are all deemed the Momstitutes.)
2. For Avoidance.
I’ve utilized my BJ card to evade people. I’ve gotten out of attending a few in-law birthday parties, some chauffeuring gigs involving a bunch of giddy teenage girls, and those dreaded conversations with customer service cable representatives.
3. As a Diversion.
I apply the BJ card as a distraction technique, usually when the culprits involve my children and I ultimately have to save their precious little asses over nonsense. Like, when my youngest spills nail polish on her bedroom carpet, or my oldest doesn’t clean out the litter box after 27 reminders. (I must admit, however, this backfired on me once. It was the afternoon I took my husband’s new truck out and it accidentally grazed another vehicle. By the end of that diversion, I was googling how to relieve symptoms of TMJ. Luckily for both of us, the only permanent damage was on his truck’s front bumper.)
4. As a Substitution.
The BJ card is also nice to fall back on in place of just sex. Like when I washed the sheets that morning, or actually took time to straighten and style my hair, or I have to be somewhere in 8 minutes and I don’t have time to deal with that after sex semen spunk dripping down my leg.
In hindsight, this might sound a bit crazy to some. This whole, succumbing to blow job bribery to relieve some of your work load by taking on his load, just so the kids have milk in their Lucky Charms.
Especially since we already know what’s expected in return if WE are the ones going to the store.
About the author: Chalise Kestner is a middle aged unconventional parent who drinks and spews profanity excessively, yet manages to keep it all in balance eloquently . She just started her new blog Eloquent Parent on Facebook, and hope for grander things to come, so she can finally put those Honors English classes from two decades ago to good use, instead of repeatedly enunciating lunch specials at her current place of employment.
Eloquent Parent is on Facebook
Instagram @chalisemk
twitter @chalisemk
Wannabe's are Guest Authors to BLUNTmoms. They might be one-hit wonders, or share a variety of posts with us. They "may" share their names with you, or they might write as "anonymous" but either way, they are sharing their stories and their opinions on our site, and for that we are grateful.
I would do absolutely anything for my wife knowing repayment was oral sex. I really don’t know why the doesn’t use it.
You forgot to mention two other reasons for giving head: 1] being totally turned on (by him, the thrill of it, etc.), and 2] ’cause you are in love.
You still give BJs after the 1 year mark?

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