Hibernate Technology in Yandex.Browser

Hibernate Technology in Yandex.Browser

Sergey Abbakumov

Did you have a situation when you were working in a browser, opening a bunch of tabs, and your computer started to slow down? When switching between tabs, did you see that the pages were being rebooted? Many will agree that Chromium-based browsers suffer from this.

Let me bring to your attention an article from one of our Yandex.Browser development teams (rendering engine team to be precise): https://habr.com/company/yandex/blog/423507/

The guys have created the Hibernate technology, which, when there is a shortage of memory, unloads unused web pages on the disk in encrypted form. The state of Blink and V8 is completely preserved!

In fact, they wrote a Clang plugin that parses the V8 and Blink sources and generates the serialization and deserialization code.

The most interesting thing is that all this happened literally before my eyes (I sit next to one of the developers of Hibernate) and heard that the creators of the V8 do everything possible for performance. Yeah, watching the V8 code is fun.

More details can be found in the article.

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