Hermione Granger Raped

Hermione Granger Raped


Hermione Granger Raped
Hermione Granger Abused · Fanfiction
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3 pages July 14, 2017 Slytherinprincesstheoriginal 
Draco Malfoy is a veela, something he never knew about until the day before he goes to Hogwarts. However when he goes to Hogwarts this don't look up.
Hermione Granger has a secret, people think that she oblivated her parents, to ascent. No her secret is that she is abused.
14 pages March 5, 2014 Toby Malfoy 
Hermione Granger is just your average muggle born witch, trying to get by in life, just trying to survive. Draco Malfoy is just your not-so-average-deatheater. He was forced to be a deatheater like his parents, and is a highly respected deatheater and Voldemort's right-hand-man. She is a torture...
149 pages October 19, 2016 That Awkward One 
Tessa is a girl abused by her family. She is a foster child, taken in by terrible people. When she gets her letter for Hogwarts, she quickly accepts with her ‘parents’ eager for her out of the house. She becomes best friends with a girl named Hermione Granger, and enemies with the revolting Draco Ma...
35 pages August 20, 2016 Amaryllis Summers 
Music. That is her middle name. Meet Alissa McKee. Cousin of Arianna Black. Friend of Draco Malfoy, Harry and Janel Potter, and Neva and Hermione Granger. Did I forget to mention abused at home? Also a pureblood witch? Well, this is her story.


Jacopo della Quercia

September 01, 2011

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A brief retrospective on the life and crimes of Los Angeles' least favorite bar patron
The Harry Potter series has sold billions of dollars worth of books, movie tickets and DVDs because it's one of those rare series that children can enjoy but won't make adults want to gouge out their eyes.
Author J.K. Rowling had a way of throwing a bone to the grown-ups here and there by slipping in sly little adult references along the way. It's usually done in subtext (like the elderly wizard Dumbledore's homosexual relationship with the male wizard Grindelwald ), but sometimes it's right there in the open for anyone perceptive enough to get it.
And sometimes, that shit gets nasty .
Dolores Umbridge is perhaps the one person in the whole Harry Potter universe who is virtually impossible to like, no matter what angle you choose to piss on her from.
The short-lived headmistress of Hogwarts gets off on torturing children, has an unflinching holier-than-thou attitude and, unless David Yates has something stashed for an extended edition of the films, *SPOILER* she gets away with it. *END SPOILER*
Well, unless you count the part where she is abducted and gang raped by centaurs in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . And if you think we're just filling in the rape stuff with our filthy imaginations, hang on.
Near the climax of the book/film, Umbridge is hauled screaming into the Forbidden Forest by a group of centaurs. No one sees what happens next.
What you have to realize is that there's a reason Rowling made sure it was centaurs who snatched Umbridge, rather than any of the countless other dangerous creatures in the forest (like the giant spiders). If you're familiar with the mythology of centaurs, seeing a screaming woman get hauled away by a bunch of them gives you the same feeling you get in Deliverance when Ned Beatty falls into the hands of the hillbillies, or when Bruce Willis and Ving Rhames wind up imprisoned by the same in Pulp Fiction . Centaurs rape human women -- that's what they do, that's a central part of their mythology.
In one legend, centaurs were invited to a wedding feast and attempted to rape the bride . In another, the famous centaur Nessus was killed while trying to rape a woman . That's the point of centaurs as characters -- they have the heads of men and the animal urges of horses.
People on the Internet familiar with the mythology were quick to notice this , as were feminist blogs . After all, showing Umbridge getting dragged away by centaurs would be like having Draco Malfoy getting his comeuppance by having him get hauled into the back of a windowless van by a creepy guy with a wispy mustache. We don't need to see what happens next if we know the context.
Now, if that had been the last time we saw Umbridge in the series, then you could say, OK, maybe these centaurs are different, maybe they just trampled her to death or stabbed her or tied her to a tree and strapped a bag full of oats to her face. But Umbridge comes back, and comes back suffering from some kind of major trauma that didn't involve any damage to the visible parts of her body. Here's Rowling's depiction of her in the aftermath:
Professor Umbridge was lying in a bed opposite them, gazing up at the ceiling .... Since she had returned to the castle she had not, as far as any of them knew, uttered a single word. Nobody really knew what was wrong with her, either. Her usually neat mousy hair was very untidy and there were still bits of twigs and leaves in it, but otherwise she seemed to be quite unscathed.
'Madam Pomfrey says she's just in shock,' whispered Hermione.
'Yeah, she shows signs of life if you do this,' said Ron, and with his tongue he made soft clip-clopping noises. Umbridge sat bolt upright, looking around wildly.
'Anything wrong, Professor?' called Madam Pomfrey, poking her head around her office door.
'No ... no ...' said Umbridge, sinking back into her pillows. 'No, I must have been dreaming ...'
Two characters watch Umbridge getting dragged away -- Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. At least one of those two knows that centaurs are rape machines. (Hint: It's Hermione, the character whose main purpose in the plot is to know absolutely everything.)
Neither of them make an effort to save Umbridge. Potter gets in a witty, James Bond-esque quip as she's being dragged away, and Hermione seems satisfied that mass horse rape is a fitting punishment. We like to think that on the way back to school, Harry asked "So what do you suppose those centaurs are going to do to the professor?" and that Hermione casually described to him how Umbridge would almost certainly be brutally violated by equinely endowed inter-species rapists. And that was the day Harry learned that you do not mess with Hermione Granger .
When you have repeated murders, werewolf sightings and evidence of students getting tortured being wholly ignored by the grown-ups in the wizarding community, it only makes sense that something as profound as a date-rape crisis plaguing students at Hogwarts would be placed in the same "do not care" file.
And we mean that the magical drugs that make it possible aren't even illegal -- they're sold in the open, at the magical joke shop run by Ron's brothers Fred and George Weasley.
The love potions in the Weasleys' WonderWitch line alone include such adorable names as Beguiling Bubbles, Heartbreak Teardrops, Kissing Concoction, Twilight Moonbeams and, no joke, Cupid Crystals. Seriously, crystals, and each one of the products can be disguised "as perfumes and cough potions" to hoodwink Hogwarts' already AWOL authorities.
Oh, and do they work? According to the Weasley twins themselves , "for up to twenty-four hours at a time depending on the weight of the boy in question--"
"-- and the attractiveness of the girl."
In case you think this is just a scam by the jokers to hoodwink horny teenage wizards out of their money, we actually see a love potion in action later. At one point a female wizard named Romilda Vane (who according to Hermione "looked like she meant business") gives Harry a box of chocolates spiked with love potion. Harry doesn't eat them, but his friend Ron does, at which point he becomes a slack-jawed lust-obsessed zombie who has to be cured by a teacher just so he can function again.
In case you think this is just another movie treating female-on-male sexual assault as lighthearted fun , Rowling goes out of her way to portray the negative consequences. How far out of her way? The villain of the wizard world, Lord Voldemort, was the result of a female wizard using magic to turn a rich guy into a mindless sex slave. It went on long enough for them to birth a child.
According to Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort's mother Merope Gaunt grew up in a dump that was the wizard equivalent of impoverished West Virginia. She finally found a man by using either an Imperius Curse (a mind control spell) or a love potion to make a wealthy man named Tom Riddle Sr. her lover, husband and private slave-stud for at least a year.
The result of this yearlong sex slavery at the hands of this circus-like freak was Tom Marvolo Riddle, Lord Voldemort, who understandably was a bit of a dick from the get-go.
Polyjuice Potion , a nefarious cocktail that is requested more frequently throughout the Harry Potter series than water, is one of many brews from the wizarding world that is probably illegal everywhere outside of Amsterdam -- more on that later.
The 'juice enables anyone to take the physical form of any person. It's the perfect disguise, and it's not just their face -- you assume their entire physical body. Genitalia included.
With that firmly in mind, let's examine some famous uses of the potion in the books. First, dark wizard Barty Crouch Jr. avoided jail by using the potion to take on the body of his own mother. Yeah, that's Norman Bates shit right there.
And then you have the scene in The Deathly Hallows when Harry's best friend Ron, Hermione, Ron's brothers, Fleur Delacour and others all found out the hard way what it's like to have Harry Potter's junk in their trousers when they took the potion during a ploy to create a bunch of Potter decoys to foil an assassination attempt .
Imagine a universe where this stuff actually existed. To assume the physical form of someone else, all you need is one of their hairs. So imagine the black market in the wizarding world that exists for the hairs of, say, famous starlets, with dudes giving themselves several hours' access to famous genitals.
Now imagine what pedophiles would do with it.
Oh, and did we mention that getting a mix of human and animal hair in the potion turns you into a living, breathing furry?
Hey, speaking of human/animal sex ...
Say hello to Aberforth Dumbledore, Albus' brother.
And in the wizard world, he is probably a sex offender.
This is another of J.K. Rowling's quick, throwaway jokes that is meant to fly right over the heads of the 9-year-olds but is supposed to make the grown-ups giggle.
You find the references in both Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , where it is mentioned in passing that Dumbledore's brother Aberforth got in trouble for a "minor scandal" with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for "using inappropriate charms on a goat."
We know that there is not one part of "inappropriate charms on a goat" that does not warrant some serious explaining, which is why one of J.K. Rowling's readers asked her about this at the same Q&A where she disclosed Albus Dumbledore's homosexuality. Check out Rowling's reaction:
Q: In the Goblet of Fire, Dumbledore said his brother was prosecuted for practicing inappropriate charms on a goat; what were the inappropriate charms he was practicing on that goat?
JKR: I think that he was trying to make a goat that was easy to keep clean , curly horns. That's a joke that works on a couple of levels. I really like Aberforth and his goats. But you know Aberforth having this strange fondness for goats if you've read book seven, came in really useful to Harry, later on, because a goat, a stag, you know. If you're a stupid Death Eater, what's the difference. So, that is my answer to YOU.
The groundskeeper at Hogwarts is Rubeus Hagrid, an abnormally huge but kind man who is universally beloved by the good guys.
Hagrid is a half-giant roughly 8.5 feet tall, which should immediately raise questions if you are old enough to know where babies come from. And, sure enough, Hagrid described his father as "a tiny little man," even by non-giant standards.
Hagrid's mother, meanwhile, was the giantess Fridwulfa . While we will be the first to point out that even if she was considered "small" by giant standards, she nevertheless possessed a womb, um ... ample enough to accommodate a 16-foot-tall son . And no, we are not talking about Hagrid but his full-giant half-brother Grawp, who was the product of good old-fashioned giant sex between Fridwulfa and a male giant, complete with giant-sized schwanzstucker.
So, the big question is how this "tiny little" man ...
... was able to successfully impregnate a titanic woman whose sex organs were probably more commodious to most humans than a hotel room in Tokyo.
While we personally wish this discomfiting discussion about giant sex could end here, the truth is that Hagrid's father is not the only human to knock boots with someone taller than a telephone pole in Ms. Rowling's wizarding world.
Olympe Maxime, headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Hagrid's old flame, is a half-giant as well. In fact, there are apparently enough half-giants in the Harry Potter universe to warrant their own wiki entry. The precise number of wizards -- and witches -- rubbing wands with these huge humanoid monsters remains a mystery, as does how it works when it's a male giant and, say, a 5-foot-tall female.
For that mental image, you can thank Ms. Rowling.
If you would like to learn more about the disturbing facts of life, Jacopo asks that you check out the topic page for his latest book Go @#$% Yourself! An Ungentlemanly Disagreement, by Filippo Argenti , available in paperback and DRM-free on Kindle.
And stop by LinkSTORM read some awesome Harry Potter fanfics by Jack O'Brien.
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Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Copyright © 2015 Artphilia Designs . All rights reserved.
In the interest of canon compliance, I have used some of JK Rowling's words, specifically, the dialogue of Bellatrix and Hermione overheard in the cellar at Malfoy Manor in DH. I, of course, own nothing.
Hermione could feel Bellatrix’s thumbnail jab deeply into her scalp, but she had to see them, had to have one last look at the two of them before she died. She was only able to catch a glimpse before they disappeared into darkness, just a flash of red hair and white skin. The last time she would ever lay eyes on either of them, and she had not been able to see. Bellatrix’s grip tightened, wrenching her face around, and Hermione could feel individual hairs being pulled free of the roots, one by one. â€�“Disgusting piece of filth …” A voice purred malevolently by her ear. Her feet were knocked from underneath her and she was suspended by her hair for a split second before hitting the stone floor. The impact knocked the breath from her and she gasped one quick gulp of air before she heard the word. â€�“ Crucio! ” Every nerve exploded in agony. There was no longer a surface beneath her or air above her. There was nothing but her body, burning and burning, and the sound of her piercing screams. But then it stopped as suddenly as it had begun, and her face was against the cold stone and her hand was on the rug and she could hear Ron’s voice echoing from far away, shouting her name, again and again. â€�“Ron…” She tried to say it loud enough so that he could hear her, but all that came out was a feeble, worthless whisper. â€�“Where did you get it, Mudblood?” A voice hissed above her as something stake-like bore between her shoulder blades. She took a massive breath and tried to turn herself over, but Bellatrix’s boot held her firmly in place. â€�“Where did you take it from? Crucio !” Hermione felt the screams rip from her throat, felt the blinding pain wrack through her bones and flesh. When it stopped, someone was straddling her chest, holding her by the neck, their face inches from hers. She peered into the dimness and saw one heavy-lidded eye bearing down upon her. â€�“Tch, tch, tch, tch. Dirty… little… mudblood….” the woman crooned softly, her breath burning Hermione’s ear as she stroked her hair with her wand. â€�“Let’s do hurry this along. You see, Greyback’s appetites are insatiable and, really, he can be such a beast when he’s kept waiting. Now,” said Bellatrix, sitting upright and pointing her wand at Hermione’s neck, â€�“I’m going to ask you again! Where did you get this sword? Where? ” â€�“We found it---we found it---PLEASE!” Fingers had been winding through her hair again as she spoke and they forced her head around until her nose was pressed against the floor. The lunatic was going to rupture her spinal column. It would all be over far too quickly, and Hermione would have been unable to give them any extra time at all. She gave a cry of pain as the fingers twisted tighter before they finally let go and the weight on top of her vanished. She could hear footsteps clack across the room, prowling from one side to the other. She rolled over to her stomach and tried to stand. They were here somewhere, she had heard someone yelling her name. Their faces swam through her mind as she tried to pull her knees underneath her hips. Someone was breathing heavily as they paced, one breath for every three steps. Then the breathing stopped and Bellatrix’s voice rang out clear. â€�“You are lying, filthy Mudblood, and I know it!” She charged across the room. â€�“You have been inside my vault at Gringott’s! Tell the truth, tell the truth! ” Long, hot fingers seized her wrist, twisting her arm behind her, forcing her back to the floor. There was a snap and a shockingly intense pain shot down her arm from her shoulder. She shrieked and kicked as her shoulder was forced further and further from it’s socket. Then something sharp pierced her side, and she willed herself to be still. â€�“What else did you take? What else have you got?” Hermione could feel the woman’s saliva spray her face, mingling with her own tears. â€�“Tell me the truth or, I swear, I will run you through with this knife!” â€�“We didn’t---We have nothing---nothing else,” Hermione sobbed. â€�“Please---we found the sword!” â€�“You’re lying to me, Mudblood!” Bellatrix whispered through clenched teeth. She backed away again, and Hermione waited for the coming curse. Pain blasted through her body, but instead of all cognizant thought ceasing as it had done, a sequence of nightmarish images sped through her mind. Her childhood home blown to pieces, her parents begging, swearing they knew nothing,
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