Hetalia Cosplay

Hetalia Cosplay


Hetalia Cosplay

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Nations of the world STRAIGHTEN YOUR TIES AND COME ON DOWN! This is a group for Axis Powers Hetalia cosplay- canon will be the main focus but non-canon nations are welcome! LET'S CREATE WORLD PEACE IN COSTUME! Note: By joining this group you may or may not automatically become one with Russia.

Nations of the world STRAIGHTEN YOUR TIES AND COME ON DOWN! This is a group for Axis Powers Hetalia cosplay- canon will be the main focus but non-canon nations are welcome! LET'S CREATE WORLD PEACE IN COSTUME! Note: By joining this group you may or may not automatically become one with Russia.

Soy el Reino de Espana


Sunshine after rain


Be strong, Japan


Axis Powers Hetalia Britain


APH Black NiChu - By the Gate


APH Black NiChu - Tranquility


APH Black NiChu - Reflection


APH - Pray for Japan


APH Black China - Caged


Chicks dig tiny hats


Port city Hong Kong


APH: canada-centric strip


Belarus .p2


British Summer




Breathe your life into me


barkowacko Joined Nov 1, 2020, 9:05:32 PM
andesgirl Joined Aug 13, 2019, 7:44:04 AM
gregorionegaard Joined Oct 5, 2018, 7:38:04 AM
Christine-Knox Joined Jan 23, 2018, 8:19:50 AM
MarchieSbare Joined Oct 30, 2017, 6:29:48 AM

I just want to make something clear, and I'm really hoping this isn't too harsh, but we do have quality standards to meet. Something I've noticed A LOT in recent submissions is that I will reject them for being too out-of-focus or low-resolution, and the people submitting them will tell me that they were edited to look that way/that was the intention. And I don't want to go pretentious art student on you guys, but having taken loads of photography classes, it doesn't really matter what your intention is if it doesn't show through in the end. But the thing is, even if you do shoot for a blurred photograph, it's very rare we will actually accept it, unless it is SPECTACULAR. We most often only accept photographs in which the cosplayer's face and costume are in focus, because our group aims to showcase cosplays and not to exist as a collection of artistic photographs of cosplayers. A lot of the photos I reject for being blurry or low-resolution look more like the camera just wasn't focused enough or they were taken on a lower resolution camera probably not designed for professional photography and not like they were edited in Photoshop specifically to look that way. If you want your photos to be artistically/intentionally blurred, make sure you go the whole mile and actually make them blurry, not just barely lacking the crisp quality our group is looking for. I'm not trying to be rude or condescending here, but I and a lot of classmates have struggled with this in photography and it's a common thing. If you want to include something that's commonly considered an error (like blurring) in your photograph, you need to make sure it's prominent and strong enough that it looks like it was intentional and not just a mistake. This also holds true for other things. Sometimes when we reject photos for appearing candid or being "hall shots" or bedroom shots or whatever else, we get a response contradicting our reason for rejecting the photo. But it doesn't really matter whether or not the photo isn't really what we suspected it was if it still has the appearance of being that kind of photo. There is a certain kind of posing and composition to most of those photographs that isn't exactly what the group is looking for. And I've noticed a lot of hipster versions of the characters being submitted in selfie style or low-res webcam photos, and I understand that it's part of the context and that was intentional, but it still goes against the group rules, unless the photo is absolutely spectacular. That doesn't mean that your photo isn't good or clever or that your cosplay isn't well-done, it's just against group rules. Though since for these shots I know it's part of the context, if the photo is really good we will still accept it. Please take these things into consideration when submitting photographs and when your photos get rejected on this principle. Thanks, Jazqui

Re: Blurry Photos
April 9, 2013
No Favourites

Heya, Servus, Salut, Tag, Hæ, Privet, Anyoun

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Featured By Owner
Nov 3, 2014

Shouldn't there be a folder for Hetalia Day 2014?

Featured By Owner
Jun 5, 2015

Apologies, but unfortunately I and the other mod have been really busy with finishing college and new jobs that occupy the majority of our time, so we haven't been the most diligent about these things/checking the group. I can't say I really keep up with any of my networking sites anymore, but I can make one now if people are still interested, even though I realise it's a few months late.

Featured By Owner
Sep 21, 2014
 Hobbyist Filmographer

Hello...If it isn't too much of a bother do you could add me to the group as a member? The problem is, is that on my phone it does not show the button that says 'join.' And I'd really love to join!

Featured By Owner
Jun 6, 2014

Is there ANYONE in Florida who wants to cosplay some time?

Featured By Owner
Jan 6, 2014
 Student Photographer

  SEARCHING FOR HETALIA COSPLAYERS We are looking for some cosplayers that live around Chicago Illinois . If you live near here please comment, note, or watch us . We are making videos nod planning on putting them. On youtube but sadly we do not have enough characters/people. So if you are interested on joining our group please tell us. Thank you

Featured By Owner
Dec 29, 2013
 Student Traditional Artist

If we do 2p cosplay which folder should we submit to?

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Welcome to the group #Hetalia -cosplay! This is a group for Axis Powers Hetalia cosplayers, photographers and just awesome APH fans who want to see some lovely cosplay! Some general guidelines to keep this baby running!~ tl;dr!!!- Sorry, but if you don't take 2 minutes to read the rules, your submission will likely be rejected. We have a good number of them and the majority of the submissions we reject would have been spared had the submitters just read the rules. How to join? Simple! See that super cool button up top in the blue bar? The inviting one that says "Join Our Group"? Click it. You know you want to. Approval is now automatic <3 How to Post Awesome Pictures!? I'M GLAD YOU ASKED! Once you're a member, simply go to the appropriate gallery and look for the add button in the top right (+). Select the picture from your gallery and you're golden! Note that approval for pictures can take longer than a week right after conventions or events! Galleries? Individual pictures go in the individual character folders. If you character does not have a folder, please find the closest grouping folder (ie: Other Asia, Principalities, etc) Pairs, Group from 3-5 cosplayers, and Groups with 6+ cosplayers all have their own galleries. If a group/pair falls within a single folder, feel free to post to that folder (ie: a pair of Englands would still be in England, a picture of Denmark and Sweden would go into Nordics, etc) What should I post? First and foremost, Hetalia cosplay. No, seriously. FINISHED PICTURES ONLY! This community has become VERY LARGE. Please only submit finished costumes, not just wigs, props, costume on a dressform, etc! Props/plush toys (gilbird/hanatamago/etc) cannot be the sole subject of a picture! If your COSTUME IS NOT FINISHED please wait until it is to post! Non-canon costume rule : If it's not canon, it may still be accepted if: There's some current reference for it (Shaun White America do want <3), it's specifically from a doujin/fanart or it has a historical reference (ie: WWI or Napoleonic uniforms). All of them are questionable- we'd like to see some effort and a good picture. Wigs and GOOD PHOTOGRAPHY are of paramount importance, here! YOUR PICTURES ONLY! If it doesn't belong to you, suggest it as a favorite. Photographers, you are the exception. If you took the picture as a photoshoot (not a random con shot) feel free to post. So... I can dump my 103589 (AWESOME) America pictures? QUEEN AND COUNTRY NO. *ahem* You may post 3 per week total Again, submit your best. Well, what can I NOT upload? Headshots: If the picture show the cosplayer from only the top of the shoulders up, it's a headshot. We prefer you not submit them. We may make exceptions, but we had better be moved to tears by how good it is Bedroom shots, bathroom shots, "myspace" style photos, unintentionally/unartistically blurry photos, PG13+ content, photos with non-Hetalia subjects, uncomposed convention (ie. random hallway) photos, photos so heavily photoshopped you might as well submit them to an art community, unfinished/WIP photos, comics with over 3 pictures in them, gifs and more. Of course, there's an exception to every rule. Etiquette Policy Considering the subject matter of Hetalia, we need a few supplementary rules. Please bear with us on these. A flag (or other such national symbol) is a representation of a country and as such, especially when you are cosplaying from a country not your own, please show proper respect when dealing with that flag (or other item). As it's happened more than once and I've gotten open complaints about it, "Heiling" will not be permitted. What about my not-yet-Hidekaz'd nation? You're very welcome Simply post in the Non-Canon folder Where's the featured gallery/How do I get featured? For the time being, nonexistant. The only time "featured" is used is for contest prizes! Affiliate? In order to keep the page as clean and user friendly as possibly, we do not accept affiliation requests, sorry. If you'd like to link us that'd be awesome! But some groups' front pages are turning into giant affilate boxes and we'd like to avoid that. @_@

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