Her Victim, His Bully Ch. 01

Her Victim, His Bully Ch. 01

Ria's POV

I woke up from my best dream to date. It was seven and I had to go to school soon. Stupid Monday morning and stupid homework I haven't bothered doing. No- Just because I am a very sporty girl who is the best volleyball player and basketball player, and the captain in both teams, doesn't mean that I am a slut or that I don't have brains ; becoming so good at those two sports just meant I barely have enough time to study for boring subjects. James can do that for me, and he can teach me for my exams and do my homework. I smiled at the thought, getting out of bed to shower, discarding my clothes on the way. When in only me panties and bra, I stopped by the sink and grabbed my toothbrush, taking care of my pearl white teeth before stepping into the huge shower stall I have.

Just the thought of James brought a smile to my face. Liking the geek might surprise you with the knowledge of my status as the most popular girl in school, but James isn't a geek. He is a very adorable geek, exponentially more so than any other male students at school are. There. I just used a five syllable word. I'm not dumb. I'm just not as smart as my James is. Yes, I do consider the boy to be mine. He is too good for anybody else, but me. Not even my friends, who are only a tiny bit less beautiful than me, deserve him. They do deserve some gratitude, however, from me, considering I really benefited from their help during the various times I decided to have my way with James. Just the thought of my cute little boy blushing and stuttering as my friends and I play with his hair and tease and make fun of him is more than enough to bring a smile to my face. I've been in love with him ever since I saw him saving a five year old kid from getting ran over by a car a couple of years ago. My cute boy ran into the street in front of a fast moving truck, grabbing the child who was too stunned to move out of the way, and quickly moved him to safety. He was so sweet when he checked if the kid was hurt in any way at all, even before making sure that he himself was alright.

You might be wondering why I take so much pleasure in torturing someone who I claim to be my beloved. Anne and Heather asked me the same question before, on countless occasions. My answer remains the same. He is so cute when he is afraid. All the sorts of things I did to make him blush. I once ordered Heather to grab on to his right arm while his left is held tightly by Anne before pulling James pants down to his ankles and grabbing his cock, pumping and stroking it against his will. "Please," James moaned. "Please I I can't control myself." Poor little thing "Please stop. Please. I'm about to cum." My little boy didn't want to cum in front of us, but it doesn't matter what he wants. I always get what I want. Within seconds his dick was shooting ropes of hot cum on to the floor as me and my friends cheered on as the little boy shed tears in front of us.

Just thinking about that makes me so wet. I'm rubbing my clit right now. You might be surprised that a hot babe like me, with my strawberry blond hair and big boobs, and my athletic thighs and bubble ass that is only achieved from all of my volleyball training, would be infatuated with a small, wimpy geek like James but I'm not. Because James is not just a geek ; he is a very pretty geek and also sweet and kind to younger kids. Just a few weeks ago I had some fun with him. The little sweetheart could do nothing as we stood around him and pushed and slapped him around, even splashing coffee all over his shirt. "Please let me go. I'm begging you." James whimpered softly. Of course, I didn't.

After immersing myself in these memories, I turned on the shower and cleansed my body, shampooing my hair and lathering myself with soap, filling the stall with the familiar strawberry scent that drives the boys at school wild. All the boys, that is, except for the only boy I love, James. Not that I can truly blame him. Heather, Anne and I were remarkably mean towards the young boy but that was only to gain his attention and doesn't excuse him from knowing that once a girl gives her heart to a boy, he's hers for eternity and beyond. He should just accept the fact that the prettiest, hottest girl around wants him, meaning that he belongs to her, to me!

I put on my fresh white shirt. On the dining table was a note from my mom. I read it :


Your father and I have to leave early this morning. Breakfast is in the fridge. Get to school on time.



PS. Don't be too hard on James today. Boys generally don't like girls who bully them.

I snickered. As if. Dad tells me all the time that mum bullied him, and that her excuse for doing so was that it was necessary as a means to gaining his attention. I got the dish out of my refrigerator. Some salads and a nice, toasted piece of whole wheat bread. Healthy and delicious. Within fifteen minutes I was done. Washing the plates in the sink, I quickly got into my car and drove to school. At the school gate, my two closest girlfriends greeted me. "Hi Heather," I said, before turning to say hello to Anne. They were both smiling mischievously at me.

"What's going on?" I asked them slowly. Several guys were eying my booty and wolf whistling but I don't believe that that's the issue at hand. After all, they stare at me and drool everyday, something I want James to do. Speak of the devil! The cute little boy was reading on a bench and he looked up when I looked in his direction, and our eyes met. Anne snickered.

"Your lover boy is all alone over there. Why don't we go over to say good morning?" suggested my right hand woman, Heather.

"Good idea," was my reply when I smirked back at her, before turning serious. "Seriously, you know James' mine right?"

The girls laughed "Ria, we're practically your sisters!" Heather said. "Do you really think Anne and I will bang our future brother in law?" I smiled, relieved. We quickly made our way over to my future husband.

"Hello, James-darling? What are you doing today? Reading with your friends? Sorry, I forgot. You don't have any friends, because you're a loser! And losers don't have friends." My girlfriends and I were cackling now at the expression on James' face after he looked up to see me and hear what I had to say. You may criticise me for being so mean but his reaction is just precious. The way his bright eyes grow wide with innocence and tears threatened to fall from them is just sooo cute, rolling down his cheeks, before I said "But don't worry. You don't need friends darling, when you already have me!" I grabbed his head and shoved his face between my large breasts, a good part of both not really covered by my form fitting shirt, causing him to resist. "Let me go!" he wailed before I struck him on the cheek.

"How dare you not suck on my nipples?! Am I not good enough for you? I'll have you as my boyfriend one way or another," I said mock-sterningly, before leaving, as my friends were by my side, laughing uncontrollably.

"Wait till I tell everybody on the volleyball team what their captain did to her crush!" Anne chortled, contorted with laughter.

"No, not crush. Lover," I corrected her.

We all headed to our first class, thinking about all the nasty things I could do to James next.










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