Heroku Deployment

Heroku Deployment

  1. Upload your token.pickle to your Index or any way to get link of your token.pickle and put your token.pickle link to TOKEN_PICKLE_URL (NOTE: If you don't upload token.pickle uploading to google drive will not work).
  2. Go to Repository Settings -> Secrets

Add the below Required Variables one by one by clicking New Repository Secret every time.

  • HEROKU_EMAIL: Heroku Account Email Id in which the above app will be deployed
  • HEROKU_API_KEY: Your Heroku API key, get it from https://dashboard.heroku.com/account
  • HEROKU_APP_NAME: Your Heroku app name, Name Must be unique
  • CONFIG_FILE_URL: Copy This in any text editor.Remove the _____REMOVE_THIS_LINE_____=True line and fill the variables. For details about config you can see Here. Go to https://gist.github.com and paste your config data. Rename the file to config.env then create secret gist. Click on Raw, copy the link. This will be your CONFIG_FILE_URL. Refer to below images for clarity.
steps 1 to 3
step 4
step 5

After adding all the above Required Variables go to Github Actions tab in your repository.

Select Manually Deploy to Heroku workflow as shown below:

Example Manually Deploy to Heroku

Then click on Run workflow

Run workflow

Done! your bot will be deployed now.


  • Don't change/edit variables from Heroku if you want to change/edit do it in config.env from your gist, after it just restart your Heroku app.

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