Here are 5 reasons why you have to go on Umrah with your family

Here are 5 reasons why you have to go on Umrah with your family


In addition go to hajj, almost all Muslims in the world want to be able to go for Umrah. Going to the holy land and then visiting the house of Allah is something extraordinary. A very valuable experience that cannot be expressed in words. Moreover, you can do Umrah in any month.

But even going for Umrah alone, it feels like something is missing. How about you go on umrah with your family. You can choose the time when the school holidays arrive or Umrah in December, right at the moment of the turn of the year. Wow, that must be fun, huh?

If you don't believe it, here are at least 5 reasons why you should go on Umrah with your family!

1. Increase Religious Knowledge

The first benefit that you and your family can feel during Umrah is increasing religious insight. This knowledge is no longer mere theory, but you and your family practice it directly. And of course, knowledge that is put into practice, God willing, penetrates deeper into the heart than theory alone.

You and your family are slowly starting to understand the rituals of Umrah. Starting from wearing ihram cloth since the miqat, Tawaf around the Kaaba, Sai from Safa to Marwah back and forth seven times, and Tahallul (shaving hair). Including the prohibitions during berihram and the wisdom behind the umrah procession.

2. Understand Islamic History

Not only performing Umrah, other knowledge that you and your family can get is about the history of Islam. Especially those related to Umrah itself and important events in various episodes of the Prophet's da'wah.

For example, regarding the history of the stipulation of Sai which is closely related to the story of Hajar's mother and the Prophet Ismail. Not to mention about the construction of the Kaaba, the emergence of Zamzam water, and the story of the Prophet's baby being carried around the Ka'bah by his grandfather.

There are many more stories that you and your family can get. By deepening these histories, of course we hope that our faith and piety will also increase.

Masjid Nabawi

3. Momentum to Educate Children

You can also use the knowledge learned during Umrah to educate your children. Teach them about the meaning of sacrifice in worshiping Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. That's how the Messenger of Allah and his companions fought to defend his religion.

Just like you, children can also gain knowledge by visiting the center directly. Introduce them to Black Stone, Hijir Ismail, Zamzam well, and other interesting objects. Make them chuckle in awe and want to linger in the Grand Mosque.

That's when you can instill Islamic values ​​in your children. In order to strengthen faith and increase worship to Allah wherever you are. Not only when in the Grand Mosque.

4. Educational Tour

A number of Umrah travels in Jakarta, travel umrah in Depok, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, Banten, Sukabumi, as well as Umrah travel in other cities often include cityt ours programs in their Umrah packages. With this program by,  you and your family will not only go on umrah, but also explore the beautiful cities of Makkah and Madinah.

Make this a family tourism momentum that is full of educational values. Have fun, but still contain. While in Makkah, you can visit the beautiful Padang Arafah, Muzdalifah, Mina, and Hira Caves which are at the top of Jabal Nur.

While in Medina, you and your family will certainly stop by the Prophet's Mosque. Please multiply worship, remembrance, and prayer there. Along with that, you have the opportunity to visit the tomb of the Prophet, Abu Bakr, and the tomb of Umar bin Khattab. Not far from the Prophet's Mosque, also make a pilgrimage to the graves of a number of friends at the Baqi cemetery.

Not to forget, you and your family can visit other special locations. Call it the Quba Mosque, Qiblatain Mosque, Sab'ah Mosque complex, and Jabal Uhud. Guaranteed this umrah package will provide a memorable Umrah. You can choose various paket umroh in our page , get the best price and discount from our marketing agent.

5. Strengthen Faith, Strengthen Family Relationships

Of all that, the most important thing is that you and your family's faith is getting stronger. Because with Umrah, we are forced to let go of pride. Just put on a piece of cloth facing Him, then realize that in fact we are nothing when compared to Him.

Strong faith, God willing, will give birth to strong righteous deeds too. So we hope that this piety will spread to all family members. Through this piety, harmonious family relationships are created. Because each family member understands their rights and obligations well, in order to fulfill their obligations to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

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