Hf Urban Dictionary

Hf Urban Dictionary


Hf Urban Dictionary
GL & HF means good luck and have fun . It is nice to say this to people at the start of a game.
In league of legends, it is polite to say GL & HF in the early minutes of the game. GL stands for good luck and HF means have fun. While people may say this, they are just whoring for honor or something, they really mean fuck you I want to win, please can someone on your team feed.
(All) ( 00 :20) Tryndamere : GL & HF
(00: 34 ) Tryndamere: I hope we win
Good Luck , Have Fun

Usually typed before a game match.
teams usually do this " GL HF #TEAM-ABC"

gl hf guys
gl hf #TEAM-ABC
Your ring doesn't work on yellow ? gl hf!
Acronym for β€œ Good Luck , Have Fun”. Sent at the end of a horrible relationship signaling prosperous adventures on the road ahead.”
β€œYou cheated on me with my best friend ? GL HF!”
GL HF is often known as 'Good Luck Have Fun'. However, it is actually the biggest form of bm and stands for 'Get Laid Hopeless Faggot'.
Guy 1: GL HF DUDE!
Guy 1: What?
Guy 2: it actually means get laid hopeless faggot
Guy 1: Illuminati confirmed

An acronym, which stands for " Good luck , have fun". Meant as a salutation at the beginning of a game, usually a sign of good will .
At the beginning of a game:
< Shadow >: glhf
: u2
Usually said in online games before the match :
"glhf" -> Enjoy the game
glhf means good luck , have fun .
it is usually said before games or when someone joins your discord server-
mee6 : (user) just joined the server glhf! player: glhf everyone!
by elle.eats.kids.o.o November 8, 2020
At the start of a competitive game : glhf


When a girl has a moderate to very attractive body, but also possesses a nasty-ass face that detracts from her entire attractiveness. You and your boys therefore declare that she is a 'BHF', meaning that you would tap that ass but try and avoid making eye contact while doing it. BHF's are acceptable to hook up with when you are drunk, but otherwise will net you a penalty of 10 Man Points taken away.

Synonyms: "Paper-Bag", " Paper Bag Bitch ", "Fugly", "Aw man...if it weren't for that mug..."
Tina had very nice 36C tits and a cute ass, but her face was brutal. Josh resolved to give it to her doggystyle, and thus avoid the haggard visage .
I've been best friends with a paraplegic for over 3 years . He's my BHF!
1.) big huge fart
2.) big honky fucks
I know a couple BHFs! And they are all blue haired freaks !

German Slang for " Halt die Fresse "
itΒ΄s like " shut the fuck up "
Uwe : Hey! YouΒ΄re looking silly!

Marc : HDF bitch!
in german hdf is short for " halt die Fresse ", which means shut up.
A: I'm gonna pwn u all u noobs !!!11oneone

B: hdf
Help-desk-friend. A very hot guy that works on the I.T. helpdesk , looks great in a suit and smells awsome !!!
Mong Chong , have you seen HDF lately ??
I sent a group text to my crew , it said , have a HDF.
by Luingventorjenk November 21, 2020
Holy Dumb Fuck . An expletive used to declare when something is outrageous.
Holy Duck Fuck extreme " wtf " if u will u have to shout it when every u use this term
if u see a skater fell and ate shit . .
you say HDF : (HO-LY DUCK FUCK !)
by Julianwithhisniceflow February 14, 2011
hdf nn is a insult used in the csgo which means "halt die fresse noname " the first 3 words mean shut up and with noname its meant that no one knows them which makes them "newcommers"
user a: Damn bro youre so shit.
user b: hdf nn

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