Her Mom Puts Out

Her Mom Puts Out

He pressed his lips against Elsie's again. As their tongues met he let his hand slip off of her slightly pointy, still girlish breast and caress down her side and around back. He gently probed down the back of her slacks getting under her panties this time. His already hard dick throbbed with excitement when she didn't object. They'd be going together for a month now, since shortly after graduation. Making out with her was always hot. She loved when he fondled her tits. But she was shy below the waist. He kept trying every time they made out. Sometimes she'd let him feel in her pants a little as long as he didn't try to get in her panties. And she'd touch his hard cock, even put her hands in his pants so he could feel her better. And one time he even got her to jerk him off. 

Now he had his hand down her back and inside her panties. Maybe this is the day, he hoped. He took his hand out and gently rubbed her skin as he brought it around front. He took his tongue out of her mouth and licked across her cheek to her neck and kissed behind her ear as he slid his hand down her front and under her panties. The feel of her soft bush caused spasms in his aching cock. He pushed down more and felt the wetness as his fingers neared her opening. 

She reeled back from him a bit, pulled his hand out, and softly said, "No, not yet."

He whispered, "It feels sooo sexy, honey." He took her hand and slid it into his unfastened jeans against his bloated manhood. She started stroking it. "And I let you touch mine. Please, Elsie. You're old enough now. It'll feel really good, I promise. Please."

"It feels good when you rub it through my clothes. I don't want to get pregnant. And my mom will be home from the hair dresser soon." 

This isn't going to be the day. 

She withdrew her hand and they kissed and fondled for a few more minutes. As he pulled his pants up and she put her blouse back on there was a knock on the door. "Are you in there, Elsie?" her mom asked.

"Oh my God! My mom's home already," Elsie gasped. "I'll be out in a minute, Mom!" she answered. 

Her mom opened the door and stuck her head in. "Oh, I didn't know Peter was here. I just wanted to let you know I'm home. Bring your laundry basket down when you come so I can run the wash." 

Thinking quickly, Peter said nervously, "Elsie told me you were at the hair salon. Your hair looks nice Mrs. Mallory."

She smiled and said, "Why thank you, Peter. It's so nice of you to say. I'll bet my husband won't even notice it." She winked at him and left, closing the door behind her.

"See, that's why. She would have caught us," Elsie pointed out.

"But she didn't. OK, you were right I guess. I should probably get going. I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed her and started down the stairs. 

Her mom's voice called from behind him, "Peter, before you go could you do me a big favor?"

"Well, sure Mrs. Mallory. What is it?"

"I have something I need help with in here. I just need an extra hand for a minute if you could come in here please. It would help so much."

He turned around. "This way, in here, " she gestured. He followed her into the room and she closed the door behind him. Elsie's mom was still a very attractive woman. A little shorter than average, with a cute round face and bright hazel eyes. The extra weight she'd gained in middle age was distributed in all the right places and gave her breasts and hips a very shapely appeal. As he was about to ask what she needed she said, "I've been watching you and Stacie. I know what's going on."

Oh, crap, Peter thought. "What do you mean?" he tried to bluff her. 

"You've been making out with her. I know how you young men are. You've been feeling her up and kissing and cuddling and wagging your wiener at her haven't you?" 

Peter blushed. "Well, ah..."

While they talk she walks over to the bed and sits down. She lets hem line on her skirt come half way up the front of her thighs and her knees are wide apart. He can see up her skirt and just a bit of see through panties between her thighs. "Oh, relax Peter, I'm not going to scold you. I was a young girl once. I know how it is. You are both adults. As long as you respect her. You do, don't you?"

"Oh yes Mrs. Mallory, I do." 

"I know you do, hon. And please, call me Sylvia." She unfastens the top button on her blouse as she speaks. "I know how she teases you but won't let you touch her where you want to the most." 

"Y.. You do?" he says sheepishly. 

"Uh huh. Mom's know these things. I was like that to the boys once myself. Until my first time going all the way. Kids still stay it like that now don't they, "going all the way"? Then I found how amazing it is and what I was missing! You must have the worst case of blue balls right now. You were probably going home to take care of things yourself, weren't you?"

"Well, gee, kinda."

She lifts one knee up and rests her foot on the bed giving him a full up skirt view of her thighs and womanhood. He can't take his eyes off of her very sheer panties and her plush bush and fleshy pussy lips under them. He feels his cock getting hard again. She says, "I just hate to let a good hard on go to waste, don't you?" She giggles a little as she unbuttons her blouse more. "Elsie is just not that kind of girl. She doesn't put out for the boys yet. But I do put out. Especially for a handsome cutie like you."

His swollen cock is making a bulge in his pants. "You do? I mean..."

"Take your pants off and come here and I'll prove it."

He quickly drops his pants and takes off his shorts. His penis is standing straight up and she oogles it admiringly. She has her blouse off and is taking off her skirt as he pulls his tee shirt up over his head. She's laying on the bed in her bra and panties and she commands him, "Take my panties off me."

Elsie would barely let him see her panties and now her mom was asking him to take hers off of her! He'd never felt this kind of excitement before. His cock was tingling and bouncing. His hands were trembling with anticipation as he slowly pulled her panties down. His eyes drank in the glorious sight as her naked pussy was revealed. His balls twitched and his cock danced.

"You've got a nice one, honey," she cooed, "And you've made it so hard just for me! Now put your face between my legs and kiss my pussy."

"Mrs. Mallory! What?"

"Call me Sylvia. Don't be so straight up while we're naked together. Yes, kiss me there. You'll like it I promise." 

He got on the bed and put his face in her crotch and kissed it. The sweet mustiness overwhelmed him and the spasms in his balls sent fingers of pleasre through his whole body. "Oh, like that! That's good. Now lick it with your tongue all in there in the middle in my wetness. Ohh, yesss, Like that. Now up a little. OH GOD! Right there. Suck on it." 

Elsie was never this much fun! 

"Oh, baby. God you're good at this already. That fool daughter of mine doesn't know what she's missing! Come up here now and kiss me in the mouth."

He climbed on top of her. Her kiss was hot and exciting, without reservation or hesitancy. And so passionate. Like their mouths were on fire. Her perfume inflamed his desire even more. His dick, pressed against the warmth of her pussy lips and bush, felt hot. She whispered to him, "You are such a naughty boy. Your mouth tastes like pussy." She giggled again. He loved the sultry teasing. She starts turning to one side and says, "Now roll over on your back. It's my turn to go down on you." 

She took his cock in her hand and stroked it. Then she put her head down and licked from his balls up to the tip. Drops of pre-cum glistened on it. Her tongue teased the tip and then she slowly put her lips on it and took the head of it in her mouth. He gasped in delight. She stroked it with her hand. She felt his balls starting to quiver. She took it out of her mouth, and let go of it. 

"Oh my, you are so horny! But it's too soon for that. I'm not done with it yet." She kissed him on the mouth then straddled him, her wet vagina caressing his manhood. She inched herself up along it until her vagina nearly swallowed the head. Then she slid back down until he could feel her soft fur on his balls. His cock pulsed in delight. Twice more she teased the length of his shaft, up and down. Then just as she reached the top, she put her hand on him and guided it in. Deeper and deeper, all the way. 

"Ohhh," he moaned, "Sylvia! Hmmmmm."

She began gently rocking her pelvis as she said, "I knew you'd like it. So do I!" She began swaying up and down. He could feel his excitement rising and began thrusting his hips in rhythm with her. When his thrusts came harder and quicker she leaned down and licked behind his ear saying, "Now, my sweet baby. Let it happen honey. Let it all cum in me." 

"UHNNN! OH" Mmmm! Oh, oh, ohhhh," he moans as his whole body pulses and shivers with pleasure as he pumps his load deep into her eager cunt. 

She stayed laying on him for a few minutes even after his excitement had gone and he had slipped out of her. Then she kissed him and gently rolled over and cuddled next to him. "Aren't you glad we didn't let that hard on go to waste?" she asked playfully. 

"Oh, yeah, wasting things is bad." he agreed. "Mrs... I mean, Sylvia, I think I love you."

"Oh, no you don't. You are just in love with my pussy right now. And that's OK. I love with your cock, too! I don't know if any girl ever told you this before but it's a nice one. Really nice. I wish my husband's was that nice."


"Oh, don't get the wrong idea. His is OK and good enough. I thought it must be the best one in the world for the longest time. You see, I was like Elsie, always teasing the boys but never giving them my pussy. I gave so many of them such bad cases of blue balls. It was kind of mean, well maybe not mean but selfish of me, looking back on it. Someday Elsie will regret it. I know I did when I realized what I'd missed. Oh, the hard cocks I cold have had. Then one day, with Ralph, Elsie's dad, I just let myself go wild. I don't know why. I had just turned 21. It must just have been time for me. A few months after that we got married."

"So he was the only guy you had done it with?"

"That was the first time for both of us. I didn't even see another man's penis until many years later when I found out he'd been cheating on me almost from the start. On our honeymoon! So I got a boyfriend. And his dick was even nicer than yours. He doesn't know, by the way. Ralph, that is, doesn't know I have boyfriends. I guess as long as the young things he chases give him what he wants he doesn't really think much about what I'm doing."

"Gee, Sylvia, I, ah..."

"You don't have to say anything. It's OK. I was angry at him at first but that first boyfriend cured me of that. If he hadn't cheated I never would have found out that he doesn't have the best cock in the world after all. And now I try out different ones the way I should have when I was younger. We should get dressed now." 

"Does Elsie know about your boyfriends?"

"Oh heavens no. We have to keep this a secret. In fact we'll have to sneak you down the back stairway so she doesn't see you leaving." 

"Thank you Sylvia. I really liked it. You are very pretty and very sexy. I really like your pussy. It's the nicest one I ever touched." 

"Oh, thank you, Peter. That's so sweet. I'm glad you like it. I don't know when Elsie is going to be ready, hon. But until she is you don't have to worry about getting blue balls ever again. I'll be happy to finish what she starts anytime she doesn't. "

"But what if you get pregnant?" he asks worriedly. 

"You really need to ask that question before you fuck a girl, hon. But don't worry. I'm way past having any more babies. I won't get pregnant. OK. Now, let's get you out of here before anyone finds out what we've been up to." She led him down the back stairs and gave him a long sexy kiss before sending him out the back door. 

He noticed how much brighter the sun looked and how much warmer it felt this afternoon as he walked the three blocks to his home.











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