Hermione Granger Rule 34

Hermione Granger Rule 34


Hermione Granger Rule 34

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Hermione Granger - Harry Potter









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Hermione's Mistake (Harry Potter) Rated - R

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Start date

May 31, 2007


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It all started on a typical day at Hogwarts Academy. Harry, Ron and Hermione were on their way to their least favorite class, Potions. When they arrived, they cringed when they saw their assignment on the board. They were to each make a memory-erasing potion and drink a swig of it in front of the entire class.

“This sucks”, Harry proclaimed.

“I’m going to fail”, Ron said dejectedly.

“Maybe if you studied like Snape told us to, you wouldn’t be in this predicament”, Hermione stated.

“Shut up, Hermione”, Harry and Ron replied simultaneously.

As the trio took their seats, Harry noticed that Draco was giving their group a snide look. While Harry was setting up his equipment, Snape walked into the room and yelled at the class for not working fast enough.

30 mins. Later

As the class was struggling with the potion, Hermione had finished and was waiting the required 20 minutes for it to turn blue. Hermione was sitting in her seat, studying to past the time. If she had been paying attention to her potion, she would have noticed Draco mix some extra ingredients into it. With everybody struggling with their potion, nobody noticed Draco’s mischievous deed.

Hermione took a glance at her potion after the required 20 minutes passed, and chagrined as she realized that the potion was a light purple, instead of blue. She looked around and noticed that with the exception of a select few, most of the other potions in the class were either green, or spewing foul, orange smoke. She tried to lift her spirits by telling herself that it was a very difficult potion, but the fact that a few people had accomplished the goal made her unhappy. Everybody’s potions were set up in front of them as Snape walked in to test his pupil’s abilities.

In order to properly test the potions, Snape would tell the student a key word. After the student had drunk a swig of the potion, Snape would give them some truth serum, and ask for the password. If the student remembered the password, he/she gets a zero, if he/she doesn’t remember it, you get graded based on how much Snape likes you.

As Hermione’s turn came, she was slightly relieved to realize that nobody had yet to pass. Snape walked up to her potion, and smiled his crude little smile.

“Well, I guess you’re not as perfect as you thought you were, now are you Ms. Granger?”, Snape said with a hint of smugness.

“I don’t know what I did wrong sir, but the color could be caused by...”, Hermione replied before being cut off.

“I care not for your excuses, Ms. Granger. I only care to test your abilities as a potion maker.”, Snape replied.

“Your keyword is ‘Failure’.”, Snape said with a slight smirk..

As Hermione swigged her potion, she felt lightheaded and dizzy, which made her think her potion worked. That thought ended, however, when the effects went away, but the password was still in her mind, as if to remind her of her humiliation.

“Your truth serum, Ms. Granger”, Snape said.

She drank the swig of truth potion, and waited for it’s effects to take hold. As she waited, she tried to think of what she could have done wrong, but nothing came to mind.

“All right, Ms. Granger, what was the keyword.”, Snape asked menacingly.

“Failure.”, she instantly blurted out.

She hung her head in shame after realizing what she did.

“Don’t worry Hermione,” Ron said comfortingly. “It happens to everybody.”

“Not to me it doesn’t”, Hermione stated dejectedly.

“That’s a Zero, Ms. Granger. Also, Gryffindor loses 20 points for your overconfidence.”, Snape said with a hint of joy.

Hermione walked out the classroom as the period ended, thinking to herself that this day couldn’t get any worse. Little did she know, it was about to get a lot worse.
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Harry and Ron were scared about Hermione. She hated failure with an intensity hundreds of times greater than Ron’s hatred of spiders. They found her sulking in the common room in front of the fireplace.

“Cheer up Hermione”, Harry said comfortingly. “It’s only potions. Nobody will fault you for failing one of Snape’s assignments.”

“I do all the time”, Ron added.

“Not helping” Harry replied, sounding annoyed.

“I know”, Hermione interjected. “But I’m not use to failure.”

“Hermione”, Harry muttered before being cut off.

“I think I’ll go take a nap for an hour or two.”, Hermione stated, climbing the stairs to the Girls Dormitory.

“I hope she’ll be okay”, Ron said.

“Me too”, added Harry.

1 hour later

Hermione had just woken up from her nap, intending to clear her head. Unfortunately, she noticed that her first thought was of her failure earlier that day. Her thoughts on the issue were diverted when she noticed a warm, wet feeling in the bed. She threw off her blanket, and noticed that for the first time in many years, she had wet the bed.

Hermione stared in shock at her wet patch. Tears were falling from her eyes, and she had no idea what to do. Fortunately, her common sense returned to her, and she did a series of quick spells to clean the wet patch on her pants and the bed. She also got rid of the urine smell in the air. Even though she cleaned her pants and underwear, she still felt it necessary to change into a new outfit. While she was changing, she tried to think of reasons that this could happen to her. The only things that came to mind were disease and stress. Stress was in the forefront of her mind, because of the day’s earlier episode. Hermione felt worse than earlier, but tried to forget her troubles as she went to join her friends for her afternoon classes.

“Are you okay, Hermione?”, Harry asked as they met in the common room.

“I’m fine”, she replied, not too convincingly.

“You don’t look fine”, Ron added.

“I said I’m fine!”, Hermione said, nearly yelling.

Both Harry and Ron knew it was time to shut up. They just looked at each other and walked out the door to their next class. By the time they got to their “History of Magic” class, Hermione seemed fine. In fact, as Harry noticed, she seemed to have a childlike exuberance surrounding her. She was skipping around, and had to be told repeatedly which way the class was. During class, she didn’t look like she understood anything that the Professor was telling the class. Her notes were just scribbles, and Harry even caught her sucking her thumb at one point. After class, Hermione had a look of normalcy about her.

“Hermione, are you okay?”, Harry said, looking concerned and confused.

“I told you before, I’m fine.” Hermione stated, looking annoyed.

“Not about that.”, Harry replied. “I meant about what happened on the way to class and during class.”

“What are you talking about, Harry?” Hermione asked, looking confused.

“You were acting like a little kid, Hermione.” Harry said. “You skipped around, talked like a child, and even sucked your thumb once!”

“I did no such thing, Harry.” Hermione replied. “You must be going bonkers.”

“You saw it, didn’t you Ron?” Harry asked.

“You should know I don’t pay attention in class, Harry”, Ron said, “Not even to you and Hermione”

“Come on, guys”,Hermione stated, “We better get to class before we’re late”

The group left, leaving Harry confused and wanting answers.

“Just what the hell was going on today?”, he thought to himself, as he followed his friends to their next class.

The rest of the day went just as any other day would. Hermione was acting perfectly normal, leading Harry to believe that he was just imagining her childish behavior. He put it out of his mind, and started his assignments. A few minutes later, Hermione said good-night and went to bed. She looked nervous as she changed and laid down, afraid of a repeat of the earlier day’s problem. She did her best to ignore it, and went to sleep. During her sleep, she had a weird dream. She was in a baby’s highchair, being fed by Harry. She tried to say something, but all that came out was baby babble. She started to throw a tantrum to get Harry’s attention, but doing so knocked over her baby bottle filled with warm milk, which spilled all over her crotch area.

“Looks like the baby made a little mess,” Harry cooed.

Harry then lifted Hermione out of the highchair and laid her down on a plastic changing mat. He then took off her pants and underwear, and grabbed a baby wipe. Even though Hermione wanted to fight what was happening, she found herself unable to move. Harry then wiped her crotch with the baby wipe, and sprinkled some baby powder on her. Hermione knew what was next, but was helpless to fight it. Harry grabbed a large disposable diaper and slid it under Hermione’s bare bottom. He then taped up the sides of the diaper and lifted Hermione into the air effortlessly. He put her back into the highchair, and put a pacifier into her mouth. She tried to spit it out, but she found herself unable to do so. While Harry was refilling Hermione’s baby bottle, she felt a squishy feeling between her legs. She hit the front of her diaper, and realized it was wet. She had wet without realizing it! She found herself able to cry at that moment, and cry she did.

“Looks like somebody has a wet diaper,” Harry cooed, as the dreamworld faded away.

Hermione woke up drenched with sweat and breathing hard. At least she thought she was drenched in sweat. She became aware that she was not wet with sweat when she got a whiff of the air. She could smell urine. Her heart beat faster and she began to sweat profusely as she lifted her covers, hoping she was imagining the smell of urine. Her heart plummeted and her eyes became teary as she saw the big stain on her night clothes and bed. A quick glance around told her she was the last one in the dorm, so she wouldn’t have to explain the smell to anyone. She quickly did the same spells she did yesterday to clean her clothes and bed, and also get rid of the urine smell in the air. She was distraught at the circumstances. If she had only wet once, she could pass it off as an accident, but the second time in a row couldn’t be an accident. Then she remembered her dream, and how vividly the feeling of her wet diaper felt. Maybe it was just a coincidence after all! The first time was an accident and the second time was caused by her dream. That made the 17 year old witch happy as she changed into her clothes for the day.

Harry and Ron were in the common room, waiting for Hermione so that the three could go and get breakfast. Harry saw Hermione come down the steps with a spring in her step, and worryingly saw that childlike glimpse in her eye again. It wasn’t as intense as the day before, but it was still there.

“Finally,” Ron said. “We almost missed breakfast because of you!”

“Oh, stow it,” Hermione replied. “You didn’t have to wait for me, you know.”

“Whatever,” Ron stated. “Let’s just get some food.”

Down at breakfast, Harry noticed Hermione acting kind of childishly. Not as extreme as yesterday, but her table manners seemed to have gone out the window. Despite the plethora of food on her face, her napkin remained untouched. She was drawing a few stares from the people sitting close by, but she didn’t seem to care. She continued to scarf down her food, much like giving a sack of ham sandwiches to a hobo. As Harry was watching, he saw the look in her eyes fade, and her face turn red. She quickly swallowed the large chunk of food in her mouth, and wiped her face down with the napkin.

“That was embarrassing.” She thought to herself.

“This is going to be another long day” Harry told himself.

Hermione found herself unable to focus on her classes for most of the day. She was too busy thinking of her recent streak of bed-wetting. She just didn’t think that the “coincidence” excuse was valid. She pressed her brain for any other reasons for why she could’ve started wetting the bed. The only reason she could think of was, once again, stress. She then realized that the only thing stressing her out currently, was the problem she thought could be caused by stress. That really didn’t make much sense to the young witch, so she dismissed stress as a cause and was back where she started. In Potions class, she forced herself to forget about her current problems so she could pay more attention and not make any more mistakes like she did yesterday. As she entered the dreary room, she saw Malfoy give her that smug, “I know something you don’t know” look. She put that out of her mind and took her seat next to her friends as Snape entered the classroom.

“Will there be anymore mistakes today Ms. Granger?” Snape asked with a look of contempt.

“No, sir” Hermione answered, suppressing her anger.

“Good, good” Snape replied with a feigned look of content.

The class went on as usual, with Hermione making sure that she did everything right. She was relieved to discover that there was no problems with her potion-making. She left the class as normal, albeit with a few more smug glances from Malfoy. She tried to find the meaning in those seemingly evil stares, but the meaning seemed to pass her by. She left the potions class at the end of the period and went to her next class

A few hours later

It was once again time for Hermione’s “History Of Magic” class. She decided to use the class as a chance to think about her nighttime incidences. When class started, she made it look like she was writing notes, but in reality she was just writing random words and scribbles. The basis of her thought problem was what to do if it happened again that night. After much deliberation, she decided that if it happened again that night, she would go talk with Madam Pomfrey about it. As that decision presented itself, Hermione felt a sense of relief. Following that relief, there was a feeling of warmth, specifically around her crotch, and another feeling that would be classified as wetness. The second that the cogs in her mind put 2 and 2 together, she started to sweat profusely, and her legs began to tremble. She looked down at her crotch and nearly swore out loud when she saw the stain on her pants.

“Crap!” She thought to herself. “I just wet myself in the middle of class! What the hell is happening to me?”

She held back her tears and quietly used an all too familiar spell to clean her clothes. She didn’t worry about the one to get rid of the smell of urine, because the satin wasn’t there long enough to create an odor. She quickly looked around the room to see if anybody had noticed anything amiss. She didn’t anybody that looked like they saw something, and if anybody had, they were hiding it very well. She now knew that she would have to go see Madam Pomfrey later that day to try and figure out what is wrong with her.

“I hope that Madam Pomfrey has something that can get rid of my problem” Hermione thought to herself.

A few minutes later, class ended and the students left the room.

“Hey Hermione, are you okay?” Harry asked. “You looked a little nervous back there.”

“N-no, I’m f-fine.” Hermione stammered.

“You sure?” asked Ron. “You’re kinda stammering right now.”

“I’m just t-tired, that’s all.” she mumbled, not too convincingly.

“Okay, as long as you’re fine” Harry responded, not believing her for a second.

Hermione just smiled weakly and followed the boys to their next class. She knew that later that evening, she would have to meet Madam Pomfrey to discuss an issue she didn’t want anybody but herself to know about. She just sighed inwardly and continued along.

As much as she was dreading it, Hermione knew that she had to discuss the issue with Madam Pomfrey. She walked up to her office door and knocked. Madam Pomfrey promptly opened the door and saw Hermione standing their, looking embarrassed.

“Can I help you?” Madam Pomfrey asked.

“Er, I have a problem.” Hermione stuttered. “Could you help me?”\

“Of course!” Madam Pomfrey answered. “What’s the problem?”

“Well, it’s kind of embarrassing.” Hermione replied, blushing.

“Oh” Madam Pomfrey replied “Come into my office”

Hermione followed Madam Pomfrey into her office and sat down in the chair that Madam Pomfrey gestured at.

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