Here Is A List Of Amla Benefits With Instances About How It Boosts Your Immunity

Here Is A List Of Amla Benefits With Instances About How It Boosts Your Immunity

Sushant Dibakar

Amla- also known as the Indian gooseberry, is a small sour fruit that is greenish-yellow in colour and grows on flowering trees. It is widely known in India and is believed to have been used in Ayurveda for about 1000 years. It is a good source of Vitamin C and is believed to pack as much vitamin c as 15-20 oranges. It is a known superfruit, and its consumption is known to be a healthy source of antioxidants and nutrients. 

These are the benefits of Amla that just show  

  1. It helps indigestion. Amla is rich in fibre which helps in regulating bowel movements. In India, it is common to consume dried and candied amla berries after meal to help with digestion. Along with that, it also helps in relieving nausea. The soluble fibre in amla dissolves quickly, and this helps to slow down the rate at which the body absorbs sugar. This helps in regulating blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Amla helps in boosting the body's metabolism, and since it has very low fat and carbohydrate content, it is safe for almost all to eat.
  2. Amla is also a very good source of Vitamin A, which helps in improving vision. It also helps lower the risk of macular degeneration in ageing groups. Vitamin C in amla also helps fight bacteria, thereby protecting our eyes from conjunctivitis and other infections.
  3. Amla is known to boost our immunity because it is packed with nutrients like Vitamin C, vitamin A, Alkaloids, polyphenols and flavonoids etc. about half a cup of amla can have about 300 gm of Vitamin C, which is also a key ingredient in helping the body absorb calcium.
  4. It helps in fighting against common cough and cold since our bodies easily absorb the vitamin C in amla. About two tablespoons of amla powder, if consumed daily, can greatly reduce the chances of getting a cold and cough. It is a great immunity booster against common flu.
  5. One of the most interesting Amla benefits is how it is a great remedy for hair issues like dandruff and dull hair. Amla has some essential fatty acids that can penetrate the hair follicles and condition them, thereby preventing premature greying, dandruff and making your hair stronger and healthier. Another important benefit of Amla is that its proven to improve skin and help in anti-ageing as well. Vitamin c and anti-oxidants help in reducing fine lines and wrinkles, thereby giving the skin a smooth and firm texture. Therefore, amla is also a great food to incorporate into your hair care as well as skincare regime.
  6. It is also believed to lessen pain in conditions like arthritis, mouth ulcers since it has anti-inflammatory properties. In age-old ayurvedic traditions, it is believed to have been sued as an analgesic to treat wounds and also to relieve neuropathic pain.

As you can see why amla is considered to be a superfruit. It is small, but I packs a punch! Along with foods like Apple Cider Vinegar plus, it is a great source of all the essential nutrients. It is a highly beneficial food that should be incorporated into your diet. 

Here are a few ways in which amla can be consumed- 

  • The small round berries are quite sour but leave a sweet aftertaste as a fruit.
  • Dried amla can be stored and eaten when the berries are no longer in season.
  • Dried and powdered – can be used with water to be consumed as a drink
  • In other food items – amla is an ingredient for many things like digestive pills, immunity booster drinks, vitamin tablets etc.
  • Amla pickles- a common sight in Indian households – can be consumed by themselves or with meals.

Amla is versatile, and they are easily available in the Indian Sub-continent. They have been proven to have many health benefits and form an important part of ayurvedic healing practices. Research shows that it is power-packed with vital nutrients, good fibre. However, like everything else, it should be consumed in moderation, and it should not be considered as a food on its own. One should consult a doctor if he has pre-existing medical concerns as well. This ancient superfruit could certainly help you maintain a healthy body if consumed appropriately.

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