Herpes Infections - Relieve Them With These Tips!

Herpes Infections - Relieve Them With These Tips!

Living with a yeast infection can be painful, uncomfortable and embarrassing. Often times women are too herpesyl reviews embarrassed to seek out help for their problem. However educating yourself on the subject is the first step in alleviating yourself of this annoying problem. The following article has some great tips on how you can treat your yeast infection.

Apple cider vinegar is a great ingredient that you can use to help fight the symptoms when you already have a yeast infection. If you are going to consume this product, make sure that you dilute it heavily with water as you should only be using one teaspoon to drink with.

Know what the symptoms of a yeast infection are. Before you ever have a yeast infection, it is a smart idea to know what symptoms are. Why? Because when you know the symptoms, you can better deal with the infection more quickly so that it does not become a bigger problem.

Avoid tight-fitting pants and shorts. A yeast infection will thrive in a warm environment, and tight-fitting clothing can make you more prone to heat build up and sweating. Avoid this by wearing loose, relaxed pants and shorts, or wear skirts that will help to keep you cool as the day wears on.

The kind of underwear you wear plays a major role on whether or not you develop yeast infections. On the one hand, cotton and silky underwear absorb moisture, keeping your vaginal area dry and preventing infections from forming. On the other hand, synthetic fibers, like nylon, pull moisture close to your skin, increasing your chances of a yeast infection.

Garlic will appease the itching and the burning of a yeast infection. Eating garlic should help prevent yeast infections, but you can also apply a small clove of garlic on the infected area to make the itching disappear. Wash thoroughly after applying the garlic and repeat as often as necessary.

Be aware that you may have more frequent yeast infections when you are expecting. If you experience a yeast infection during pregnancy, consult your OB or midwife. Certain treatments may not be safe for use during pregnancy, and your doctor can advise you of the safest course of action given your circumstances.

There are many home remedies available for women to try in order to combat a yeast infection. However, before trying a home remedy, check with your doctor to be certain that what you have is actually a yeast infection. There are other conditions, such as trichomonas and bacterial vaginosis, that can mimic a yeast infection, but require medication to cure.

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