Hermione Granger Porn Stories

Hermione Granger Porn Stories


Hermione Granger Porn Stories

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Hagrid is harmless - a good friend - and always willing to listen, right? You couldn't be more wrong...
What the Half-Giant didn't expect was for someone to know that he is far from it, (besides a certain Headmaster) and was willing to pursue him.

This is NOT for the faint of heart to read. Rated Explicit, because it will have explicit content and may not be people's cup of tea - pun not intended

There are some things about the wizarding world that just never sat right with Hermione.
Hagrid is heartbroken after Madame Maxime broke up with him. Hermione,Ginny and Luna decides to comfort him.
Severus Snape and Hermione Granger invite a guest to one of their nightly streaming of sex.
Ever since Hermione's encounter with Devil's Snare Hermione begins to explore her sexual interests with Fang. At least until Hagrid finds out.
When Hermione comes face to face with Fang one evening in the Forbidden Forest - her underwear having been stolen the previous morning - things soon take a turn. However, as the night goes on, her situation only gets weirder and weirder, and suddenly, Hermione Granger's life begins to change into something different, as she embraces her inner cum-slut. And she's not the only girl who's in on the action.
Returning for her final year at Hogwarts, Hermione has had enough of Hagrid's drinking. When she intervenes, she gets more than she bargained for.
There are many actors in this grand drama, and I, Hagrid, appear to be the only participant with a full grasp on the situation.
An SI's life story on the time he spent as Rubeus Hagrid
Hermione Granger stumbles on a diary of an old Hogwarts student, but unlike Tom Riddle's diary from years ago, this one leads Hermione on an adventure where she'll be treated to multiple orgasms and unimaginable pleasure. Eighth-year Hermione Granger is ready to let loose, and without a boyfriend around to help, she follows the diary's instructions and sets off for the lake. Little does she know that as she's enjoying herself with one of Hogwarts oldest inhabitants, she's being watched. Hermione is about to enjoy an affair with the most unlikely person she could imagine, but when he shows her how to unlock the sexual vixen she had hiding inside of her, will she be tempted to hide herself again, or will she find herself in the endless orgasms that change her very soul.
When eleven year old Hermione went out for a walk, she'd never expect to walk back home with sperm on her backside, or that one event would change her entire experience at Hogwarts.
Fang trod over and rested his muzzle on the edge of the seat. He whined and wuffed, his body agitated, and when Hermione reached out to scratch his ears, he put his forelegs onto the chair and licked her exposed knee.
Hagrid rescues Hermione from the Troll during the Halloween feast
Hermione finally seduces Hagrid in his pumpkin patch. A Nov 2011 Firewhiskey Fic entry - drunken misspellings are part of the charm!
Hermione tells herself that it's research, but really she's looking for something. When she sees Hagrid naked by the lake she thinks that maybe she's found it.

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❮ Story Index 1. Yule Ball Debauchery 2. Bath Time! 3. Relax 4. The Education of Hermione Granger 5. The Sidekick ❯
A/N: I recently received an e-mail requesting that I send out an alert whenever I post a new chapter of this story. I've decided to do so, starting with Chapter 5. If you'd like me to notify you when new chapters are posted, e-mail me at mayorhaggar@gmail.com requesting that I add you to the alert list.

Harry Potter: Still not mine. Duh.

Chapter 4:
The Education of Hermione Granger

By MayorHaggar (mayorhaggar@gmail.com)

“That’s good. Well, I’m not all that hungry, and I need to work on my Potions essay, so I think I’ll head up to the girl’s dorms for a bit. Bye, Harry. Bye, Parvati.”

Hermione Granger did not wait for a response from either Harry or Parvati before darting up the stairs to the Fourth Year girl’s dorms that she shared with Parvati and her best friend, Lavender Brown. Lavender had already left for supper, so Hermione had the room all to herself. The bushy haired witch was quite thankful for this, because she desperately wanted some privacy at the moment.

Hermione had a lot on her mind, but very little of it revolved around her argument with Ron. No, she had rowed with Ronald Weasley so often over the years that it was almost habitual at this point. Certainly nothing to agonize over.

No, at the forefront of Hermione’s mind was her other best friend, Harry Potter. Nothing new there. Harry had been a vital part of her life ever since that Halloween encounter with the troll back in their first year. But lately, that blasted boy had begun occupying her thoughts with alarming frequency. At first, she had been able to rationalize it as simple friendly concern. After all, he was being forced to compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament, which was meant for older witches and wizards. His health, and even his life, was at stake. It was perfectly natural that helping her best friend through this dangerous experience was of paramount importance to her.

Except it wasn’t helping Harry with the tournament that was invading her thoughts and dreams. Not entirely, at least. Sure, she spent much of her free time trying to help Harry with his preparation. But when her mind wandered unchecked, the search for an underwater breathing charm was all but forgotten.

Hermione wasn’t sure exactly when it started, but the first time she was consciously aware of the change was at the Yule Ball, when she saw Harry in his green dress robes that perfectly complemented his emerald eyes. When she first got a glimpse of Harry in those robes, the thought was in Hermione’s head before she could censor it: 'Harry is handsome' . She immediately shook herself mentally, reminding herself that Harry was her friend, and nothing more. Besides, it had been very kind of Viktor to ask her to attend the ball as his date, and spending the evening pining for another wizard didn’t seem fair to him, even if she and Viktor were not involved romantically.

And yet, Harry had continued to pop into her mind unbidden throughout the night. She couldn’t help but notice Harry’s apparent misery, despite having the beautiful Parvati Patil as his partner. She wished she could do something to help Harry, just like always—and then she asked herself, exactly how was she supposed to help him in this instance? The answer that her subconscious provided brought a blush to her cheeks, and she decided right then that she would put a stop to this foolishness. ’No more strange thoughts about Harry’ , she reminded herself. A distraction soon arrived, thanks to Ron. She and Ron got into a particularly vicious row over Hermione’s decision to attend the ball with Krum, and that had been enough to take Hermione’s mind off of Harry and the strange thoughts he had provoked in her throughout the night.

And then, mere hours later, Hermione was forced to confront these confusing thoughts and feelings again. She and Lavender confronted Harry and Parvati after they got back from their late night excursion, and Parvati announced that she and Harry had had sex, and were going to begin dating. Hermione’s immediate reaction had been that of sadness and loss, but she quickly reminded herself that she had no reason to feel that way. Harry was her friend, and if he wanted to date Parvati, that was his business. He deserved some joy for a change, so as long as he and Parvati were careful, she should feel nothing but happiness for her friend and his new relationship. And aside from that, this solved her own problem rather neatly. Now that Harry had a girlfriend, those absurd thoughts from earlier would surely cease.

Of course, it was one thing to say that to herself, but quite another to get her brain to go along with the plan. Harry may have been taken off the market, but the unwelcome realization that Harry was quite an attractive young wizard did not become any easier for Hermione to deal with. Not only did that traitorous brain of hers completely ignore her ’Harry is only my friend’ edict, it had even begun forcing her to experience Harry-centric dreams that were anything but platonic and friendly. As hard as she fought during the day to remind herself that Harry was strictly her friend, not to mention involved in a relationship, Hermione was powerless to stop the dreams. She would wake up the next morning experiencing a myriad of emotions. Anger at her inability to control her subconscious thoughts. Confusion as to why it was always Harry with her in the dreams; never Krum, or Ron, or even a faceless bloke who she could fantasize about freely. Self-deprecating amusement that her brain had locked in on Harry; Harry, who didn’t even realize she was a girl. Harry, who had a beautiful girlfriend with exotic looks, a figure most girls their age would die for, lustrous hair and self-confidence, all attributes she herself was sorely lacking. She couldn’t hold a candle to Parvati, so why was she dreaming about Harry in that way? He’d probably laugh in her face if he had any idea what she was dreaming about.

But what stood out most to Hermione was the sheer passion of the dreams. Even hours later, as she went about her day, she would struggle not to think about the vivid pictures painted by the dreams. Harry staring into her eyes longingly, his green pupils never wavering from her brown ones. Harry’s lips crashing into hers, claiming her mouth in desperate need. His arms wrapping around her, pulling her body flush against his before gently, reverently removing her clothing, bit by bit. And then…

’NO! , Hermione scolded herself. Her brain was overloaded enough after her conversation with Parvati minutes earlier; dwelling on that would certainly not help matters.

Hermione tried to take her mind off of her problems by working on her Potions essay, but she knew full well that not even her school work, usually a top priority, could distract her from her foolish infatuation towards her best friend. She huffed in frustration at her complete lack of progress, and was just about to give it up as a bad job when her solitude was interrupted.

“How’s that essay coming?”

Hermione’s head jerked up to see Parvati standing near her bed and smiling down at her. A fresh wave of guilt assaulted Hermione at the sight of Parvati. Though there had been some awkward situations, Parvati had really gone out of her way to be kind to Hermione since she had begun dating Harry, and Hermione had started to think of her as something of a friend. Which made her ongoing erotic dreams all the worse. When Parvati had softly commented on Hermione’s strong feelings for Harry as they made their way back to Gryffindor Tower, Hermione had felt guilty beyond belief. If Parvati only knew just what it was she felt for Harry…though, in fairness, even Hermione herself was at a loss when it came to labelling or categorizing her rapidly changing feelings for her best friend.

Shaking her head to clear herself, Hermione merely shrugged in response to Parvati’s question.

“That bad, huh? Well, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to start working on it right after we spent hours working in the library. I bet it’ll go a lot better for you if you take a break to clear your head a bit, and come back to it later.”

“Yes, you’re probably right,” Hermione agreed. She didn’t think a break would help her at all, actually, but she wasn’t about to tell Parvati that, given the reason for her sub-par effort. “So…how’s Harry doing? Did you manage to cheer him up at all?”

“I got him to crack a smile or two, but he’s still ‘brooding’, as he says. I actually just came up here to freshen up a bit before I try again. I think I’m going to have better luck this time,” Parvati finished, grinning as she moved towards her own bed.

“I hope you do. Harry could certainly use it,” Hermione said sincerely. She watched as Parvati rummaged through her belongings, and eventually pulled out a perfume bottle. Parvati gave herself a few light sprays from the bottle before she put it away. Parvati was not done just yet, though, as she pulled out her wand and cast some sort of charm on herself that Hermione did not recognize.

“What was that charm?” Hermione inquired, puzzled. It was quite unusual for any of her fellow fourth years to perform charms and spells that she didn't recognize.

“Oh, just a little glamour, that’s all,” Parvati answered, not quite meeting Hermione's eyes.

“I see,” Hermione responded, watching as Parvati gave herself a quick once-over in her little bedside mirror before she stepped away from her bedside and began walking back towards the stairs. Hermione was a bit confused as to why Parvati seemed embarrassed about performing an apparently routine glamour charm on herself, but she deemed it unimportant and put it out of her mind.

“Well, I’m off to go cheer Harry up. See you later, Hermione.”

“Good luck, Parvati,” Hermione called to her newest friend’s back as she walked down the stairs. She envied Parvati in so many ways, and wished she had half of her self-confidence. Parvati always seemed very comfortable in her own skin, and very aware that she was a beautiful witch, but she never flaunted her beauty, or belittled the appearance of others. All in all, Hermione could find very little at fault with Harry's girlfriend. She was undeniably beautiful, she was kind, she was intelligent, and she was just as determined as Hermione was to help Harry through the dangers that always seemed to follow him. The more time she spent around Parvati, the more Hermione became convinced that she was a perfect match for Harry, as much as it might hurt her traitorous, confused heart to admit.

Hermione shook her head, endeavouring to put thoughts of Harry, Parvati and their perfect relationship out of her mind. She picked her quill back up and returned her attention to Snape's Potions essay, determined to use her love of academics and learning to take her mind off of this... whatever it was that she was feeling for Harry.

Unfortunately, her work on the essay was no more productive than it had been before Parvati's arrival. Her usual academic enthusiasm was nowhere to be found. If she tried to force herself to write this essay while she had Harry-on-the-brain, the result would be an incoherent mess—and she knew Professor Snape would take great pleasure in publicly humiliating her if she turned in something below her usual standards.

Hermione threw her quill down and let out a deep sigh of frustration. She dropped her head into her hands, exasperated with herself. It was one thing for her dreams to be Harry-centric, but the recent effect he had had on her academics was another matter entirely. In her three-and-a-half years at Hogwarts, Hermione had worked harder than any of her classmates, and her diligence and dedication had led her to stand alone at the top of her year. After her seven-year stint at Hogwarts was finished, her years of hard work would give her the skills and the knowledge to make a difference in the wizardry community.

That was the plan, at least. But these emerging feelings for Harry were making it harder and harder for her to focus on her work, which she found disconcerting. Unlike the vast majority of her fellow students, Hermione actually enjoyed her studies. She enjoyed learning new things, and enjoyed putting in the time and effort to excel in all of her subjects, with the belief that it would all be of great benefit to her later in life. But her studies just hadn't held the same appeal to her since the Yule Ball, and as hard as she tried to fight it, she was falling behind. Sure, she was still ahead of the rest of her classmates, but the gap was not as wide as usual. Hermione was a perfectionist when it came to academics, so any decline in her work, no matter how slight, was unacceptable to her.

And yet, she was powerless. Over the last two months, Hermione was truly happy and content only when she was around Harry. She had always enjoyed his company, for the most part, but now, it was as if her entire life revolved around him. Helping him with the Tri-Wizard tournament. Doing what she could to encourage him not to fall behind in his studies, even as she fell behind in her own...well, fell behind by her lofty standards, that is. And, above all else, trying to figure out just why in the hell she could not shake these feelings for him, which seemingly grew stronger with each passing day.

Her brain was, once again, focusing on Harry rather than her studies. She frowned as she remembered Harry's outburst in the library. Much to both her and Parvati's displeasure, Harry had been losing his temper more and more over the past several weeks, as they continued to come up empty on their underwater breathing research. It was quite distressing for Herm
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