Here Are Six Reasons Mental Health Is Important

Here Are Six Reasons Mental Health Is Important

mental health

Mental health is a must for leading a happy life. Mental health impacts our mood, thoughts, and even our lives. It covers our sociological, psychological and emotional wellbeing. Prioritizing mental health is, obviously, crucial.

The University of Oxford estimates that 792,000,000 people suffered from mental disorders in the year 2017. This is slightly more than one in ten of the population worldwide (10.7 %)". A study done by the National Alliance for Mental Health found similar results.

Let's take a look at the reasons why mental health is so vital and what we can do to ensure it.

Relations are based on mental health.

The link between relationships and mental health is one of the main reasons for its importance. The impact of mental illnesses on our relationships with our family and friends can be profound. Mental illnesses frequently result in passive-aggressiveness, hostility, and the incapacity to participate in social activities. Conflicts with friends and family can be the result. In no way mental illness may lead us to become the primary caregiver for the lives of our loved ones. Self-care for mental health and, if necessary medication, can allow us to live a mentally stable existence and maintain our relationships.

Physical Health and Mental Health are affected by mental health:

Physical and mental health are interrelated. Mental illness can induce stress and affect our immune systems. This means that our bodies ability to cope with illness could be compromised. A weakened mind can cause anxiety and sadness and can cause a problem to move about and stay active. The importance of awareness about mental health is because of the well-established mind-body connection.

Mental Health is related to emotional well-being

Everyday, how you feel on the inside is equally vital as how physically fit you are. The mental health advice you receive shows how a negative mind can make you feel down, irritated, or disturbed. Being mindful of our emotional wellbeing can help us become more effective at work and in daily life. We can seek atlanta mental health treatment assistance from family members, friends or a psychologist to keep track of our emotional well-being.

Mental Health Awareness can decrease the rate of suicide.

According to a study conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) the NAMI study found that 46 percent of people who commit suicide have an established mental health issue. A different study by the United States Department of Health and Human Services found that 60 percent of suicide victims had a mental health condition that included major depression, bipolar disorder or dysthymia. This highlights the link between suicide and mental health. It also shows how self-care and prompt medical intervention can help reduce suicide deaths. It is essential to follow suggestions to maintain our mental health , and to be aware of the mental health status of others around us at all times.

Mental Health is closely linked to Crime and Victimization

According to certain studies the mental health of a person could increase the probability of someone being a violent criminal. Also, it can result in self-victimization and abuse. If the individual is dependent on alcohol or drugs, and is not willing to stop taking medication, this increases the likelihood of self-harm. The majority of crimes committed by mentally unfit individuals are committed against family members and close friends. To avoid such situations, it can be made easier by consulting medical professionals and understanding the reasons for mental health.

Mental Health is linked to financial stability and productivity

One of the reasons you should ensure your mental well-being is that it increases your productivity overall and your financial security. The research published in the American Journal of Psychiatry shows that those suffering from severe mental illnesses make 40% less than those who are healthy and well-being. The World Health Organization estimates that depression alone causes nearly 200 million lost workdays each year. It is generally acknowledged that poor mental health can cause a drop in productivity, which can have an impact on the stability of your finances. It is critical that we take the necessary steps to improve our mental health to ensure a high level of work performance and financial security.

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