Hermione Bondage

Hermione Bondage


Hermione Bondage

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A place to write and share erotic and non erotic fan fiction about Jabba the Hutt and his lovely slave girls.
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"Things are going to be different at Hogwarts this year..." thought Hermione Granger as she and Ginny stepped off the Hogwarts Express alongside a tide of younger students. Ron and Harry had decided to skip their seventh year at the wizarding school, but a horde of basilisks wouldn't keep Hermione away from following the rules to the letter - even if she would be the first nineteen year old to attend the school in recent memory. But as she stepped off the train she couldn't help but think of her two friends and how she would miss their hijinks.
Much of Hogwarts' magical protection had faded after the battle with Voldemort, and witches and wizards from various magical construction companies were still busy restoring the defenses. With the amount of devastation done to the castle it was a job that took time even for the best of spell casters.
In the great hall, a new professor sat at the high table - a striking woman with reddish black hair and piercing eyes. "Everyone," began Professor McGonagall with a stern look on her face. "I would like to introduce Professor Melina Carniss. The school's board of directors has decided to make Seduction Magic part of the mandatory curriculum for all female students starting in their 5th year. This change apparently comes from a wealthy anonymous donor who has been financing the reconstruction. Professor Carniss has studied with sirens and veela and comes highly regarded in training young witches in... matters of the womanly arcane..."
Hermione fidgeted in her seat as the crowd of students began eating, thinking of Ron (and in a dark corner of her mind of Harry) and how he would be appalled that he wouldn't be around to help her practice her homework.
As was her way with every Hogwarts class - Hermione proved to be very adapt at Seduction Magic. She learned the art of dispelling clothing the first try - standing naked and proud in front of her classmates, her svelte body on display. Her achievement proved to be somewhat to her embarrassment - as the spell for re-summoning clothes proved to be much more intricate. She had to borrow Ginny's overcoat and awkwardly shuffle back to the common room to change - with Peeves in hot pursuit, blasting her with updrafts of wind the entire way.
As the weeks went on, she learned allure spells, ancient druidic lust ritual dances, potions to remove body hair, how to cast charms with just her eyes, and how to jinx her breasts to stay firm and full, even without support.
"Remarkable!" said Professor Carniss as she groped at Hermione's backside after yet another perfectly executed toning spell had rounded it out to a state of near perfection. "Class, come her and look at Miss Granger's handy work. This is the kind of ass that could launch a few dozen warships!" The rest of the class glared at Hermione jealously. "Miss Granger please see me after class."
After the last of her classmates had put on their clothes and exited the room, Hermione approached Professor Carniss' desk. "Yes, Professor?"
"Granger. Did you know that the new graduation requirements require you to take three years of Seduction Magic in order for the student to graduate? This means that even though you came back to school, you'll still need to take make-up courses for another year or two to make up the credits."
Hermione was dumbfounded. "But I--"
Carniss held up a finger for silence. "I have good news, Granger, and your 'butt' is part of it. You show remarkable progress in all areas, and your sex appeal is ass-tounding, if you'll forgive the pun. Even Miss Weasley, the second-most gifted student in the class isn't half as good as you are. And so if you're interested - there is a special assignment you could complete for me. If you pass, I'll give you the credits you need to graduate this year."
"I'll do it." Hermione said immediately, proudly puffing out her chest at the high praise from a teacher. "What is the assignment?"
"It's a practical," said Carniss holding up a small collar. "Put this on. It's a portkey that will activate in three minutes. It will teleport you to an audience who will grade your skills in seduction magic. You'll need to do your best, hold nothing back." She snapped the color around Hermione's neck and locked it. "I'll hold on to your wand for you until after you're finished. Are you ready?"
As Professor Carniss said the last word, the portkey activated and Hermione was jerked away. The ride was longer than a usual portkey, and for a few minutes things were unusually cold and black. Then suddenly, Hermione found herself on the floor of a large audience chamber, with a crowd of shadowy figures standing around her. Wasting no time, she began casting her seduction magic, slowly removing her clothes and enhancing her beauty in time with music she summoned from thin air. It was a breathtaking performance - the best she had ever done, and from the sounds in the audience she was really heating things up. She ended her routine by snapping a pose, facing in no direction in particular and then glanced around to see what would happen next.
After a few minutes of applause and murmurs from the crowd, Hermione Granger was beginning to become concerned. As her nipples hardened in the cold auditorium air, her mind churned with questions. The portkey still wasn't activating... Where was Professor Carniss? Did she still need to cast more seduction magic? She'd cast everything she knew...
While she was still puzzling out what to do, a loud booming voice echoed from behind her in a deep laugh. "HOHOHO..." And with a loud metallic CLINK a chain shot out of the darkness and attached itself to the collar. Lights began to come on and she saw that holding the other end of the chain was a monstrosity the likes of which she hadn't seen in even the most horrific pages of the various bestiaries that she had read.
Jabba the Hutt licked his lips at his latest prize and began to pull the nude and struggling witch closer to his slimy bulk, his tail thrashing with arousal and his eyes burning with lust.
Desperately Hermione tried to apparate away, but failed each time - the chain glowing blue with each attempt. Reaching into her vast library of wandless magic she began trying out spells at random, trying first to sever the chain, then to transfigure the monster, then to confund the whole audience chamber, but every spell was cancelled by the mysterious glowing chain.
Her only defense proved to be her thigh muscles: powerful, toned and firm from last week's Seduction homework. Planting her feet firmly she grabbed the chain and pulled back, trying to keep the beast from choking her with his savage jerks. But even so she was slowly losing ground as Jabba chucked and drooled - his vile tongue slurping his craggy lips as his red eyes crawled over her magically enhanced breasts and then went lower lingering at the spot between her straining thighs.
When she reached the edge of the throne, Hermione was able to use the edge as leverage against the beast and thought for a moment they had reached stalemate. But then Jabba boomed out a word, "SALACIOUS!"
From nowhere a hideously misshapen house elf materialized in front of Hermione. With an evil cackle the elf reached up and twisted Hermione's nipples with his tiny hands. Surprised and revolted, Hermione swatted at the spindly hands as they pinched and prodded her before remembering the chain--
The distraction was enough. With a pull that throttled the young witch, Jabba hauled her up onto his belly, wrapping his arms around her nubile body and pressing it into his fat. His hand went exploring near her backside. Slime greased her breasts as she squirmed, and Jabba laughed again - he enjoyed the feel of her pert nipples pressing against his scaly hide.
As she realized that all hope was lost she finally lost her cool - neither logic nor magic would help her. She screamed for half a second before Jabba's tongue crossed her lips, causing her to choke as his massive mouth muscle began to caress her own tongue.
But then it all came to her, quick as magic - a way out. As the Hutt's throbbing tail began to worm between her thighs Hermione began to remember...
Far away, in Hogwarts, Professor Flitwick knew something was wrong as soon as the bell signaled the start of class. Not once in all of her years as a student had Hermione Granger arrived less than 10 minutes early for class. While some professors complained at length about this precocious habit of the blossoming Gryffindor, Flitwick didn't mind. He admired his student's sharp mind and - when she wasn't looking - her shapely behind. He would never act on these feelings of course, his true love was his work. Usually inappropriate feelings such as those were prevented altogether by charms blocking the triggering of such emotions between teacher and student. However Hermione had passed the barrier into legal adulthood, and such wards no longer held true for her, even if the taboo remained.
During those chats before class-time Hermione would talk at length with the charms instructor on her other classes, while simultaneously helping him redesign and update his lesson plans for the week. Without her assistance he found himself unprepared to teach his upcoming lesson, and quickly excused himself - instructing the students to read chapter 47 & 3/5 from their textbook.
Once outside the classroom, he cast a patronus whispering, "Mr. Potter, would you mind using that map of yours to ascertain the location of Miss. Granger? She is late for my class, a statement that is nearly equivalent with the phrase 'hell is freezing over.' With the war less than a year from ending better to be safe than sorry, no?"
The response was not an answering patronus, but rather a flash of phoenix fire as Harry Potter and Ron Weasley appeared in the hallway. "She's not in Hogwarts!" exclaimed the young man still called the Boy Who Lived. "Quickly! We need to retrace her steps. What other classes does she have today?"
The boy who lived got his name from a special form of magic - a ritual sacrifice charm that originated from the love of a mother, dying in the place of her child. It's an ancient magic, and not something that Professors felt can or should be taught at Hogwards. There was no class for "rituals" at Britain's magical school, though Hermione had learned that it was offered as a sixth year elective at Durmstrang.
The sacrificial aspect of rituals was what shoehorned this branch of magic into the dark arts. Often animals would be killed, sometimes body parts removed, or unbreakable vows forged. But it was the sacrificing of a virgin's innocence that Hermione kept in mind, as Jabba's scaly tongue slurped at her breasts, her nipples painfully erect at the sensation. Apparently, one of the great mysteries of magic was contained between a woman's legs, a one-time source of power so great that wizards and witches have gone darker than Grindlewald to access it. In ancient times, druids would find virgin witches and "tap" them in more ways than one, Chinese sorcerers would disguise their daughters as sons until they were married, and Babylonian Warlock-Kings built incredible empires, by claiming the power of thousands of virgin slave-brides.
The sources didn't all agree on the exact details of such magic - it seemed that the power was often wild and hard to direct. The strength of the magic varied from woman to woman, but seemed to be strongest when the woman was at her most nubile age. Hermione knew that at 19, she was a bit young, but the energy would still be there, she'd just have to pray that she'd be able to focus it.
Cringing briefly at the thought of using her deflowering to escape from a hideous slug monster intent on violating her body, Hermione then pushed the thought out of her mind, as the tail continued to inch its way up, stroking her womanly lips, the foreplay causing her to become wet in spite of her revulsion. Alright you vile beast... Have your way with me so I can be gone from here...
But before the tail could ravage her most private of areas, Bib Fortuna, a creature Hermione identified as a Grindylow-Veela hybrid approached the coital pair. Waving his hands urgently as a rumbling sounded below the chamber. The stone floor rumbled, and from the sound of whatever was raging below, might have threatened to crumble and break way.
Jabba, clearly annoyed at his fun being interrupted, bellowed orders and then looking down at Hermione gave her breasts a final lick, and her ass a final squeeze before turning her around.
A prisoner was brought into the room, a feeble man, bound by the same chain that bound Hermione. An air of magic whispered around him, but like Hermione, he seemed to be unable to access it for escape. Jabba began booming at the man in his loud voice, pulling intermittently at Hermione's chain. However, as he locked eyes with Hermione she heard a quiet voice in her mind. "I don't know who you are girl... But I'm sorry to see you in that state. Judging from the hope I still see in your eyes you haven't been here long, which means you probably don't understand anything these monsters are saying. It isn't much, but at least I can give you that. Best of luck, witch-concubine..."
As his final words reverberated through her mind, it was like a dial was adjusted on a radio, and Jabba's words came into focus. "AND SINCE WE'VE RUN OUT OF NORMAL PRISONERS, YOU WILL HAVE TO DO FALSE JEDI, AS HE MUST HAVE HIS MEAL. BOSKA!"
Jabba slammed his fist down on his armrest and the floor dropped out from under the old man. The throne holding Hermione and her slug captor slid forward, treating her to a view of the man's grisly death in the jaws of a monster missing from the pages of any bestiary she'd ever read.
But Jabba was not to be so easily distracted. Soft, slime covered fingers reached around her to play with her breasts momentarily. Hermione moaned at the intense contact. Ron had only gotten to second base two or three times, and the sensation was new and as intensely arousing as it was revolting. As she began to fidget, Jabba lowered one of his hands to hold her waist, while the other grabbed her chain in a loose grip, slowly sliding it down her back. The metal was cold and added to her goose bumps. What was he doing?
The slug licked his lips and began to rumble at her, pushing on her lower back while pulling her hips into his mass and keeping tension in the chain. It was clearly a practiced maneuver that ended with her rear on display for Jabba, her back arched. "PERHAPS WE WILL START SOMEPLACE SPECIAL... MELINA TELLS ME YOU ARE ANAL ABOUT THE RULES AFTER ALL..." Hermione's heart dropped. There were no hidden magics to be unleashed between her ass-cheeks, only a lot of pain for her and pleasure for the beast. "LET'S PUT THAT TO THE TEST..."
Hermione looked back and saw the tail slowly worming it's way towards her. As it squeezed between her cheeks she found herself forced to look away, and grit her teeth as the ridged tailed slid inside.
The shadowed creatures giggled as they watched the gruesome forced sodomy unfold. Jabba was getting a lot out of this sensitive and fresh new concubine, and they in turn were getting a great show. The reactions of the two "lovers" couldn't have been more opposite as Jabba's member plunged into Hermione. The Hutt's eyes rolled back as he exclaimed, "SO TIGHT..." Flexing the few inches of his tail around as he pulled back to give it another go. Hermione had tears in her eyes, though she refused to cry and show weakness, grunting, "It's too big... It's too BIG!" Her eyes bulged as Jabba slid his tail into her again, venturing deeper this time.
While his partner, Auror Weasley bumbled around looking clues and muttering british swear words, Auror Potter's mind was like a steel trap. He was analyzing the situation calmly using advanced CSI magicks to figure out the situation. Unlike his partner, who was a mess from the grief (and drinking his problems away), Harry was cold calculation. The stakes were too high.
Harry always nursed a bit of a flame for Hermione. She was certainly attractive in that hot-librarian sort of way, and he assumed that given as compatible as they were when fighting crime, they would probably be just as compatible between the sheets. She was his best friend's girl for now... But judging from how inebriated Ron was at the moment, he could imagine that that relationship wasn't going to last.
Even his fiance Ginny thought there was something special about the Granger witch. They'd discussed Ron and Hermione's relationship at length and had decided that if it didn't work out, they'd invite Hermione into their bed, invoking an ancient rite known as a Targaryen Trio that would enhance their powers and their pleasures.
Harry allowed a brief smile to crack through his cold analysis. Ginny was the coolest girl ever. Even if they did bring in Hermione, she would always be his sexy little firebird. "Bring her home." That was what Ginny's look had said when he arrived at Hogwarts. There hadn't been time for their usual passionate reunion, just a glance from across the Great Hall as Harry rushed behind Flitwick towards the Seduction magic classroom. But that one look from Ginny's soft green eyes had said enough. "Bring her home."
His musings ceased as his wand found it - the magical jetstream generated from the portkey. He had managed to get that Hermione had been spirited away via portkey, before Ron had accidentally confunded the so called "Professor Carniss" into next week. Literally - the stupidity spell wouldn't burn away until after seven days, and by then the case would be too cold.
Calling upon his magical energies and accessing an additional reserve he had created via elder wand (just one of many self "enhancements" he had performed) he forced open the jetstream, turning it into a portal.
"Let's go, Agent Weasley. You know these things get less and less accurate as time goes on."
"HIC... Coor, Harry... My head bloody 'urts like a blimey bludger done up and knocked me 'cross the 'nog..."
Harry rolled his eyes and threw his partner through the portal before stepping in after.
Hermione's butt slammed against Jabba's doughy belly for what felt like the thousandth time, her body lubricated by slime and sweat, only supported by the Hutt's meaty hands. The violation of her ass had been a painful one, her grunts of discomfort punctuated by the rumbles of Jabba's laughter with every thrust.
Her positioning, back to the vile creature, would have let her get a better look at the shadowy audience, full of hideous monsters all enjoying the spectacle of the Hutt lord and his latest dalliance, but her resolve had quickly broken and slow and steady tears further obscured the shadowy crowd. They in turn appraised her with glinting eye
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