Here's How Students Can Benefit from a Plagiarism Checker

Here's How Students Can Benefit from a Plagiarism Checker

Aziz Q Shaikh

Given the explosion of online content, the odds of plagiarism are relatively high in 2020. With rising internet penetration and the growing popularity of surfing the net on smartphones, students can easily do extensive research online for their assignments, projects, thesis, etc. The idea is to collate information from various sources and then explain the topic in your own words. You would want your professors / evaluators to recognize your content as original and give due credit. They are smart enough to check for duplicate content, which could result in low grades or you being asked to redo the whole thing.

So, before making your final submission for any project, assignment, thesis, research paper, or dissertation, it makes sense to conduct a thorough plagiarism check on your content. As a student, a plagiarism checker is a critical tool online to prevent content duplication scenarios and their consequences post submission. Have a look at how to use plagiarism software to your advantage.

New Learning Experience

One of the common ways students avoid plagiarism is by scanning the work through a content duplication checker. Choose one that is powered with multi-layered search mechanisms. Such a tool can detect identical and similar text from millions of sources online. Statistics and special characters are also detected in no time.

If the plagiarism has been committed unintentionally, students would like to rectify their mistakes. It is an opportunity to learn how to paraphrase, add quotations, and include citations. The process of editing your content on the basis of the results generated by the tool provides a unique learning experience.

Safeguards Your Career

Student plagiarism checkers are designed to save you from penalties like bad grades, suspensions, or rustications. Even if it is unintentional, all kinds of plagiarists usually have the same fate. You are expected to know the basic rule of producing any content – it has to be original. And if you are found to submit someone else’s content claiming it as your own, it is considered equivalent to cheating or lying. Once you are caught in this cycle of producing copied content, it is very difficult to win back the trust of your professors or seniors. This could limit the opportunities you might otherwise get from them to excel in your studies, follow your dream career, and so on.

Encourages Active Research

Regardless of the subject of study, sound research skills are crucial for every student. Plagiarism checkers for students online can identify the areas which have been simply copied. Word count and plagiarism percentage are included in the report to make the task easier. This further pushes you to perform more refined research. It gives you another chance to collect information, gather evidence, and come up with practical conclusions. Sloppy research is no more an option since there are high chances of duplicate content detection.

Prevents Plagiarism Altogether

If students are aware that their papers are scanned through an AI-based plagiarism tool, unethical incidents can be minimized. This is because the best tools will highlight the copied portions almost immediately, making it easy for instructors to notice the content. So, students are less likely to duplicate directly from the internet. This way, plagiarism can be avoided before it begins to creep into the educational system.

Additionally, having a plagiarism report attached to your content proves authenticity. This would also establish that you have no intentions of copyright violations at all.


Report Page