Hermaphrodite Real

Hermaphrodite Real


Hermaphrodite Real
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FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE: 1 per 2.5 million male births
SUMMARY: One man, TWO PENISES! In many cases, it is actually only one penis split along the shaft. But the extremely rare “true diphallia” features anything from two distinct dickie-heads to two fully developed urogenitary tracts.
FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE: 1 per 300 male births
SUMMARY: The urethral meatus (pee-hole) is located anywhere on the penis but where it should be, almost like the hole on a flute.
SUMMARY: A “true” hermaphrodite’s internal sex organs contain both ovarian and testicular tissue. In some cases, this means a ball on one side and an ovary on the other; in others, it means hybrid beasties known as “ovatestes.” To the naked eye, their external genitals tend to be iffy—maybe it’s a big clit, perhaps it’s a teeny weenie, perchance it’s some unholy peno-vaginal mishmash. Pseudo-hermaphrodites have the chromosomes and internal sex organs of only one gender while their external protuberances are, again, anyone’s guess.
FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE: 1.5 per 1,000 male births
SUMMARY: An extra “X” chromosome or two leads to above-average height, tiny nuts, low testosterone, sub-par intelligence, sterility, and in some cases, embarrassing man-boobs.
FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE: 1 per 2,500 female births
SUMMARY: The absence of a crucial “X” chromosome results in average adult heights of 4’7″ , a sad-looking “triangular” face, a short neck that is often webbed, a barren womb, swollen hands, spotted pigmentation, turned-out elbows, and small breasts spaced widely apart with inverted nipples.
FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE: 1 per 165 male births
SUMMARY: The penis is normally shaped and fully functional yet hilariously small. In extremely rare cases—an estimated one in 30 million—there isn’t even the suggestion of a penis.
FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE: Many men have it to some degree; not considered problematic unless penis is off-kilter more than one-eighth of a turn.
SUMMARY: The penis head and/or shaft is twisted like a corkscrew, for some reason almost always in a counterclockwise direction.
FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE: Common enough that I could find several disgusting photos of it on the Internet, but not so much that I could find a single estimate of its frequency.
SUMMARY: The penis and scrotum switch places. The ball-sac is positioned above the Johnson and resembles elephant ears surrounding the trunk.
FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE: 1 per 20,000 female births
SUMMARY: The rectum, vagina, and urethra converge into one nauseating, funnel-like drainage hole located somewhere in the “taint” area between the clitoris and buttocks. Poop, pee, and vaginal sludge mingle freely. Corrective surgery is costly, complicated, and risky.
FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE: 1 per 1,000 female births
SUMMARY: A superfluous fleshy wall divides the vagina like a folding room divider splits an apartment in two. Upon loss of virginity, one section stretches and assumes the role of “dominant” vagina. The other half becomes as cramped as a broom closet and thus infinitely more desirable.
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Hermaphrodite porn on the web is faked. Those depicted are mostly normal women posing with false penial prosthetics or are pre-operation transsexuals. (The sexualizing pornographers make these fakes.)
In today's world, most hermaphrodites are altered into women by surgery under AMA Standards of Care or appear totally male. Although many have very small genitalia and many choose gay or lesbian lifestyles, some do marry.
The idea of a dual sexuality, as pictured in current adult popular culture, is mostly untrue (the reality is it's not an enviable position to be in.) Yet the idea of the hermaphrodite as an object of love and sexual desire has fascinated artists throughout history. Some more artistic renderings are pictured below.
If you have comments or knowledge of the source, or description of these images, please email me. I also welcome non-copyrighted images or art of hermaphrodites.
Presented by Jamie Ledbetter, Kent School class of 2000
This Greek statue is a Hellenistic work of art, created around 150 B.C. Later on however, a Roman copy was made of this statue. This statue is clearly hellenistic because of its stunning realsim and lifelike activity. Although it may have looked better when it was first created, one can still appreciate the amazing artistic aspects which give the piece beauty as well as meaning. This statue, as well as most other Hellenistic statues tell a story of an important event, myth, or perhaps a legend in the famous age of the Greeks.
This work of art was created in the Hellenistic era, which expains the nature of this statue. In this statue, and battle goes on between Satyr and a Hermaphrodite. Like most Hellenistic works of art, this piece expresses great emotion and determination. Clearly there is emotion in the faces of both people, especially the struggle and look of frustation in the face of Satyr. In addition, what can also be noted is that neither of the bodies are perfect beautiful bodies which were considered ideal by Greek standards. This is one way in which Hellenistic art differed from classical art. Instead in striving to achieve the perfection of the body, Hellenistic art was mainly the portrayal of bodies as they were, and sometimes the bodies were grotesque. The hermaphrodite is grotesque and in no way considered the ideal body to have, and the Satyr's body is not perfect as well. Hellenistic art takes a natural, rational, and humanistic approach to life. The Satyr's body is not a large, powerful muscle-bound body. Rather, it is a normal body for a middle-aged man. The focus of this piece is a fight between two people, which is common for a Hellenistic piece.
Bibliography: Stewart, Andrew. Greek Sculpture: An exploration. New Haven: Yale University Press, copyright 1990.
APA Reference Staff, H.
(2007, August 9). Hermaphrodite Porn is Faked, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2022, August 15 from https://www.healthyplace.com/gender/inside-intersexuality/hermaphrodite-porn-is-faked

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD
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Site last updated August 15, 2022

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Hi. Intersex person here. 'Hermaphrodite' is no longer a proper descriptive term for us, as a community we challenged the medical community to discontinue diagnosing us with that term, we're now called intersex. We kindly request that you no longer refer to us as hermaphrodites as it's an incredibly derogatory term used to objectify us and discriminate against us. Not to mention, it's a misnomer as it conveys a person having two fully functional sets of opposite sex reproductive systems, which is genetically impossible in the human species as it's all made from the same base biological material (ie the testes and ovaries are both gametes, generally turning into one or the other depending on chromosomes. The same goes for a penis, it's essentially an overgrown clitoris)
Yep. Some peeps have XY chromosomes but their sex-determining-region on the Y can be screwed up and so they develop as biologically female. Additionally, there’s middle spectrum too where it’s only somewhat non-functional and they can develop a penis and a uterus or a vagina and no uterus or any mixture of some parts or even different underdeveloped and non functioning physical genitals.
But yeah hermaphroditism is a scientific term, but it’s also kind of an asshole thing to call someone. From what I know, there are no “true” hermaphrodites in humans. The definition is having both full, functioning male and female reproductive organs.
The correct term for humans is Intersex. Flowers, some insects, and some fish are truly hermaphroditic.
I'm going to go against the grain and say: No. Or rather, not for humans.
See, all these answers I keep reading say "yes, but they're not actually hermaphrodites, they're called intersex, as hermaphrodites aren't a genetic possibility in humans." Well, in that case, the answer isn't really yes, is it? It's like if someone asked "Does Ford make a car called the Challenger" and you answered "Yes, but it's actually Dodge that makes it."
Yes, but you shouldn't call them hermaphrodites. They are called intersex people and, like many things, it is a spectrum. I'm not sure that there are many people who are born with both a fully formed penis and vagina, but there are people whose genitals and chromosomes don't line up with our definition of male and female.

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